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荒れてる 渦巻く雲

2021-02-16 19:39:00 | 今日の単語

the optics

引用 日常生活で耳にする場合の多くは、「見た目」とか「世論」と言った意味で使われています。特に、アメリカのトランプ大統領やその側近に関する記事ではよく目にします。また、トランプ政権の役人もインタビューなどでよく口にしています。
 例えば、何か疑惑の出ている政府高官が I recognize the optics of this are not good. I accept the responsibility for that.と口にしたとします。訳せば、「見た目が悪いのはわかっています。それについては謝罪します」といったふうです。
 このようにOpticsという単語を使うのは1970年代のカーター大統領に対しても、また2010年代になってオバマ大統領に対してもあったようですが、ここ数年はテレビや新聞などで本当によく耳にします。Optics matter more than substance in deciding public opinion.「世論は中身より見た目に左右される」という発言もアメリカではあった通りです。
 また、The problems he is facing are not just optics.と言えば、「彼の抱えている問題は見た目だけではない」=「重要な問題がある」の意味になります。



この13のセキュリティの質問に いつ答えますか?

デイビス、ジョーダン、コマー、ヌネスは、元キャピトル警察署長の スティーブ・サンドの主張を指摘しました 彼は、1月4日に国家警備隊の援助を要求するために 武器を持っている軍曹に接触しました スンドは先月ペロシに宛てた手紙の中で、ポール・アービング元軍曹は、彼が "光学的 "に 見た目の悪さを"the optics" 懸念していたと述べ、"情報がそれを支持しているとは感じなかった "と述べています。

"ご存知のように、下院議長は多数党のリーダーであるだけでなく、莫大な制度的責任を負っている "と書いています。"議長は下院内で行われた全ての運営上の決定に責任がある"

ペロシの事務所は、月曜日に共和党に反撃し、議会と民主主義のセキュリティを主張して、"これらのランキングメンバーの優先事項ではない "と言いながら、"管轄の委員会は、セキュリティの準備について1月6日の前にブリーフィングされた "と述べた。




"ポール・アービング下院軍曹は、1月6日以前に州兵の要請を下院指導部に提示しなかったと報告されている "とペロシの副参謀長ドリュー・ハミル氏は述べている。


デイビス、ジョーダン、コーマーとヌネスは、 "一方的に "アービングを解雇し、スンドの辞任を要求するために彼女の動きのためにペロシを非難するために行った。

"これらの決定は、党派的な方法で行われた家の共和党員の任意の協議なしで、したがって、あなたの決定の政治的動機についての質問を提起する "彼らは書いた。


共和党員はその主張が "反論された "と言いました "彼があなたにキャピタルキャンパスの状況を説明した2つの機会を詳述しています-最初は午後5時36分に発生し、2番目は午後6時25分に発生し、両方とも1月6日に"

元キャピトル警察署長はペローシへの手紙で 保険事故について「記録を明確に」しようとしています

スンドは今月初めにペロシに宛てた手紙の中で、これらの電話の詳細を述べ、最初の電話の午後5時36分に、彼は安全対策についてペンス前副大統領に説明し、その後、ペロシが電話に参加したと主張し、その中で彼は "午後7時30分までに会議室を安全に再占拠することができることをお二人にアドバイスした"



"キャンパスの独立した安全保障の見直しを行うことは広く支持されているが、ラッセル・オノレ将軍は少数派の協議なしに、あなたによってのみ任命された "と共和党は書いている。"「将軍の信用のために、彼は何人かの共和党員に連絡を取り、今日までの仕事について説明してくれました。私たちは、彼のレビューが政治的動機に影響されない有益な勧告になることを期待しています。"

しかし、"我々と上院議員は、彼の最終的な勧告が独立したものであり、あなた方の影響を受けないものであることに懐疑的であることは容易に理解できる "と付け加えています。"


"USCPはまた、内部セキュリティの見直しを行っています "とHammill氏は述べた。


"そのような情報は、1月6日の出来事について適切に監視を行うために必要である "と彼らは書いた。"「保存と制作の要求は、他の立法機関の中でも特にSAAと下院最高行政責任者に送られ、通信、ビデオ映像、録音、その他の記録を含む、議事堂への攻撃に関するそのような関連情報を保存し、関連する委員会に制作することを要求した。」

"複数のケースで、あなたの代理であるあなたの任命者たちは、この情報を提供するための要求を拒否しました。"我々が受け取った回答は" "要求された情報の範囲と要求の性質上の懸念を考慮すると..." "現時点では要求に応じることができないことをお伝えします"

共和党は、役員の "要求に応じることを拒否した "にもかかわらず、"我々が要求したのと同じ資料の一部が党派的に下院司法委員会に提供されたことを知った "と付け加えた。

"これは受け入れられない "下院議長 あなたからの指示です "と書いてある

"最後に、捏造された内部のセキュリティ上の懸念にあなたの大げさな焦点は、米国議会議事堂の外からである本当の脅威から離れて重要なリソースを取っている "と彼らは書いています。"下院会議場に磁力計を設置したことは、議員や職員、公式訪問者を本物の脅威から守るために、より良い手段を使うことができる、下院資源の誤用と不正流用のもう一つの例だ "と書いている。


"驚くべきことに 議長 あなたはこの要件を 遵守できませんでした"

"この政治的な見せかけを終わらせ、議事堂と毎日ここで働く人々を守るために私たちと協力してください "と彼らは書いています。

しかし、Hammillは、共和党員の手紙を呼び出して、反撃し、 "明らかに党派的な試みは、下院共和党員の嘘によって煽られた暴動の間に暗殺の対象であった議長に非難を置くために、ランキングメンバーは、元警察署長Sund、元軍曹Stengerと彼を任命したリーダー、ミッチ-マコーネル、任意の責任を免除しようとしています。"

"我々は、これらのランキングメンバーがミッチ・マコネル元上院院内総務に同じ質問をするのを楽しみにしている "とハミルは述べた。"暗殺未遂のターゲットとして、議長はキャピタルでのセキュリティの重要性を十分に知っており、キャピタルコンプレックスと暴動につながったイベントに直面しているすべての問題の真相を突き止めることに焦点を当てています"

ハミルは付け加えました: "明らかに、これらの共和党のランキングメンバーは、この優先順位を共有していません。"





"その日の議事堂警察の奉仕は我々の民主主義に名誉をもたらします。彼らがこの報酬を受け入れたことは このメダルに光沢をもたらした」と カリフォルニアの民主党は言った。"我々は常に彼らの犠牲を覚えていなければならないし、私が前に言ったことに対して自警団を言わなければならない、エイブラハム・リンカーンが言ったことについて:時間のサイレント砲兵。我々は決して忘れないだろう」と述べた。


ペロシは、国会議事堂への攻撃は、役員ハワードLeibengood、ジェフリースミスとユージーングッドマンを含む "彼らの命を危険にさらした "国会議事堂警察の "並外れた勇気 "を強調したと述べた。



EXCLUSIVE: Top Republicans on several committees are demanding answers from Speaker Nancy Pelosi regarding security decisions made leading up to and on the day of the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.

House Administration Committee Ranking Member Rodney Davis, House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan, House Oversight Committee Ranking Member James Comer and House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes sent a letter to Pelosi, D-Calif., on Monday, saying that "many important questions" about her "responsibility for the security" of the Capitol on Jan. 6 "remain unanswered."


Davis, Jordan, Comer and Nunes pointed to claims made by former Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund, that he, on Jan. 4, approached the sergeants at arms to request the assistance of the National Guard. Sund, in a letter to Pelosi last month, said the former Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving said he was concerned about "the optics" and didn’t feel the "intelligence supported it."

"As you are aware, the Speaker of the House is not only the leader of the majority party, but also has enormous institutional responsibilities," they wrote. "The Speaker is responsible for all operational decisions made within the House."

Pelosi’s office fired back at the Republicans on Monday, claiming the security of the Capitol and democracy are "not the priorities of these ranking members," while saying "the Committees of Jurisdiction were briefed in advance of January 6 about security preparedness."

The Republicans added that for the past two years, they have observed a "very heavy-handed and tightly controlled approach to House operations that has been exerted by yourself, your staff, and an army of appointed House officials."

"When then-Chief Sund made a request for national guard support on January 4th, why was that request denied?" the Republicans wrote. "Did Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving get permission or instruction from your staff on January 4th prior to denying Chief Sund’s request for the national guard?"

Pelosi's office responded: "It is the job of the Capitol Police Board, on which these three individuals sat, to properly plan and prepare for security threats facing the U.S. Capitol."

"It has been reported that the House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving has said that he did not present to House leadership any request for the National Guard before Jan. 6," Pelosi's deputy chief of staff Drew Hammill said.

In their letter, the Republicans also pointed to Sund’s Jan. 6 move to notify the Sergeant at Arms of his request for national guard support and said it "took over an hour for his request to be approved because the SAA had to run the request up the chain of command," saying that chain "undoubtedly included" Pelosi and her "designees."

Davis, Jordan, Comer and Nunes went on to slam Pelosi for her move to "unilaterally" fire Irving and demand the resignation of Sund.

"These decisions were made in a partisan manner without any consultation of House Republicans and therefore raise questions about the political motivations of your decisions," they wrote.

Meanwhile, the Republicans pointed to Pelosi’s comments made on Jan. 7 during a press conference, in which she explained her reasoning for demanding Sund’s resignation, saying that he "hasn’t called us since this happened."

Republicans said that claim was "refuted" by Sund, who "detailed two occasions that he briefed you on the situation on the Capitol campus—the first occurring at 5:36 p.m. and the second at 6:25 p.m., both on January 6th."


Sund, in a letter to Pelosi earlier this month, detailed these calls, saying that during the first call at 5:36 p.m., he briefed former Vice President Pence on the security posture and then claimed Pelosi joined the call, in which he "advised you both that the Chambers could be safely re-occupied by 7:30 p.m."

Sund also detailed the call at "approximately 6:25 p.m.," which he said was a conference call with congressional leadership that included Pelosi, now-Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, now-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Rep. James Clyburn.

Following the firings of Irving and Sund, Pelosi, last month appointed retired Gen. Russel Honoré to lead a security review of the events at the Capitol amid calls from members on both sides of the aisle, in both chambers of Congress, to conduct a review.

"While there is wide-spread support to conduct an independent security review of the campus, General Russel Honoré was appointed solely by you, without consultation of the minority," the Republicans wrote. "To the General’s credit he has reached out to several Republicans to brief on his work to date. We are hopeful his review will result in beneficial recommendations that are not influenced by political motivations."

They added, however, that "it is easy to understand why we and our Senate counterparts remain skeptical that any of his final recommendations will be independent and without influence from you."

Pelosi deputy chief of staff Drew Hammill told Fox News that "following the insurrection, the Speaker immediately tasked General Honore with leading an immediate security review of the U.S. Capitol Complex and has called for a 9/11-style Commission to investigate, with legislation creating such a panel to be introduced in the coming days."

"The USCP is also conducting an internal security review," Hammill said.

Davis, Jordan, Comer and Nunes also raised concerns about "obstruction and inability to procure and preserve information" from House officers when they have requested it.

"Such information is necessary to properly conduct oversight on the January 6th events," they wrote. "Preservation and production requests were sent to the SAA and the House Chief Administrative Officer, among other legislative agencies, requesting that such relevant information concerning the attack on the Capitol, including correspondence, video footage, audio recordings, and other records, be preserved and produced to the relevant committees."

"In multiple cases, your appointees, acting on your behalf, have denied requests to produce this information," they continued. "The response we received was: ‘We regret to inform you that given the scope of the information requested and the concerns implicated by the nature of the request... we are unable to comply with the request at this time.’"

The Republicans added that despite the officers’ "refusal to comply with the request," they learned that "some of the same material we requested was provided to the House Judiciary Committee on a partisan basis."

"This is unacceptable. Madam Speaker, that direction could only have come from you," they wrote.

"Lastly, your hyperbolic focus on fabricated internal security concerns has taken critical resources away from the real threat, which is from outside the U.S. Capitol," they wrote. "Your decision to install magnetometers around the House Chamber is yet another example of this misdirection and misappropriation of House resources, which could be better used to protect members, staff, and official visitors from real, confirmed threats."


They added: "Tellingly, Madam Speaker, you have failed to comply with this requirement yourself."

"End this political charade, and work with us to protect the Capitol and those who work here every day," they wrote.

But Hammill fired back, calling the Republicans' letter a "transparently partisan attempt to lay blame on the Speaker, who was a target of assassination during the insurrection fueled by the lies of House Republicans, the Ranking Members are trying to absolve former Police Chief Sund, former Sergeant at Arms Stenger and the leader who appointed him, Mitch McConnell, of any responsibility."

"We look forward to these Ranking Members asking these same questions of former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell," Hammill said. "As the target of an assassination attempt, the Speaker knows all too well the importance of security at the Capitol and is focused on getting to the bottom of all issues facing the Capitol Complex and the events that led up to the insurrection."

Hammill added: "Clearly, these Republican Ranking Members do not share this priority."

The request from Republicans comes as Capitol Police have been under heightened scrutiny amid the siege of the Capitol on Jan. 6 during a joint session of Congress to certify the Electoral College results in favor of President Joe Biden.

But Pelosi last week said she would introduce a resolution to give the Congressional Gold Medal — the highest honor Congress can bestow — to the U.S. Capitol Police officers and other law enforcement personnel who protected the Capitol during the riot.

"They are martyrs for our democracy, those who lost their lives," Pelosi said during her weekly press conference.

Five people died when a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, including U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, 42. Two other officers died by suicide in the week after the siege.

"The service of the Capitol Police force that day brings honor to our democracy. Their accepting this reward brings luster to this medal," the California Democrat said. "We must always remember their sacrifice and say vigilante against what I said before, about what Abraham Lincoln said: the silent artillery of time. We will never forget."


Pelosi said the attack on the Capitol highlighted the "extraordinary valor" of Capitol Police who "risked their lives," including Officers Howard Leibengood, Jeffrey Smith and Eugene Goodman.

"We want to honor them in the best way we possibly can," Pelosi said. "We will continue to do so beyond a medal, but in our hearts."

Brooke Singman is a Politics Reporter for Fox News. Follow her on Twitter at @BrookeSingman.

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