公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2022-05-19 03:47:00 | 偏向マスメディア


サスマン最終弁論終了。本人証言なし。9月19日あたりor aboutに嘘ついた→オバマ指名のクーパー判事はor aboutを削除。ベーカーに送ったテキストとUSBメモリーは審理の対象としない。FBIベーカー(公聴会で記憶にない→裁判で思い出した)の記憶矛盾をつかれている。陪審員の評決発表はまだ。クーパーの都合で日本の6月1日まで伸ばす。情報の信憑性に確信のない仲間ムックの前でヒラリーがメディアリークを指示した。2017年3月17日依頼人ありの記録。

Former President Donald Trump reacted on Saturday to court testimony from Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager, Robby Mook, that she personally approved the leak of a false tie between his company and a Russian bank to the media a few months before the November election.

Specifically, Trump wants to know if Clinton will help him restore his good name.

Trump told Fox News Digital that the entire Russia investigation is “one of the greatest political scandals in history,” and that he likely will “never” get his “reputation fully back.”

Former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook on Friday testified as part of the first criminal trial out of Special Counsel John Durham’s years-long investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, saying Clinton approved and “agreed” to share the discredited data with the media.

Former FBI General Counsel James Baker testified Thursday that the bureau investigated the data alleging a Trump connection to the Kremlin-linked bank, and found that “there was nothing there.” 

During cross-examination by government prosecutor Andrew DeFillippis Friday, Mook was asked about the campaign’s understanding of the Alfa Bank allegations against Trump and whether they planned to release the data to the media.

Mook said he was first briefed about the Alfa Bank issue by campaign general counsel Marc Elias, who at the time was a partner at law firm Perkins Coie.

Mook testified that he was told that the data had come from “people that had expertise in this sort of matter.”

Mook said the campaign was not totally confident in the legitimacy of the data, but had hoped to give the information to a reporter who could further “run it down” to determine if it was “accurate” or “substantive.”

“This is one of the greatest political scandals in history,” Trump told Fox News. “For three years, I had to fight her off, and fight those crooked people off, and you’ll never get your reputation fully back.”

“Where do I get my reputation back?” Trump reiterated.

“I had to fight them off,” Trump said. “And if we had real leadership, instead of people like Mitch McConnell, they would do something about it. And guys like Bill Barr. They would have done something about it.”


The former president also said that the law enforcement and intelligence resources used to investigate the phony allegation during the 2016 campaign distracted them from what “could have been a real danger with Russia.”

In July of that year, the FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation into whether Trump and members of his campaign were coordinating or colluding with Russia to influence the outcome of the election. The probe, known as “Crossfire Hurricane,” was then handed off to special counsel Robert Mueller following Trump’s election by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who had Mueller appointed in May 2017.

But after almost two years, Mueller found no evidence of any criminal conspiracy or collusion with Russian officials during the campaign or at any time beforehand.

On Friday under cross-examination, Mook said that he discussed whether to pass along the information to a reporter with senior campaign officials including the campaign’s chairman, John Podesta, then-communications director Jennifer Palmieri, and senior policy adviser Jake Sullivan, the latter of whom now serves as President Joe Biden’s national security adviser.

“I discussed it with Hillary as well,” Mook told the court.




トランプ氏はFox News Digitalに対し、ロシア捜査全体が「史上最大の政治スキャンダルの1つ」であり、"評判 "を完全に取り戻すことは「決してない」可能性が高いと語った。


元FBI法務顧問のジェームズ・ベーカーは木曜日、同局がクレムリンとつながりのある銀行とトランプ氏の関係を主張するデータを調査し、"何もなかった "と証言した。 



ムック氏は、そのデータは "この種の問題に精通した人々 "から得たものだと言われたと証言している。

ムック氏は、選挙運動はデータの正当性に全く自信がなかったが、情報を記者に渡して、さらに "正確 "か "実質的 "かを判断してもらいたいと考えていた、と述べた。

"これは史上最大の政治スキャンダルの1つだ "とトランプはFox Newsに語った。"3年間、私は彼女を撃退し、それらの曲がった人々を撃退しなければならなかった。" "あなたの評判を完全に取り戻すことはできないだろう。"

"どこで評判を取り戻せばいいんだ?" とトランプは言い直した。

"私は彼らを撃退しなければならなかった "とトランプは言った。"ミッチ・マコーネルのような人ではなく、本当のリーダーシップがあれば、彼らは何かしてくれるだろう。ビル・バーのような連中もだ。彼らはそれについて何かをしただろう。"


前大統領はまた、2016年の選挙期間中にインチキ疑惑の捜査に使われた法執行機関と情報機関のリソースが、"ロシアとの真の危険 "から注意をそらしたと述べている。





Day 1 Rundown Of The Michael Sussmann Trial - MAGA Tribute

Day 1 Rundown Of The Michael Sussmann Trial - MAGA Tribute

Day 1 of the Michael Sussmann trial is a wrap. It started with disclosure by Special Counsel DeFilippis informing the Court that government witness Dr. Manos Ant...

MAGA Tribute


By Josh Boswell For Dailymail.com
20:46 BST 2022年5月17日 , 更新 22:24 BST 2022年5月17日




公開されたデータベース内の数千の電子メールの中には、悪名高い『10 for the big guy』というメッセージがあり、ハンターのビジネス・パートナーのジェームス・ギリアーが、父親のジョー・バイデン大統領に代わって、中国との数百万ドルの取引でハンターが株式の10%を保有すべきだと示唆したようだ。





EXCLUSIVE: Former Trump aide posts online a searchable database containing a huge trove of more than 120,000 emails from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop, calling them 'a modern day Rosetta Stone of white and blue collar crime'

  • Garrett Ziegler, 26, who worked under Peter Navarro in Trump's office of Trade and Manufacturing uploaded 128,775 emails
  • Using the name Marco Polo, Ziegler described the emails as ‘a modern Rosetta Stone of white and blue collar crime’
  • Included in the posts is one from Biden's former business partner James Gilliar which talked of 'H' holding 10% of the equity in a Chinese deal 'for the Big Guy'
  • That has widely been assumed to mean that Joe Biden would benefit from the deal
  • Nearly 15,000 emails, that DailyMail.com has verified, are missing from Ziegler's database 

More than 120,000 emails found on Hunter Biden’s discarded laptop have been posted online by a former Trump White House staffer.


Garrett Ziegler, a former aide to Peter Navarro in Donald Trump’s Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, uploaded 128,775 emails to a searchable database this week through his organization Marco Polo.

The site, BidenLaptopEmails.com, also allows users to download all the emails for Mac or Windows computers.

Among the thousands of emails in the publicly posted database is the infamous ’10 for the big guy’ message, in which Hunter’s business partner James Gilliar appeared to suggest Hunter should hold 10% of the equity in their multi-million-dollar deal with the Chinese on behalf of his father, President Joe Biden.

Another email in the database, previously published by DailyMail.com, shows Hunter describing an extraordinary apparent quid pro quo with a Mexican billionaire’s son, outlining how he got him into the White House and inauguration, and thanking him for visits to his villa.

Some messages did not appear to be included in the database. One email published by DailyMail.com shows Hunter inviting his foreign business partners and associates to a 2015 dinner at Washington DC restaurant Café Milano.

In the email he reveals that his father will secretly be joining – and says that the dinner is ‘ostensibly to discuss food security’. The White House at first denied the then-vice president was there, but eventually admitted it when photographs emerged from the event.

MSNBC Guest Donny Deutsch Hatches Disgusting Plan For Democrats to Win Midterms
 Photo of Carmine Sabia Carmine SabiaMay 18, 2022 

MSNBCのゲスト、Donny Deutschが中間選挙で民主党が勝つための嫌な計画を練る。
 写真:Carmine Sabia




ポッドキャスト「On Brand」を主催する政治評論家のドニー・ドイッチュ氏は、「共和党男性の23%が白人国家、白人至上主義的な考え方をよしとしている」というとんでもない主張をし、民主党は今後の選挙で共和党に「レイシスト」の烙印を押すべきであると述べたのです。

続けて、MSNBCの司会者ニコル・ウォレスに、「大交代論」は "共和党の人種差別主義者代替論 "であると語った。

「民主党がすべきことは - この時点でとても明白なことだが - この置換理論をブランド化することであり、基本的にこの置換理論を今度は共和党の人種差別的置換理論にすることだ」と彼は主張した。すべての共和党員に、『あなたはこれを信じるか、信じないか』と答えさせればいいのです。これこそ置換理論の党だ。共和党の)一片であるものを......共和党の存在意義の全てにするのだ。"





クロスは、自身の番組「The Cross Connection」でハリソンと1対1の議論を行い、中間選挙と11月の共和党の波のように見えるものを民主党がどう乗り越えられるかについて取り上げた。二人は、「主流メディア」が党のメッセージを伝えるのに十分な働きをしていないという共通の信念をはじめ、さまざまな角度から議論を交わした。



映像を流した後、クロスはDNC委員長に感想を求め、"良いロードマップだと感じた "と付け加えた。

"向こう側のファシストについて話そう "と。さっき話したように、私たちは朝から新聞を8紙も読むんです。私たちは政治の細部にまで目を向けますが、ほとんどのアメリカ人はそうではありません。政党から切り離された、あるいは政党に失望したと感じている人がまだ大勢います。結構です。聞いてみてください。番組の冒頭でローランド・マーティンに登場してもらったんだ」と司会者は言った。



"いや知っているよ、そうなんだ "とハリソンは言った。


"良さそうですね "とハリソンはビデオが再生される前に言った。



"良いロードマップだ "とハリソンも同意している。

MSNBC Guest Donny Deutsch Hatches Disgusting Plan For Democrats to Win Midterms
 Photo of Carmine Sabia Carmine SabiaMay 18, 2022 13,668

A guest on MSNBC gave the game away when he described what he believes should be the Democrat Party’s strategy in the midterms and beyond.

It is a simple strategy that many people would say the Party has been doing for a long time and that is to brand every Republican as a racist.

Political commentator Donny Deutsch, who hosts the podcast “On Brand,” made the outrageous claim that “23% of Republican males are okay with white nationals, white supremacist views,” and said that Democrats should “brand” Republicans as “racist” in future elections.

He went on to tell MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace that the Great Replacement Theory is the “Republican Racist Replacement Theory.”

“What the Democrats need to do — and it’s so obvious at this point — is brand then with it, is basically take this Replacement Theory and now make it the Republican Racist Replacement Theory,” he argued. “Make every Republican answer, ‘Do you believe in it or not?’ Brand every Republican. This is the party of replacement theory. Take what is a sliver [of the Republican Party] … and make it the entire raison d’être of the Republican Party.”

“Do the same thing with violence, it’s the RV party. It’s the Republican Violence Party,” he said. “The very, very heinous things that they stand for and are hiding behind, brand them on it. Take a branding iron, put it on them so that any mainstream Republican has to wear that badge, and go, ‘Are you vote Republican? Do you understand you’re voting for replacement theory? Do you believe in that? … Because that’ the Republican platform, so make the Republicans own it.”

It would be an act of desperation for a Party with a deeply unpopular president that looks like it is getting set to be shellacked in the midterms, and using tragic events to win elections would be reprehensible, but that would be “on brand” for Deutsch.

In April, Democratic National Committee Jaime Harrison agreed with a Democrat MSNBC contributor that his party “cannot play fair” in the midterm elections if they want to win.

The exchange happened during and appearance on MSNBC when host Tiffany Cross played a video of firebrand contributor Roland Martin saying that the Democrats have to forget the rules, Mediaite reported.

Cross had a one-on-one discussion with Harrison for her show The Cross Connection during which they covered the midterms and how Democrats can overcome what looks like a wave for Republicans in November. They covered a variety of angles, including their shared belief that the “mainstream media” isn’t doing enough to get the party’s message out there.

 After saying she agreed about the media covering Democrats unfairly, Cross shifted to Republicans, saying, “let’s talk about the fascists on the other side.”

She brought up remarks from Roland Martin earlier in the show, who said that Democrats have to go to “war” to change their fortunes ahead of the election. “You cannot play fair with people who don’t play fair. There are no rules,” he said.

After playing the clip, Cross asked the DNC chair for his thoughts, adding, “I felt like that was a good road map.”

“Let’s talk about the fascists on the other side. So I hear that, but I do think there are a lot of people – because you know, like we were just talking about, you and I, we consume, you know, eight papers in the morning. We look at the minutia of politics and most Americans are not doing that. And there are still a lot of people who feel disconnected from the party or maybe even disappointed in the party. Fair enough. I want you to take a listen. We had Roland Martin on at the beginning of the show,” the host said.

“Brother Rolo,” Harrison responded.

“Brother Rolo Is never shy about giving his opinion,” Cross said.

“No I know, I do,” Harrison said.

“So he had a lot to say about what he thinks Democrats should be doing. I want you to take a listen to get your thoughts,” the host said.

“Sounds good,” Harrison said before the video played.

“You’ve got to have President Joe Biden stop being scared of Senate Joe Manchin and go make the argument in West Virginia and go to the rand parts of Mississippi and Alabama and say, this is what we have done and these folks voted against it and this is how we have delivered. They’ve got to be willing to engage in war. You cannot play fair with people who don’t play fair. There are no rules. The other side has shown that they will do whatever is necessary in order to win. So you’ve got to say, America, when they didn’t care about you, we did,” Martin said in the video.

“What are your thoughts? I felt like that was a good road map,” Cross said.

“It is a good road map,” Harrison agreed.

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