公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2020-04-17 07:37:00 | カウンター・グレートリセット
President Trump: "Instead of a blanket shutdown, we will pursue a focus on sheltering the highest-risk individuals." He says governors will be allowed to tailor their reopening process to meet the circumstances of their states cbsnews.com/coronavirus

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the state's stay-at-home order will be extended until at least May 15 as he warned that any change in behavior could reignite the spread of coronavirus.
Crazy Nancy Pelosi deleted this from her Twitter account. She wanted everyone to pack into Chinatown long after I closed the BORDER TO CHINA. Based on her statement, she is responsible for many deaths. She’s an incompetent, third-rate politician!
Crazy “Nancy Pelosi, you are a weak person. You are a poor leader. You are the reason America hates career politicians, like yourself.” @seanhannity She is totally incompetent & controlled by the Radical Left, a weak and pathetic puppet. Come back to Washington and do your job!


新型コロナ再拡大に懸念 楽観ムード戒め―武漢封鎖解除









起訴状によると、グリフィンは、2020年4月から7月にかけて、メッセージングアプリケーションのKikとGoogle Hangoutsを利用して、未成年の娘の親と称する人々とコミュニケーションをとり、『女性は年齢に関係なく女性である』、『女性は男性に性的に従属し、劣等感を持つべきである』などの考えを伝えました」と、バーモント州の連邦検事局は声明で記しています。グリフィンはこれらのコミュニケーションプラットフォームで、娘を性的に従順にするためのトレーニングを許可するよう、親を説得しようとしました」と述べています。 2020年6月、グリフィンは9歳と13歳の娘を持つ母親に、母親の責任は上の娘が『適切に訓練されている』ことを確認することだと助言した」。

"グリフィンはその後、母親と9歳の娘がネバダ州からボストンのローガン空港に飛ぶための航空券代として、3000ドル以上を母親に振り込んだ。2020年7月にボストンに飛んだ母子は、グリフィンがテスラで迎えに行き、ラドローの家に連れて行った。 その家で、娘は不法な性行為に従事するよう指示され、実際に従事した」と声明文に書かれています。

バーモント州連邦検事局によると、44歳のCNNスタッフは、「インターネット上で他の2人の子どもたちに性的行為を誘おうとした」とし、2020年4月には、「ビデオチャット上で、母親とその14歳の娘に、自分の指示で服を脱いでお互いに触るように指示する "仮想トレーニングセッション "を行うことを提案した」としています。 


グリフィンの認証済みのTwitterアカウントは、自身を "ライター、父、テックヘッド "とも称しています。この小児性愛者の告発者は、2013年からCNNで働いていました。グリフィンがCNNの "New Day "のシニア・プロデューサーを務めていた時期は、解雇されたクリス・クオモが "クオモ・プライムタイム "の指揮を執る前に朝の番組のアンカーを務めていた時期と一部重なる。

「CNNの広報担当者はFox Newsに対し、「グリフィン氏の告発を非常に重く受け止めています。「彼の逮捕を知ったのは今日の午後で、調査を待つために停職処分としました」と述べています。






CNN producer, former Chris Cuomo staffer arrested for allegedly inducing minors for sex

John Griffin is a senior producer on CNN's morning program 'New Day,' according to his LinkedIn profile

CNN suspended one of its staffers following a federal indictment accusing him of coercing parents to allow their minor daughters to engage in sexual activity in his home.

John Griffin, who according to his LinkedIn profile is a senior producer for CNN's flagship morning program "New Day," was arrested on Friday by the FBI after being charged by a grand jury in Vermont "with three counts of using a facility of interstate commerce to attempt to entice minors to engage in unlawful sexual activity.”

"According to the indictment, from April to July of 2020, Griffin utilized the messaging applications Kik and Google Hangouts to communicate with people purporting to be parents of minor daughters, conveying to them, among other ideas, that a ‘woman is a woman regardless of her age,’ and that women should be sexually subservient and inferior to men," the U.S. Attorney's Office in Vermont wrote in a statement. "On these communication platforms, Griffin sought to persuade parents to allow him to train their daughters to be sexually submissive.  In June of 2020, Griffin advised a mother of 9- and 13-year-old daughters that the mother’s responsibility was to see that her older daughter was ‘trained properly.’" 

"Griffin later transferred over $3,000 to the mother for plane tickets so the mother and her 9-year-old daughter could fly from Nevada to Boston’s Logan airport. The mother and child flew to Boston in July of 2020, where Griffin picked them up in his Tesla and drove them to his Ludlow house.  At the house, the daughter was directed to engage in, and did engage in, unlawful sexual activity," the statement read.

According to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Vermont, the 44-year-old CNN staffer "attempted to entice two other children over the internet to engage in sexual activity" and in April 2020, he "proposed to engage in a ‘virtual training session’ over a video chat that would include him instructing the mother and her 14-year-old daughter to remove their clothing and touch each other at his direction."  

Additionally, Griffin "proposed to a purported mother of a 16-year-old daughter that she take a ‘little mother-daughter trip’ to Griffin’s Ludlow ski house for sexual training involving the child" in June 2020. 

Griffin's verified Twitter account also identifies himself as "Writer, Father, Tech Head." The accused pedophile had been working for CNN since 2013. Griffin's time as a senior producer for CNN's "New Day" partially coincides with fired anchor Chris Cuomo's tenure as anchor of the morning program before taking the helm of "Cuomo Primetime." 

"We take the charges against Mr. Griffin incredibly seriously," a CNN spokesperson told Fox News. "We only learned of his arrest this afternoon and have suspended him pending investigation.”

The indictment of the CNN producer came less than a week after the network fired its primetime star Chris Cuomo after a new sexual misconduct allegation emerged against the anchor over alleged behavior that took place at another network. This followed Cuomo's first accuser, veteran TV producer Shelley Ross, who came forward in September and claimed he grabbed her buttock at a 2005 work function while the two of them worked at ABC News.

Cuomo had already been suspended following the damning revelations that emerged from the New York Attorney General's investigation into his brother, revealing that the anchor was far more involved with the governor's office than previously known. 

Documents showed that Cuomo relied on his own media sources to find information about his brother's accusers. 

if he's guilty (and I'm betting yes), he should get life in jail where HE can receive plenty of "submissive" training from his cellmates. The mothers involved should be locked up as well.

All the best democrats work for CNN and MSNBC.



Chris Cuomo Eludes Military Capture クリス逃走中


Chris Cuomo, disgraced liberal media host and brother to the late Andrew Cuomo, eluded a military dragnet Tuesday evening shortly after his former employer, CNN, and his Deep State allies threw him under the bus in response to revelations that he had violated journalism ethics to spy on behalf of his brother.

On Tuesday CNN CEO Jeff Zucker, himself a Deep State stooge, divorced himself and CNN from Chris Cuomo, AKA Fredo, after Chris’s text messages to Melissa DeRosa—Andrew’s former secretary—became a matter of public record. Zucker had previously defended Chris Cuomo’s support of his brother— “everyone makes mistakes”—but dumped him when fellow Deep Staters unanimously agreed he had outlived his usefulness.

An Office of Military Commissions source speaking under condition of anonymity told Real Raw News that the OMC and JAG had received “backchannel intelligence” indicating that the Deep State intended to sever ties with Chris Cuomo and “cut him loose.”

Shortly after midnight Tuesday, U.S. Marine Raiders, working on orders from Marine Corps commandant Gen. David H. Berger, descended on Chris Cuomo’s home in Southampton, New York, believing they would catch him unaware and sulking over his woes. Inaccurate intelligence reports said that Cuomo had left CNN’s Manhattan headquarters for his Long Island home late that evening. A Marine reconnaissance team in civilian vehicles had followed what they thought was Cuomo’s 2020 Mercedes SUV to the domicile, but soon realized the man they were tracking was not Chris Cuomo. In short, Cuomo had used a decoy vehicle, ostensibly because he had been tipped off to the raid.

Upon reaching the residence, Marines detained an unidentified man who matched Cuomo’s physique. He had worn a wig and theatrical makeup to more closely mimic Cuomo’s appearance. When questioned, he refused to give up the real Cuomo’s location, telling the Marines, “You’re too late.”

Our source said he was taken into custody pending identification.

Three hours after the botched raid, however, JAG received what it called “credible evidence” on Cuomo’s escape. While Marines detained the fake Cuomo and rifled through the home for incriminating evidence, the real Chris Cuomo was boarding a Cessna 340, a twin-engine general aviation aircraft, at Republic Airport in Farmingdale, New York.

Our source declined to say how the military acquired said evidence but offered the following comment:

“We know the plane’s registration and the name of the pilot. We know, if it had a full fuel load, it has a range of 1,400 miles. We also know the pilot did not file a flight plan and that at least one additional passenger was on board when it took off around midnight. The plane didn’t return to Republic, and no controlled airport has reported seeing the plane.”

The vast majority of the country’s airports are non-towered; there are approximately 20,000 non-towered strips, each able to accommodate a Cessna 340, compared to 500 nationwide airports with control towers.

“We’re working to find the plane and believe it will narrow down Cuomo’s location,” our source said.

In closing, RRN is aware that Chris Cuomo has since responded to his CNN suspension on his SiriusXM Satellite Radio show, but that can be broadcast from anywhere and beamed to SiriusXM’s dishes. If the arrogant and hubristic Cuomo routinely takes to the airwaves from his hidden location, he will inadvertently aid JAG’s mission to bring him to justice.

マイケル・バクスター著 - 12月2日, 20213599749



匿名を条件にした軍事委員会の関係者がReal Raw Newsに語ったところによると、OMCとJAGは、ディープステートがクリス・クオモとの関係を断ち切り、「彼を自由にする」ことを意図していることを示す「裏の情報」を受け取っていたという。










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