公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2024-02-25 10:29:00 | カウンター・グレートリセット

So is there a pathway forward for you? With Biden? Oh, absolutely not. You cannot keep killing people with our money. And just keep thinking that oh, we are stupid enough to let you again because we will fall in line. We will forget. How can you how can like this is an insult to me as a word for you. Biden has a pathway forward, Biden has a pathway forward as What is that look like? That is him calling for a permanent immediate ceasefire. The straightforward simple answer for the Biden administration is push for a ceasefire, stop eating Israel in their war crimes. And I guarantee you, there are enough people who would be willing to deal with it and both of them. It is in so many words insane to me, to have the Democratic Party in the Biden administration, sit here and essentially say, if Trump happens, it's your fault. If you don't want a Trump presidency, then are you not worried about what he could do domestically to this country? I am, you know, it's like a vaccine. I'm willing to take short term pain for long term gain. I'm willing to let go of Joe Biden and oppose Joe Biden make him a one term president, punish Joe Biden by making him a one term president and pairing his loss with the genocide in Gaza. Why does our democracy Why is having a Trump presidency more important than those people's lives? Why is our democracy more important than 1000s of men, women and children being killed?






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