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2022-12-07 07:48:00 | 偏向マスメディア


US Secretly Modified Rocket Launchers For Ukraine To Hinder Strikes On Russia

Tyler Durden's Photo
WEDNESDAY, DEC 07, 2022 - 07:35 AM

Thus far, the US has delivered a total of 20 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) to Ukraine over the past months, based on what has been publicly disclosed. A total of 38 units have so far been authorized as part of Congressional-approved arms packages.

At the start of this week The Wall Street Journal has revealed a bombshell regarding the 20 which have already been delivered, reporting based on anonymous US officials that the HIMARS systems were secretly modified by US technicians to prevent ranges that would put Russian territory within striking distance




Tyler Durdenの写真
by タイラー・ダーデン
水曜日、12月7、2022 - 07:35 AM



US Secretly Modified Rocket Launchers For Ukraine To Hinder Strikes On Russia

Tyler Durden's Photo
WEDNESDAY, DEC 07, 2022 - 07:35 AM
Thus far, the US has delivered a total of 20 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) to Ukraine over the past months, based on what has been publicly disclosed. A total of 38 units have so far been authorized as part of Congressional-approved arms packages.

At the start of this week The Wall Street Journal has revealed a bombshell regarding the 20 which have already been delivered, reporting based on anonymous US officials that the HIMARS systems were secretly modified by US technicians to prevent ranges that would put Russian territory within striking distance.



ホワイトハウスは長い間、米国議会のタカ派やもちろんゼレンスキー政権から、現在ウクライナのエネルギーインフラに打撃を与えている、大幅に強化されたロシアの空爆から守るために、対空システムを含むより長距離のミサイルを譲渡するよう圧力を受けてきた。5月からバイデン大統領は、"ロシアに攻撃するロケットシステムをウクライナに送るつもりはない "と警告している。

米国が夏に中長距離システムを認可し始めたので、Defense Newsは7月に、"ウクライナのVolodymyr Zelenskyy大統領は、HIMARSを防衛目的にのみ使用し、ロシア領域への発射を避けると正式に約束した。" これは米国が紛争の激化を避けるためにシステムの提供に同意する前に行われたことである、と報じました。



The decision to modify the HIMARS was taken to "reduce the risk of wider war with Moscow," according to the US officials cited.

The White House has long been under pressure by US Congressional hawks, as well as of course the Zelensky government, to transfer longer range missiles, including anti-air systems, to defend against the greatly ramped up Russian airstrikes which are currently pummeling Ukraine's energy infrastructure. Starting in May, President Biden cautioned, "we’re not going to send to Ukraine rocket systems that strike into Russia."

As the US has began authorizing medium and longer range systems over the summer, Defense News reported in July that "Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy formally promised only to use HIMARS for defensive purposes and to avoid firing into Russian territory; this took place before the U.S. agreed to provide the systems in order to avoid escalating the conflict."

And yet, this week has witnessed at least three times Ukraine has struck airbases deep inside Russia, reportedly utilizing drone strikes. For this reason, some have questioned the timing of the WSJ disclosure of the modified HIMARS ranges. Is the story meant to run cover for the Ukrainian cross-border action?

At the very least, the "anonymous"-sourced WSJ report seems intent on distancing Washington from Ukrainian forces' fresh escalation.

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