リズ・チェイニーの夫の正体が明らかになった! チェイニーは中国の侵略に反対の立場を表明しているにもかかわらず、夫と彼女は赤い中国との巨額のビジネス取引から利益を得ていました。
Just the Newsは、ペリーが会社のビジネスから距離を置いていたことを報じています。
私たちのテレグラムチャンネルへの参加はこちら: https://t.me/TheTrueReporter
The husband of Liz Cheney has been exposed! He benefited from the big-dollar business deals with the red Chinese, even though Cheney stated that she stands against Chinese aggression.
“Philip Perry’s law firm was cashing in on legal and lobbying work that his employer — Latham & Watkins (L.W.), one of the largest law firms in the world — was doing for a host of Chinese companies, some of which were involved in the kind of activity that Cheney was warning had to be stopped,” Just The News reported.
“China isn’t the only country Perry’s firm does business with that has a distasteful record when it comes to human rights, according to the report. Belarus in Eastern Europe and Kazakhstan in Central Asia, both former socialist republics that were part of the USSR, are also clients or former clients,” the report continued.
“Perry’s firm’s work for Chinese entities and countries whose human rights abuses and authoritarian rule have troubled the U.S. for years seems to conflict with his wife’s frequent calls for America to stand up to autocratic regimes like China,” the report added. “The dynamic is one familiar to longtime observers of Washington, D.C.: a power couple calling out the very behavior from which they benefit.”
Just the News reported that Perry distanced from that end of the firm’s business.
“I have not personally represented China, an entity owned by China, Kazakhstan, or Belarus,” the statement said.
“I have not registered on behalf of any foreign entity under the Foreign Agents Registration Act at any point in time.”
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フィル・ペリーは、Latham & Watkins社の訴訟パートナーです。彼のキャリアはユニークなものです。個人事務所では、国家的に重要な案件の主任弁護士を務める一方で、2つの連邦機関の顧問弁護士や、米国司法省の複数の高官を務めてきました。ペリー氏の訴訟での勝利は、Law360、Bloomberg、Reuters、American Lawyerなどの全米規模の出版物で頻繁に取り上げられています。National Law Journal誌は、Litigation Trailblazers Reportにおいて、ペリーの「顕著な成功」を評価しています。また、BTI Client Service All-Starにも複数回選出されています。
Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Becerra, __ F.4th __, 2021 WL 4465818 (11th Cir. 2021) (法定独占権を理由にFDAの医薬品承認を無効とする、第11巡回区の全会一致の訴訟で主張し、勝訴しました。) こちらをご覧ください。
United Therapeutics Corp.対Espinosa, No.21-cv-1686 (DLF), 2021 WL 5161783 (D.D.C. Nov.5, 2021) (連邦340B薬価割引プログラムに関する訴訟を提起し、勝訴)。こちらをご覧ください。
Nat'l Association of Wheat Growers v. Becerra, 2020 WL 3412732 (E.D. Cal. June 22, 2020) (カリフォルニア州司法長官によるプロポジション65警告の執行に対し、修正第1条を理由に略式判決と終局的差し止めを認めた。これはプロポジション65の30年以上の歴史の中で、初めて成功した修正第1条の異議申し立てである)
Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Azar, 952 F.3d 323 (D.C. Cir. 2020) (オーファン薬の独占権に関するFDAに対する地方裁判所の勝訴を支持)。
Genus Lifesciences, Inc. v. Azar, 486 F. Supp.3d 450, 468 (D.D.C. 2020) (FDAの特許認証問題で部分的に略式判決を認める)。
Athenex Inc.対Azar, 2019 WL 3501811 (D.D.C. 2019) (FDAの薬剤配合方針に関わる事件を主張し、勝訴した)。
Nat'l Family Farm Coalition v. U.S. EPA, 747 F. App'x 646 (Mem) (9th Cir. 2019) (mootness事由で勝訴)。
Eagle Pharmaceuticals v. Azar, 16-CV-790 (D.D.C. Jun.8, 2018) (特定の化学療法薬に7年間のマーケティング独占権を付与するようFDAに要求した事件を主張し、勝訴)。こちらをご覧ください。
National Association of Wheat Growers et al v. Zeise, 2:17-cv-02401 (E.D. Cal. 2018) (カリフォルニア州のプロポジション65の警告義務に対し、憲法修正第1条を理由に差し止めを認め、プロポジション65の32年の歴史の中で初めてこのような差し止めを認めた)。こちらをご覧ください。
Florida v. Georgia, No.142, Original (U.S. Sup. 2018) (最高裁はフロリダに有利な判決を下し、Special Masterに事実調査を行い、「衡平性のバランス」を取り、フロリダが権利を有する水の量を定量化するよう指示した)
Par Sterile Products, LLC et al. v. Hargan, 1:17-cv-02221 (D.D.C. Apr.4, 2018) (薬局の調合行為に関するFDAの方針/ガイダンスに対する異議を成功させ、FDAは法律に準拠し、クライアントに有利な方針を変更した)。
Atay v. County of Maui, 842 F.3d 688 (9th Cir. 2016) (Affirming lower court victory invalidating county ban on biotechnology crops as preempted by federal and state law).
Robert Ito Farm, Inc. v. County of Maui, 111 F.Supp.3d 1088 (D. Haw. 2015) (バイオテクノロジー作物に対する郡の禁止を無効とする連邦先取り訴訟を主張し、勝訴)。
Alika Atay et al. v. County of Maui et al.1:14-cv-00582-SOM-BMK (D. Haw. 2015).
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd. v. Sebelius, No.1:14-cv-00786 (D.D.C. May 15, 2014) (Defeating challenge to pending FDA generic drug application).
Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms, 130 S. Ct. 2743 (2010) (APA訴訟における差止法と連邦裁判所の権限についての最高裁の勝利)。
Entergy Corp. v. Riverkeeper, Inc., 129 S. Ct. 1498 (2009) (Clean Water Act の問題に関する最高裁の勝利)
Center for Food Safety v. Vilsack, 636 F.3d 1166 (9th Cir. 2011) (バイオテクノロジー作物の承認に関する訴訟を提起し、勝訴)
Walgreen Co. v. DEA, No.12-1397 (D.C. Cir. filed October 10, 2012) (DEAの執行行為と規制の解釈に異議を唱える)
Center for Food Safety v. Vilsack, 636 F.3d 1166 (9th Cir. 2011).
Sottera, Inc. v. FDA, 627 F.3d 891 (D.C. Cir. 2010).
Center for Food Safety v. Vilsack, 844 F. Supp. 2d 1006 (N.D. Cal. 2012).
Center for Food Safety v. Vilsack, No.10-4038, 2011 US Dist. LEXIS 31688 (N.D. Cal. Mar. 17, 2011).
Sottera, Inc. v. FDA, 680 F. Supp.2d 62 (D.D.C. 2010) (電子タバコに関するFDAの訴訟を却下).
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals v. FDA, No.1:09-cv-01810-FJS, slip op. (D.D.C. Sept. 24, 2009) (ジェネリック医薬品に関する係争).
また、Euromoney Institutional Investor Benchmarkでは、有力な訴訟担当者として評価されています。Litigation.
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Phil Perry is a litigation partner at Latham & Watkins. His career has been unique. Mr. Perry has served in private practice as lead trial counsel on matters of national importance, but has also served as the General Counsel for two federal agencies, and in multiple high-ranking positions in the US Department of Justice. Mr. Perry’s litigation victories have frequently been featured in Law360, Bloomberg, Reuters, American Lawyer, and other national publications. The National Law Journal recognized Mr. Perry for his “remarkable successes” in its Litigation Trailblazers Report. Additionally, Mr. Perry has been recognized on multiple occasions as a BTI Client Service All-Star.
In 2005, Mr. Perry was nominated by the President and confirmed unanimously by the US Senate as General Counsel of the US Department of Homeland Security. In that role, Mr. Perry managed an office of 1,500 lawyers responsible for all components of the department. Prior to his appointment at Homeland, Mr. Perry served as General Counsel of the White House Office of Management and Budget, addressing budgetary, regulatory, and policy issues across the Executive Branch. Mr. Perry also previously served as acting Associate Attorney General for the US Department of Justice (the Department’s third-ranking official), overseeing the Department’s Civil, Civil Rights, Environment and Natural Resources, Tax, and Antitrust Divisions. Earlier in his career, Mr. Perry served as Counsel to the US Senate’s 1997 Special Investigation of Campaign Finance Abuses.
Perry has significant experience in federal regulation of biotechnology and has successfully litigated the leading federal cases in that field. Mr. Perry has also successfully litigated high-profile cases involving the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the US Departments of Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Interior, and Justice (including the Drug Enforcement Administration). He also frequently handles complex regulatory matters before those agencies. He has successfully sued to invalidate federal and state regulations and agency actions (including in cases in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021), and has also successfully intervened to defend multiple US agencies in challenges critical to his clients’ businesses.
Mr. Perry also advises on federal and state express and implied preemption issues, and has taken a lead role in multiple successful civil litigation matters where such issues were critical. In addition to litigation in federal courts, Mr. Perry has also served as lead counsel in hearings before federal administrative law judges and in federal investigatory matters. Drawing on his prior experience with congressional investigations, Mr. Perry has represented national security clients in multiple congressional hearings and inquiries. Drawing on his experience in government following 9/11, Mr. Perry also handles certain matters of homeland and national security.
Mr. Perry’s recent litigation successes include:
- Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Becerra, __ F.4th __, 2021 WL 4465818 (11th Cir. 2021) (argued and won unanimous 11th Circuit case invalidating FDA drug approval on statutory exclusivity grounds). See here.
- United Therapeutics Corp. v. Espinosa, No. 21-cv-1686 (DLF), 2021 WL 5161783 (D.D.C. Nov. 5, 2021) (argued and won case addressing federal 340B drug discounting program). See here.
- Nat’l Association of Wheat Growers v. Becerra, 2020 WL 3412732 (E.D. Cal. June 22, 2020) (granting summary judgment and a permanent injunction on First Amendment grounds against enforcement by California’s Attorney General of a Proposition 65 warning; this was the first successful First Amendment challenge to Proposition 65 in the 30-plus year history of that law.)
- Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Azar, 952 F.3d 323 (D.C. Cir. 2020) (upholding District Court victory against FDA relating to orphan drug exclusivity).
- Genus Lifesciences, Inc. v. Azar, 486 F. Supp. 3d 450, 468 (D.D.C. 2020) (granting partial summary judgment on FDA patent certification issue).
- Athenex Inc. v. Azar, 2019 WL 3501811 (D.D.C. 2019) (Argued and won case involving FDA drug compounding policies).
- Nat’l Family Farm Coalition v. U.S. EPA, 747 F. App’x 646 (Mem) (9th Cir. 2019) (Win on mootness grounds).
- Eagle Pharmaceuticals v. Azar, 16-CV-790 (D.D.C. Jun. 8, 2018) (Argued and won case requiring FDA to grant seven years of marketing exclusivity for a particular chemotherapy drug). See here.
- National Association of Wheat Growers et al v. Zeise, 2:17-cv-02401 (E.D. Cal. 2018) (Injunction granted against California’s Proposition 65 warning requirement on First Amendment grounds; first such injunction granted in the 32 year history of Proposition 65). See here.
- Florida v. Georgia, No. 142, Original (U.S. Sup. 2018) (Supreme Court ruling in Florida’s favor, instructing Special Master to make factual findings, “balance the equities” and quantify the amount of water to which Florida is entitled).
- Par Sterile Products, LLC et al. v. Hargan, 1:17-cv-02221 (D.D.C. Apr. 4, 2018) (Successful challenge to FDA’s policy/guidance regarding pharmacy compounding practices; FDA complies with the law and changes policy in client’s favor).
- Atay v. County of Maui, 842 F.3d 688 (9th Cir. 2016) (Affirming lower court victory invalidating county ban on biotechnology crops as preempted by federal and state law).
- Robert Ito Farm, Inc. v. County of Maui, 111 F. Supp. 3d 1088 (D. Haw. 2015) (Argued and won federal preemption case invalidating county ban on biotechnology crops).
- Alika Atay et al. v. County of Maui et al.1:14-cv-00582-SOM-BMK (D. Haw. 2015).
- Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd. v. Sebelius, No. 1:14-cv-00786 (D.D.C. May 15, 2014) (Defeating challenge to pending FDA generic drug application).
- Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms, 130 S. Ct. 2743 (2010) (Supreme Court victory on injunction law and power of federal courts in APA litigation).
- Entergy Corp. v. Riverkeeper, Inc., 129 S. Ct. 1498 (2009) (Supreme Court victory on Clean Water Act issue).
- Center for Food Safety v. Vilsack, 636 F.3d 1166 (9th Cir. 2011) (Argued and won case regarding biotechnology crop approval).
- Walgreen Co. v. DEA, No. 12-1397 (D.C. Cir. filed Oct. 10, 2012) (Challenging DEA enforcement action and regulatory interpretation).
- Center for Food Safety v. Vilsack, 636 F.3d 1166 (9th Cir. 2011).
- Sottera, Inc. v. FDA, 627 F.3d 891 (D.C. Cir. 2010).
- Center for Food Safety v. Vilsack, 844 F. Supp. 2d 1006 (N.D. Cal. 2012).
- Center for Food Safety v. Vilsack, No. 10-4038, 2011 US Dist. LEXIS 31688 (N.D. Cal. Mar. 17, 2011).
- Sottera, Inc. v. FDA, 680 F. Supp. 2d 62 (D.D.C. 2010) (Defeating FDA action regarding e-cigarettes).
- Wyeth Pharmaceuticals v. FDA, No. 1:09-cv-01810-FJS, slip op. (D.D.C. Sept. 24, 2009) (Dispute regarding generic drugs).
Mr. Perry has also been recognized as a leading litigator in the Euromoney Institutional Investor Benchmark: Litigation.