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What do you think about the ItalyGate narrative?

2022-04-10 19:18:59 | カウンター・グレートリセット


Enter Venezuela… What about the illegally printed paper ballots?

Zack is the founder of Nations in Action. She delivered a big speech at the latest Let’s Go Brandon Rally. Her investigation revealed the role Italy played in the 2020 plot to steal the presidential election.

We give you “ItalyGate”!

Zack explained that US foreign service officers and Italian defense contractor Leonardo S-P-A worked on the plot in the Rome embassy. According to her, Barack Obama, the CIA, and former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi took part in the plot, too.

So, what are they up to?

These people wanted to hack US voting machines and send their data to Italy. The data would later be manipulated and fake results would be sent to the US through Italian military satellites. Rigged elections!

Zack sent her claims to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and even shared the evidence with General Flynn. They didn’t move a finger. Why did they do this? Let’s not forget that Pompeo plans to be Donald Trump’s running mate in 2024.








Ahead of the 2020 election, as tensions were rising and COVID-19 mandates were being instituted all over America, many citizens were overwhelmed by the constant government overreach and push to force an unknown drug on workers. At the same time, a group of men, calling themselves “Wolverine Watchmen,” supposedly concocted a plan to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer from her vacation home. Having spent the last few weeks on trial, in a stunning twist, two of the men were acquitted by the jury as FBI informants are being accused of formulating the plan themselves. 

Speaking on the new developments surrounding the case, as the jury is still debating the fate of two others, Julie Kelly, of American Greatness, told Steve Bannon, “For two of the men who were acquitted accused of conspiring not just to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, but to produce a weapon of mass destruction. Two men were fully acquitted. The other two [were] a hung jury, absolutely zero convictions, numerous charges related to this FBI concocted plot that as you say, was politically timed to coincide as millions of Americans were voting in the 2020 election produced all sorts of negative headlines for Donald Trump. Joe Biden gave all sorts of statements. Gretchen Whitmer gave a dramatic press briefing and then did all sorts of interviews for The Washington Post etc…”

陪審員が他の2人の運命についてまだ議論している中、この事件を取り巻く新しい展開について、American GreatnessのJulie KellyはSteve Bannonに、「Gretchen Whitmerを誘拐するだけでなく、大量破壊兵器を製造するために共謀したとして無罪となった男性2人について。2人は完全に無罪になった。他の2人は評決不一致で、有罪判決は全くありません。このFBIがでっち上げた陰謀に関連する多くの容疑は、あなたが言うように、何百万人ものアメリカ人が2020年の選挙で投票する時期と政治的に一致しており、ドナルド・トランプにとってあらゆる種類のネガティブな見出しを作り出しました。ジョー・バイデンは様々な声明を発表しました。グレッチェン・ウィットマーは劇的な記者会見を行い、その後ワシントン・ポストなどのあらゆるインタビューに応じた......"

Ahead of the 2020 election, as tensions were rising and COVID-19 mandates were being instituted all over America, many citizens were overwhelmed by the constant government overreach and push to force an unknown drug on workers. At the same time, a group of men, calling themselves “Wolverine Watchmen,” supposedly concocted a plan to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer from her vacation home. Having spent the last few weeks on trial, in a stunning twist, two of the men were acquitted by the jury as FBI informants are being accused of formulating the plan themselves. 
Speaking on the new developments surrounding the case, as the jury is still debating the fate of two others, Julie Kelly, of American Greatness, told Steve Bannon, “For two of the men who were acquitted accused of conspiring not just to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, but to produce a weapon of mass destruction. Two men were fully acquitted. The other two [were] a hung jury, absolutely zero convictions, numerous charges related to this FBI concocted plot that as you say, was politically timed to coincide as millions of Americans were voting in the 2020 election produced all sorts of negative headlines for Donald Trump. Joe Biden gave all sorts of statements. Gretchen Whitmer gave a dramatic press briefing and then did all sorts of interviews for The Washington Post etc…”
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00:03 / 01:00

MORE NEWS: Horrifying: The Shots May Be Altering Human DNA to Produce Spike Protein on a Long-Term Basis [VIDEO]
In the video above, Kelly added, “Well, luckily, these four defendants had excellent defense attorneys. They built a very compelling and obviously convincing case of FBI entrapment, which the judge allowed the jury to consider after closing arguments last Friday. Today, they came back and were deadlocked on the two men but acquitted the other two men on all charges, basically rendering the FBI today guilty of entrapment of at least two innocent Americans.”
Bannon also spoke with Darren Beattie, the editor of Revolver News, and he admitted in the video below, “It’s clearly a tremendous embarrassment. I would say even a humiliation for the Department of Justice, for the FBI, for the entire panoply of regime journalists who latched on to this case from the very beginning to generate the narrative of Trump supporting domestic extremist terrorists. These arrests originally occurred in October of 2020 and the narrative exploded. They’re trying to kidnap the governor. And one thing that a lot of people overlook is that it wasn’t just a so-called kidnapping plot. It was also a plot to storm the Michigan State Capitol. There are so many extremely suspicious parallels between this failed entrapment operation.”

陪審員が他の2人の運命についてまだ議論している中、この事件を取り巻く新しい展開について、American GreatnessのJulie KellyはSteve Bannonに、「Gretchen Whitmerを誘拐するだけでなく、大量破壊兵器を製造するために共謀したとして無罪となった男性2人について。2人は完全に無罪になった。他の2人は評決不一致で、有罪判決は全くありません。このFBIがでっち上げた陰謀に関連する多くの容疑は、あなたが言うように、何百万人ものアメリカ人が2020年の選挙で投票する時期と政治的に一致しており、ドナルド・トランプにとってあらゆる種類のネガティブな見出しを作り出しました。ジョー・バイデンは様々な声明を発表しました。グレッチェン・ウィットマーは劇的な記者会見を行い、その後ワシントン・ポストなどのインタビューを受けまくった..."


00:03 / 01:00

バノンは、Revolver Newsの編集者であるDarren Beattieとも話し、彼は以下のビデオで、「明らかにとてつもなく恥ずかしいことだ」と認めています。司法省、FBI、そしてトランプが国内の過激派テロリストを支援しているというシナリオを作るために、最初からこの事件に取り掛かった体制側ジャーナリスト全体にとって、屈辱とさえ言えるでしょう。これらの逮捕はもともと2020年10月に行われ、シナリオは爆発的に広がりました。彼らは知事を誘拐しようとしている。そして、多くの人が見落としているのが、いわゆる誘拐計画だけではなかったということです。ミシガン州議会議事堂を襲撃する計画でもあったのです。この失敗したおとり捜査の間には、極めて疑わしい類似点がたくさんあります。"

Also giving a warning, Beattie explained, “There’s one detail that I think really warrants emphasis all the time, and that is that the person who oversaw this failed entrapment operation. His name is Steven D’Antuonoo, he ran the FBI Detroit field office, and he was promoted to the DC field office to oversee the January 6 investigations. I think Steven D’Antuonoo has a lot to answer for. We should not forget his name, and he should be called to testify before Congress for all different types of tribunals. To answer for what the hell was he doing in Michigan, and why was he promoted to oversee the January 6 case. Americans need to know this name?”


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