Military Arrests Deep State “Cloning Scientist”
軍がディープステートの "クローン科学者 "を逮捕
"あのパソコンは損失だった、かなり効果的な改ざん防止機構だった。サイバーコマンドはさらなる予防策を講じ、2台目のPCからハードディスクを抜き取ることに成功しました。彼らはディレクトリにアクセスすることができましたが、ほとんどすべての文書とファイルは、彼らが解読していないサイファーによって暗号化されています "と、我々のソースは述べています。
しかし、このプロテクションをインストールした人は、ルートディレクトリにあるMicrosoft User Accountフォルダを暗号化するのを忘れていたという、許しがたい失態を犯してしまいました。さらに、認証されたユーザーにエイリアスを割り当てることも忘れていた。
The White Hat partition of the U.S. military on Tuesday captured what they are calling a Deep State “cloning scientist” who may have worked at the subterranean cloning laboratory in Missouri, a source in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
As reported previously, U.S. Special Forces on 20 December found and destroyed a human cloning lab in the Missouri Ozarks. Before collapsing the lab, they confiscated computer towers, laptops, and a holographic projector.
The hardware, our source said, was sent to U.S. Army Cyber Command, Fort Gordon, where specialists have spent the last few weeks arduously trying to penetrate sophisticated encryption, in one case to disastrous effect. A laptop became hot to the touch and then melted after personnel tried bypassing password encryption. A chemical analysis revealed someone had coated the innards with thermite paste and cleverly deduced a means of igniting the accelerant under low voltage. The specialist handing the laptop received second-degree burns to his hands and face, our source said.
“That computer was a loss, quite an effective anti-tamper mechanism. Cyber Command took additional precautions and successfully pulled a hard drive from a second PC. They were able to access the directory but almost every document and file is encrypted by a cypher they haven’t broke,” our source said.
Whomever installed the protection, however, made a glaring, inexcusable blunder: they neglected to encode the Microsoft User Account folder in the root directory. They also forgot to assign aliases to authorized users.
“Sloppy for them, good for us,” our source said. “Three names.”
Two of the three, however, are dead. One perished in an April 2021 “accident;” he and his vehicle went over the side of a cliff in Malibu and landed in a ravine. The other, a longtime computer engineer at Apple, died of “Covid complications” in June 2022.
The surviving user, whom the military apprehended Tuesday morning, is a 49-year-old German-born scientist who obtained a PhD in Genetics & Genomics from Boston University. After graduating, he worked for seven years at a privately held Massachusetts-based biotech company, then vanished from the grid until his name resurfaced on the computer.
Our sources said their names, and the name of the biotech company, will be withheld pending completion of Cyber Command’s investigation.
He would not presently disclose how White Hats located the scientist or which military assets affected the arrest, but said, “All I can say now is we’re talking about a wealthy man who was found living beneath his means, in a dilapidated one-bedroom apartment. The only vehicle registered in his name was a beat-up 2001 Toyota Corolla. He had millions of dollars.”
The scientist is being interrogated at a safe house, he added.
“If he knows the locations of other cloning labs or who’s been cloned, we’ll pry that info out of him,” our source said in closing.