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2021-11-26 02:50:00 | 健康など

SHOCKING: Booster Dose Is Worse Than The First 2 Doses Of The C-19 Shot! Dr. Peter McCullough WARNED!

Peter Andrew McCullough (/məˈkʌlə/; born December 29, 1962) is an American cardiologist. He was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University. He is editor-in-chief of the journals Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiorenal Medicine. During the COVID-19 pandemic, McCullough advocated for early treatment including hydroxychloroquine, dissented from the recommendations of government public health agencies, and contributed to COVID-19 misinformation.

Dr. Peter McCullough was among the persons at the forefront of the battle for exposing the truth about the plandemic C-19 virus and the Big Pharma shots! The government’s response to the pandemic has been the same since the pandemic outbreak.

In the video we have below, Dr. Peter McCullough recalls an interesting story of his flight from Florida to Texas where he met with people who have taken the coronavirus booster shots.

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Watch this:
“I flew here this morning from Florida. And I sat next to a couple. And they were looking at my slides as I was working on them/ You know, people kind of look on the airplane. And they said, they said, Well, are you a COVID? Expert? I thought, well, yeah, sort of. And then the woman was sitting in the middle, she was thinner, you know, how do you know southwest when you kind of negotiating? So she said in the middle, and the husband was inside, and he was kind of in a fetal position. He didn’t look too good. And she said, well, my husband just took the booster. And I said, oh. So I had a chance to talk to him when he kind of was in semi-conscious, you know, he kind of came up and I said, Well, what does it feel like? I said, is it you know, is it about the same as shot one and shot two? He goes, it’s so much worse. And I said, Well, what do you mean? He goes, Well, you know, I’ve got fever, I feel terrible. I got body aches, and he goes, and the ringing in my ears is incessant, a headache. And the wife is like why? And I said, well, it must be that it makes sense wherever the local production of the spike protein is. Those are the organs that are being damaged. We know that there are great concerns regarding the spike protein and where it goes in the body.” – Dr. Peter McCullough

The clip above shows the crucial points of the doctor’s speech, and now, you have to full speech below.
"今朝、フロリダから飛行機で来ました。そして、あるカップルの隣に座りました。彼らは、私がスライドを作成しているときに、私のスライドを見ていました。そして彼らはこう言いました、『あなたはCOVID?エキスパートですか?私は、まあ、そんなところかなと思いました。そうしたら、真ん中に座っていた女性が細くなっていたんですよ。彼女は真ん中と言い、夫は中にいて、なんだか胎児のような姿勢をしていました。彼はあまりいい顔をしていませんでした。そして彼女は、「主人はブースターを打ったばかりなんです」と言いました。私は「ああ」と答えました。半分意識を失った状態の彼と話す機会があったんですが、彼が近づいてきたので、「どんな感じだ?私は「1ショット目と2ショット目は同じくらいかな」と言いました。彼は「もっとひどいよ」と言いました。私は、「どういうことだ?彼は「熱があるし、気分も悪い。体の痛みもあるし、耳鳴りもひどくて、頭痛もするんだ。奥さんは「どうして?私は、まあ、スパイクタンパクが局所的に生産されているところならどこでもそうなる道理があるに違いない、と言いました。臓器がダメージを受けているのですから。スパイク・プロテインが体内のどこに入っていくかについては、大きな懸念があることはわかっています」。- ピーター・マッカロー博士

‘Buy This Book. Buy Lots of Copies.’
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s new book, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health,” is destined to emerge as a classic of American history and public policy.

Catherine Austin Fitts
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“This should be a medical and not be a military operation. It’s a public health problem. Why are the military and CIA so heavily involved? Why is everything a secret? Why can’t we know the ingredients of these products, which the taxpayers financed … We need to recognize this is a vast human experiment on all mankind, with an unproven technology, conducted by spies and generals primarily trained to kill and not to save lives.” — Vera Sharav

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s new book, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health,” is destined to emerge as a classic of American history and public policy.

It will also rank as a classic in the “True Crime” category.

Just issued, the book is already a bestseller, having hit #1 at Amazon in all categories last Friday. By Sunday, it had dropped down the list, perhaps because all the hard copies were sold out.

My copy arrived on Friday. I thought I would dive in on Saturday morning and read a few chapters. Instead, I read the entire book. It is quite something when a 450-page book with more footnotes than a volume of the Encyclopedia Britannica is this spellbinding.

Anthony Fauci is what Hannah Arendt termed a schreibtischtäter, or “desk killer.” I thought I already had a good sense of the harm Fauci has done as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984.

However, watching one of Kennedy’s video presentations on Fauci’s record as Kennedy was working on the book was astonishing. Just when you think you appreciate the extent of the corruption and regulatory capture of the U.S. pharmaceutical-industrial complex, you learn it is even worse.

Since becoming NIAID director, Fauci has spent and handed out $856.9 billion — nearly $1 trillion. Here are just a few examples of the results.

During the so-called AIDS epidemic, Fauci’s promotion of AZT (azidothymidine) is estimated to have killed 330,000 gay men.

The majority of American children now have chronic disease, and American children have lost seven IQ points since 2000.

U.S. life expectancy is falling, with a widening gap of nearly five years between the U.S. and its peers.

Meanwhile, the American people have experienced a growing number of pandemic “scares” helping to justify an ever heavier schedule of “vaccines” and pharmaceutical profits.

Kennedy is a seasoned litigation attorney who has demonstrated an enormous capacity to deal with the full complexity of medicine, science and politics combined. He and his colleagues at Children’s Health Defense, the organization he founded and chairs, have attracted a network of first-rate legal talent.

They also collaborate with a powerful global network of scientists and doctors as well as an army of highly educated and motivated parents who are furious about what is being done to their children.

In combination, Kennedy’s networks are the equivalent of a 21st-century Zulu army.

Anthony Fauci may be able to buy a lot of talent, but the health intelligence networks that Kennedy and his colleagues have attracted have become something more powerful.

Reading The Real Anthony Fauci, you realize that Kennedy has taken “open source intelligence” to a new level. Given his mastery of the material, the book is also destined to emerge as a case study in leadership.

One of the talented collaborators that Kennedy draws on successfully is investigative journalist Celia Farber, who previously had done outstanding reporting on the HIV/AIDS global scheme.

The book includes Farber’s research on Fauci’s use of foster children for drug testing, which resulted in the death of scores of children. It is one of the ugliest stories of medical research and genocide in U.S. history.

However, it serves to demonstrate the nature of Fauci and the people who have been given free rein to engineer what the Solari Report has, for many years, referred to as “the Great Poisoning.”

Needless to say, the market capitalization of healthcare and pharmaceutical stocks has led the U.S. stock market higher for years. Billionaires to Anthony Fauci: “Thank you!”

Please buy this book. Buy a lot of copies. Give lots of them for Christmas.

Anthony Fauci and his colleagues are guilty of crimes against humanity and profiting enormously at taxpayers’ expense. The book raises the question as to why the American taxpayers are funding desk killers who are engineering the poisoning of our children.

Throughout his career, Kennedy has proved that the law matters. The book confirms he has the leadership and command of the scientific and medical intelligence to keep doing so. So, after you buy the book, head over to the Children’s Health Defense website and make a donation with pre-tax dollars.

Better that your precious dollars finance Kennedy’s litigators than Fauci’s crime spree.

Purchase the book here.

Originally published The Solari Report by Catherine Austin Fitts.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children's Health Defense.

ロバート・F・ケネディ・Jr.の新著『The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health(ビル・ゲイツ、大手製薬会社、そして民主主義と公衆衛生に対する世界的な戦争)』は、アメリカの歴史と公共政策の古典として登場することになるだろう。

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"これは医療であり、軍事作戦であってはならない。これは公衆衛生上の問題だ。なぜ軍とCIAがこれほどまでに深く関わっているのか?なぜすべてが秘密なのか?これは、全人類を対象とした大規模な人体実験であり、実証されていない技術を用いて、主に命を救うためではなく殺すために訓練されたスパイや将軍によって行われていることを認識する必要があります」。- ベラ・シャラヴ

ロバート・F・ケネディ・Jr.の新刊「The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health(ビル・ゲイツ、大手製薬会社、そして民主主義と公衆衛生に対する世界的な戦争)』は、アメリカの歴史と公共政策の古典として登場することになるでしょう。











ケネディ氏は、経験豊富な訴訟弁護士であり、医学、科学、政治の複雑さに対処するための膨大な能力を持っています。ケネディ氏が設立したChildren's Health Defenseには、優秀な弁護士が集まっています。




The Real Anthony Fauci』を読むと、ケネディが「オープンソース・インテリジェンス」を新たなレベルに引き上げたことがわかる。この本は、ケネディの卓越した洞察力により、リーダーシップのケーススタディとしても注目されることになるだろう。




言うまでもなく、医療・医薬関連株の時価総額は、何年にもわたって米国の株式市場を上昇させてきた。億万長者からアンソニー・ファウチへ。"Thank you!"




ケネディ氏は、そのキャリアを通じて、法律が重要であることを証明してきました。この本は、彼がリーダーシップを発揮し、科学的・医学的な情報を指揮することができることを証明しています。この本を購入したら、Children's Health Defenseのウェブサイトにアクセスして、税金を払って寄付をしてください。



原文はCatherine Austin FittsによるThe Solari Reportです。

この記事で述べられている見解や意見は著者のものであり、Children's Health Defenseの見解を必ずしも反映するものではありません。

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