Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways, according to a statement released on Monday.
The statement reads: "Mr. Carlson’s last program was Friday April 21st. Fox News Tonight will air live at 8 PM/ET starting this evening as an interim show helmed by rotating FOX News personalities until a new host is named.
Fox News MediaとTucker Carlsonは、月曜日に発表された声明によると、別れることに合意したとのことです。
声明文にはこうあります:「カールソン氏の最後の番組は4月21日(金)でした。Fox News Tonightは、新しい司会者が決まるまで、FOXニュースのパーソナリティが交代で司会を務める暫定番組として、今晩から午後8時/ETに生放送されます。
"FOX News Media operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Digital, FOX News Audio, FOX News Books, the direct-to-consumer streaming services FOX Nation and FOX News International and the free ad-supported television service FOX Weather. Currently the number one network in all of cable, FNC has also been the most watched television news channel for more than 21 consecutive years, while FBN ranks among the top business channels on cable. Owned by Fox Corporation, FOX News Media reaches nearly 200 million people each month."
Carlson's show was frequently the top-rated show on cable news, often surpassing 4.5 million viewers per episode.
The show premiered in November 2016, and took over the coveted 8 pm EST time slot in 2017.
The decision to part ways with Carlson comes less than a week after the broadcaster and Dominion Voting Systems reached a $787 million settlement. Carlson's show was not a main focus of Dominion's lawsuit.
The show premiered in November 2016, and took over the coveted 8 pm EST time slot in 2017.
The decision to part ways with Carlson comes less than a week after the broadcaster and Dominion Voting Systems reached a $787 million settlement. Carlson's show was not a main focus of Dominion's lawsuit.