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2021-02-17 04:09:00 | 間違った設問に「正しい」答えという現実世界のバグ
  • The Digital Forensics Research Lab released a report on Monday that called the theory that the coronavirus leaked from a lab in Wuhan an “outright false narrative.” 
  • The lab, which receives funding from Facebook, also asserted in its report that Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton helped seed conspiracy theories about the origins of the virus by calling for an investigation into the lab leak theory. 
  • The lab theory is far from debunked. The Washington Post editorial board called it “plausible” in a Feb. 5 editorial, and called for the World Health Organization to investigate. 
デジタル・フォレンジック研究所は月曜日に報告書を発表し、コロナウイルスが武漢の研究室から流出したという説を "全くの偽りの物語 "と呼んだ。
研究室は、Facebook からの資金を受け取る, また、そのレポートでアーカンソー州上院トム コットンが種ウイルスの起源についての陰謀論を助けたことを主張した研究室のリーク理論への調査のための呼び出しによって.

A research group affiliated with a prominent foreign policy think tank and funded by Facebook released a report on Monday asserting that the theory that the coronavirus pandemic originated from a leak in a lab in Wuhan is disinformation, even though the theory has not been debunked.

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