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2022-05-14 18:18:00 | カウンター・グレートリセット

Judge Orders Fusion GPS to Release Emails to Durham
A federal judge this week ordered the research firm Fusion GPS to release almost two dozen emails to special counsel John Durham that relate to the company's work for Hillary Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann.

Federal Judge Christopher Cooper ruled on Thursday that the company improperly withheld 22 emails from the special counsel's office after claiming both attorney-client privilege and work-product privilege, according to the New York Post.

Cooper found that because the emails were mostly internal communications among employees of Fusion GPS, they are not protected. He wrote that these emails "appear not to have been written in anticipation of litigation but rather as part of ordinary media-relations work."

He also wrote, "It is clear that Fusion employees also interacted with the press as part of an affirmative media relations effort by the Clinton Campaign," which "included pitching certain stories, providing information on background, and answering reporters' questions."

According to the judge's order, Fusion GPS must release these emails to Durham on Monday, the same day jury selection is scheduled to start for Sussmann's trial on charges of lying to federal investigators.

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連邦裁判官は今週、調査会社Fusion GPSに対し、ヒラリー・クリントン陣営の弁護士マイケル・サスマンに対する同社の業務に関連する約22通の電子メールを特別弁護人ジョン・ダーラムに開示するよう命じました。


クーパー氏は、これらの電子メールはほとんどがFusion GPSの従業員間の内部コミュニケーションであるため、保護されないと判断した。彼は、これらの電子メールは、"訴訟を想定して書かれたものではなく、むしろ通常のメディア関係の仕事の一部として書かれたように見える "と書いています。


裁判官の命令によると、Fusion GPSは、連邦捜査官への嘘の罪に対するSussmannの裁判の陪審員選考が始まる予定の月曜日、Durhamにこれらの電子メールを公開しなければなりません。

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