Trump Warns of Dark Times Ahead
Sen. Ron Johnson: Biden Wouldn't Be President Had Son's Laptop Been Expose
「ハンター・バイデン氏のノートパソコンは、ツイッターやフェイスブックで検閲されていた。そして、アメリカ国民がバイデン家とハンター・バイデンの腐敗を知っていたら、ジョー・バイデンは大統領になっていなかったという世論調査を見ました」とウィスコンシン州の共和党員はフォックスニュースの "Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo" で述べました。"FBIの政治化、彼らの党派性、ハンターバイデンのラップトップの弾圧がなければ、民主党の統治は起こらなかったでしょう。繰り返しになりますが、彼らは2019年12月にそれを持っていましたが、何もしていません。"
Meta の CEO で Facebook の創設者であるマーク・ザッカーバーグが先週、ポッドキャスターのジョー・ローガンに、Facebook は FBI から警告を受けた後、バイデンのノートパソコンに関する New York Post の暴露記事に関する記事を制限したと語った後の発言でした。
"何度も何度も、党派的行動、政治的行動がFBIによって行われているのを目にする "と述べ、同局が自身とチャック・グラスリー上院議員の本件に関する調査継続を思いとどまらせたと非難しています。
"彼らは2020年の選挙に、ロシアや中国ができることよりもはるかに大きな干渉を、基本的に私がロシアの道具であると言うことによって、絶対に行いました-私はそうではありませんが "と彼は言いました。「ウィスコンシン州のマスコミはそれを取り上げ、ウィスコンシン州には、私がプーチンの道具だと思っている人たちがいるのです。しかし、彼らは公然と私を中傷している。なぜなら、私が調査小委員会の委員長になるため、彼らは私の再選を望んでいないのです。私が彼らの汚職を調査することを知っているからだ"
President Joe Biden would not be president now if the American people had been made aware of the scandal and alleged censorship behind his son Hunter's laptop, Sen. Ron Johnson said Sunday.
"The Hunter Biden laptop was censored by Twitter, Facebook. And we've seen polls that show that had the American public known the corruption of the Biden family and Hunter Biden, Joe Biden would not be president," the Wisconsin Republican said on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo." "Democratic governance wouldn't have happened but for the FBI's politicization, their partisanship and their suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop. Again, they had it in December 2019 and did nothing with it."
And had former President Donald Trump won his 2020 reelection bid, "we wouldn't have open borders. We wouldn't have 40-year high inflation, record gas prices, rising crime, all these disastrous results of the Biden administration," said Johnson.
His comments came after Meta CEO and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg told podcaster Joe Rogan last week that Facebook had limited stories related to the New York Post's expose about the Biden laptop after receiving warnings from the FBI.
"It's another piece of the puzzle of the politicization of these principal agencies," said Johnson. "The weaponization of federal agencies began under the Obama administration with Lois Lerner weaponizing the IRS against [Barack] Obama's political opponents; and the partisanship, the politicization just continued. Let's say the exoneration of Hillary Clinton, the editing of James Comey's exoneration e-mail."
The same "cast of characters" was involved in the Russia claims against Trump, said Johnson.
"Time and time again we see the partisanship, partisan actions, political actions being undertaken by the FBI," he said, accusing the agency of dissuading himself and Sen. Chuck Grassley from continuing their investigation on the matter.
Meanwhile, Johnson is running for reelection in Wisconsin and said he believes he's behind in the polls because of FBI suppression.
"They absolutely interfered in the 2020 election, far greater than anything Russia or China could ever do, by basically saying I'm a tool of Russia — which I am not," he said. "The Wisconsin press picks that up, and there are people in Wisconsin, who think I'm a tool of Vladimir Putin. Nothing could be further from the truth, but they have smeared me publicly. They just might impact the 2022 election here in Wisconsin as well because, let's face it, they do not want me reelected because I would be chair of the Subcommittee on Investigations. They know I will investigate their corruption."
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