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ロイド・オースティンからホワイト・ハットへ:降伏するか、さもなくば  米国虚構新聞

2022-12-07 03:30:59 | カウンター・グレートリセット

Lloyd Austin to White Hats: Surrender or Else

By Michael Baxter - 12月 6, 20221641020



「少なくとも65人の将校が反逆罪で告発され」 「自主的に指揮権を剥奪し然るべき機関に 引き渡せとの手紙を受け取りました」 その適切な権限とはロイド・オースティンのことです。



下級士官(主に准尉、中尉、大尉)には、軽率な行動と判断ミスが招いたものであるとして、正式な謝罪文を作成するよう命じた。バーガー将軍と彼の "評議会 "は、米国を不安定にするための彼の計画にあなた方の協力を誘い込んだかもしれないと理解しています。米国とジョセフ・R・バイデン大統領に対する彼の罪は許しがたいが、しかし、情状酌量の余地があるため、優秀な将校が彼に従ったことも理解している。米軍での継続勤務は保証できないし、不名誉除隊になる可能性が高いが、この公式文書の条件に同意すれば、軍法会議にかけられることはない」と、手紙には書かれていた。




"彼らはおそらく死んだ" と情報筋は言っています "彼らのロイド・オースティンへの謝罪は 何の変化もなく、手紙を書くキャンペーンを始めるように 彼を勇気づけたのでしょう"

"彼らが我々を迎えに来るなら、我々はもっと準備ができている "と彼は最後に言った。






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Lloyd Austin to White Hats: Surrender or Else
By Michael Baxter - December 6, 20221641020

Officers in the White Hat community have been receiving letters authored by the criminal regime’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, which hold an ominous ultimatum: relinquish command in exchange for possible amnesty, or prepare to face the music, according to documents reviewed by Real Raw News and sources familiar with the issue.

At least 65 officers across all branches of the armed forces have received letters accusing them of “treason,” and demanding they “voluntarily terminate command and surrender to proper authority.” The proper authority is Lloyd Austin.

A source in Gen. David H. Berger’s office said that Austin sent Gen. Berger a personalized note with instructions to publicly condemn President Donald J. Trump, to overtly recognize Joseph R. Biden as the lawfully elected president of the United States, to order his forces to at once “cease and desist all unconstitutional paramilitary action against elected and appointed officials,” and to surrender no later than December 22, 2022.

Members of General Berger’s council, including Major Gen. Richard E. Angle and Col. J.D. Keirsey, got similar correspondence, with a twist. The letters demanded they renounce Gen. Berger and hinted at possible exoneration if they stated in writing that Gen. Berger had coerced, wheedled, or tricked them into acting in contravention of the U.S. Constitution. The letters also required they write a statement of contrition, admitting that their “lawless and unconstitutional malfeasance” had grievously fractured the country and was inimical to the tenets of the Constitution.

Third tier officers—primarily warrant officers, lieutenants, and captains—were told to author a formal apology saying imprudent behavior and poor judgment had led them astray. “We understand General Berger and his ‘council’ may have inveigled your cooperation in his scheme to destabilize the United States. His transgressions against the United States and President Joseph R. Biden are unforgivable, however, we also understand extenuating circumstances may have caused unblemished officers to follow his lead…While we cannot guarantee your continued service in the United States military, and you will likely receive a dishonorable discharge, you will not face a court martial if you stipulate to the terms of this official document,” part of a letter read.

General Berger, our source said, was quick to quote Admiral Akbar: “It’s a trap!”

“Gen. Berger shredded his letter and encouraged his men to do likewise. He thinks it’s a snare. As far as he knows, everyone who got Austin’s letter tore it up. Their desperate to put us out of business, willing to do anything, and I’m surprised they haven’t threatened our families,” our source said.

As an aside, RRN on November 9 reported that three White Hat officers surrendered to the Deep State because they were disappointed with the midterm election results. Those officers, sources said, have literally vanished from the face of the planet.

“They’re probably dead,” our source said. “Their apologies to Lloyd Austin didn’t make a difference and emboldened him to start his letter writing campaign, I’d guess.”

“If they come for us, we’re more than ready,” he said in closing.


Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall of the United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps, too, received a threatening letter written by Austin. The letter ordered Adm. Crandall to immediately free GITMO detainees, cease all unlawful prosecutions, and turn himself in.

In response, Adm. Crandall wrote back, “I have a better idea. You turn yourself in, Lloyd. We have a seat reserved for you.”

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