Judicial Watch Exposes Critical Race Theory Teacher Training in Rhode Island’s Westerly School District
(ワシントンDC) ジュディシャル・ウォッチは、ロードアイランド州ウェスタリー学区の内部告発者から53ページの研修資料を受け取ったことを発表しました。その内容は、ウェスタリー公立学校が教師を使って教室で批判的人種理論を押し付けていることを詳述したものです。
5月、ジュディシャル・ウォッチは、メリーランド州のモンゴメリー郡公立学校(MCPS)から、「反人種主義システム監査」と「批判的人種理論」の授業に関する文書を含む記録を入手しました。トーマス・パイル中学校の社会正義の授業に参加した「メリーランド州最大の学区」の生徒たちは、「Make America Great Again」というフレーズが "隠然たる白人至上主義 "の一例であると教えられました。このフレーズは、"リンチ"、"ヘイトクライム"、"Nワード"、"レイシャルスラー "のすぐ下のピラミッドに位置づけられています。また、「白人の特権」とは、学校当局から優遇され、警察と良好な関係を築くことだと教えられました。
(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it received a 53-page training document from a whistleblower in the Westerly School District of Rhode Island, which details how Westerly Public Schools are using teachers to push critical race theory in classrooms.
The training course was assembled by the left-leaning Highlander Institute and cites quotes from Bettina Love, from whom the Biden administration distanced itself publicly after her statements equating “whiteness” to oppression.
The school district continues to deny that it teaches critical race theory.
The document reveals the following:
The training course for teachers, entitled “Culturally Responsive & Sustaining Pedagogy is taught by Vera De Jesus and Michaela Comella, partners at the Highlander Institute, which has an about section on their website that describes itself as:
Highlander Institute partners with communities to imagine and create more equitable, relevant, and effective schools.
Highlander Institute is named after the Highlander Folk School, a social justice leadership training school and cultural center located in New Market, Tennessee known for its role during the Civil Rights Movement.
The training course claims that there are “unfortunate truths” about the history of Rhode Island and the United States.”
The training course notes that there is “systemic inequity” that must be overcome in the school system.
The training course asks teachers “How does systemic racism manifest itself in the education experience for students?”
The training course links to a video called “Systemic Racism Explained” from Act.TV, a far-left YouTube channel.
The course instructs teachers to ask themselves, “How do I challenge systemic inequity as an educator?”
The course goals are to “foster and sustain cultural pluralism, ultimately for the purpose of social transformation.” Further, its stated goal is to, “disrupt the impact of educational inequity and empower students to transform their own lives, their communities, and society.”
The course highlights “A Framework for Culturally Responsive & Sustaining Pegagogy” which includes:
“Awareness” that “we all operate within an inequitable system”
“Cognitive Development” where teachers “leverage students’ identities and interests …” and “scaffold and develop students’ thinking skills”
“Critical Consciousness” where the goal is that students are motivated to “critical action so they can transform their lives, communities, and society.”
The course teaches that teachers should focus on collectivism over individualism.
In order to promote collectivism, it states that teachers may have to “gather information about students’ identities …” in order to have them reflect. These activities link to a journaling activity where students are prompted to write about the demographics of their neighborhood.
“This whistleblower document shows yet another school district, under the rubric of critical race theory, that wants to use teachers to abuse their positions to turn children into Marxist agitators,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Rather than threatening parents, the Justice Department should be investigating this rampant racism being pushed by leftist extremists in schools across America.”
In June, Judicial Watch uncovered records from Wellesley Public Schools in Massachusetts which confirm the use of “affinity spaces” that divide students and staff based on race as a priority and objective of the school district’s “diversity, equity and inclusion” plan. The school district also admitted that between September 1, 2020 and May 17, 2021, it created “five distinct” segregated spaces.
In May, Judicial Watch obtained records from Maryland’s Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) which include documents related to their “Anti-racist system audit” and critical race theory classes. Students of “Maryland’s Largest School District” who attended Thomas Pyle Middle School’s social justice class were taught that the phrase “Make America Great Again” was an example of “covert white supremacy.” The phrase is ranked on a pyramid just below “lynching,” “hate crimes,” “the N-word” and “racial slurs.” They were also taught that “white privilege” means being favored by school authorities and having a positive relationship with the police.
教師向けのトレーニングコースは、「Culturally Responsive & Sustaining Pedagogy(文化的に責任のある持続可能な教育法)」と題され、Vera De JesusとMichaela ComellaというHighlander Instituteのパートナーが教えています。Highlander Instituteのウェブサイトには、自分たちのことを次のように説明しています。
トレーニングコースでは、教師に "システム的な人種差別は、生徒の教育体験にどのように現れているのか?"と問いかけています。
トレーニングコースは、極左のYouTubeチャンネルであるAct.TVの「Systemic Racism Explained」というビデオにリンクしています。
講座の目標は、"最終的には社会変革を目的として、文化的多元主義を育成・維持する "ことです。さらに、「教育上の不公平の影響を破壊し、生徒が自らの人生、コミュニティ、社会を変革する力を与える」ことを目標としています。
"Critical Consciousness "では、生徒が "Critical Action(批判的行動)"を起こし、自分の人生やコミュニティ、社会を変えていくことを目指します。
トランプ政権下の財務省で広報担当の元次官を務めたモニカ・クロウリー氏は、リベラル派は "インフレを定義し、またそれを最小限に抑えようとしてきた "とフォックスに語りました。