シナリオ1 2022年X月X日 外交官追放ネオナチ支援国日本にロシアは突然戦端を開く。日本海からロシア潜水艦よりSLBMあるいは巡航ミサイルによる核攻撃を小松基地及びまたは原発施設(柏崎)に対して同時に行い、佐渡島とその空港および対岸新潟港を補給拠点として占領(首都東京都心部まで270km ロシアの空対空ミサイルR-37は200kmから400km(追加ブースター搭載時)S-400なら楽に前後ミサイルの射程に入れる)する。
シナリオ2 NATOは利益の見えないウクライナ戦争から結束が緩む。ドイツはロシアとの生存同盟(ロシアの核の傘の下に入る)を秘密裏に結んでいることを発表、フランスは終結を条件にこの同盟を支持すると表明する。ドイツによるウクライナ前線基地ポーランドへの越境攻撃開始。
シナリオ3 仏独同盟にロシアを加えたユーラシア欧州の情報流入が止まり、米国はNATO脱退し、ウクライナおよびポーランドの戦況で米国の勝ちは見えなくなる。その後もロシアによる北海道侵攻が続き、日本は函館まで防衛線を撤退するのが精一杯となる。佐渡島奪還と津軽海峡封鎖の攻防戦が自衛隊とロシア海軍との間で始まり、戦争は日露間で膠着する(シン日本海海戦、シン日露戦争)。
The United States and the United Kingdom are determined to continue the war until Russia collapses. NATO will not be able to come together in this scenario until the end. If the war drags on as it is, Russia's ability to continue will reach its limits. When it reaches its limits, it may launch a serious nuclear attack, not as a warning, but as a serious threat. The targets would be Poland, Germany, and Japan. Germany and France (both of which have somewhat different stances), which want to end the war anyway, must have already begun negotiations with Russia behind the scenes.
Russia will be analyzing its forces, recognizing that Japan, having expelled its diplomats, has effectively declared war on Russia and is now the least prepared to defend itself, the most vulnerable to a solo attack, and the least able to counterattack.
The following is only the optimal answer from the Russian side as to why they are assuming a solo counterattack. Which scenario will be the starting point depends on Russia's decision to launch a nuclear attack.
Scenario 1: On X date in 2023, Russia suddenly opens war against Japan, a neo-Nazi country that has expelled its diplomats. From the Sea of Japan, Russian submarines launch a nuclear attack with SLBMs or cruise missiles against Komatsu Air Base or nuclear facilities (Kashiwazaki), occupying Sado Island, its airport, and the opposite shore (putting the Tokyo metropolitan area within range).
Surprisingly (actually, naturally), the U.S. military decided to apply the Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation Guidelines and give first priority to preventing the expansion of the situation (direct confrontation between the U.S. and Russia) as stated in the Guidelines. It calls on Japan to defend itself and leaves Japan open to attack. The U.S., using the U.N. enemy clause as a shield, notifies the U.N. forces that it is not interested in expanding the war (effectively vetoing the war, which will not work) on the premise that it will not move until a request for a counterattack is made. The Self-Defense Forces sink Russian ships by themselves in submarine warfare.
At this point, the Japanese government finally realizes that Russia and the U.S. will not directly confront each other (it is already too late)
Scenario 2 Shortly after the attack, NATO's unity collapses from the war in Ukraine with no apparent benefits. Germany announces a secret survival alliance with Russia, and France expresses support on condition of an end to the war. Germany launches a cross-border attack on Poland, its frontline base in Ukraine.
The U.S. withdraws from Ukraine, which has been cut off from supply routes and caught in a pincer attack. 2023 X. X. The U.S. decides to attack Germany with ICBMs. We witness a world war.
Scenario 3: The flow of information in Eurasian Europe, including the Franco-German alliance and Russia, stops, the U.S. withdraws from NATO, and the war situation in Ukraine and Poland makes it impossible to see a U.S. victory. The invasion of Hokkaido by Russia continues, and Japan is forced to withdraw its defensive line as far as Hakodate. The war stalemates between Japan and Russia as a battle begins in the Sea of Japan to recapture Sado Island and blockade the Tsugaru Straits.
The U.S., fearing a Russian nuclear attack, abandons Misawa Air Base and withdraws. The Air Self-Defense Force loses its intelligence-gathering and intelligence command structure dependent on the United States. A partial nuclear attack is launched simultaneously in the European Far East. China independently attacks Russia and occupies areas as far east as Eastern Siberia. The Russo-Japanese War ends with the division of Hokkaido, but economic activity ceases worldwide.
The Dark Twenty Years begin with an international agreement to avoid only the worst-case scenario of a mutual nuclear attack by the U.S. and Russia, and sporadic nuclear wars (terrorism turns into nuclear terrorism) continue in the Far East until the middle of the 21st century.
Only China and North Korea, with their nuclear weapons, maintain their statehood. Japan falls from the Kashiwazaki attack to a nation incapable of guaranteeing the lives of its citizens. However, the U.S. military, as an enemy of the United Nations, internationally condemns Japan as an aggressive nation that would trigger a U.S.-Russian war (human extinction), and Japan is treated as a protectorate. The occupation era of the 21st century begins.