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George W. Bush Military Tribunal: Day 3 Day 4 Military Convicts

2021-12-16 08:17:40 | カウンター・グレートリセット

マイケル・バクスター著 - 12月20日, 202176936728











"なぜ今、名乗り出るのですか?" クランダル少将が尋ねた。







Military Convicts George W. Bush
By Michael Baxter - December 20, 202176936728

The military commission empowered to decide the fate of George W. Bush found the former president guilty of treason and murder, and decreed on Thursday that he be hanged by the neck until dead.

The 3-officer panel tasked with weighing the military’s evidence against Bush reached a decision after hearing days of heated testimony.

On Thursday Bush returned to Guantanamo Bay’s south courtroom without the benefit of having his lawyer present, the latter having been ejected from the proceedings on Wednesday for refusing to curb his theatrical, emotional outbursts. Aufhauser had vowed to file an appeal in response to his ejection, but it’s uncertain to whom he would take such action.

Two more witnesses—both appearing on ZOOM–on Thursday morning testified that George W. Bush had warned them to at all costs avoid New York City, and particularly lower Manhattan, on September 11, and with Bush’s message came a warning: Keep it confidential, or else.

Rick Osborne, a longtime friend of the Bush family and former investigator for the Texas Rangers Division, told the panel he and his family had been planning to vacation in New York the week of September 10, but cancelled on September 8 after receiving an ominous telephone call from the defendant.

“He told me his intelligence people got credible intel that a terrorist attack might go down in New York that week, and he urged me to postpone my trip. I pressed him for mor info—it’s what investigators do—but he wasn’t saying much more. Just told me in damn clear terms to keep my mouth shut about his caution as it was a matter of national security,” Osborne told the panel.

“And as a member of law enforcement you didn’t feel it necessary to investigate further, or tell anyone?” Rear Adm. Crandall pressed him.

“Who the heck was I going to tell? He was George W. Bush, the president. In retrospect I wish I had, but I can’t go back in time,” Osborne said.

The next to testify was none other than James Baker, who served as White House Chief of Staff and United States Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan, and as U.S. Secretary of State and White House Chief of Staff under President George H. W. Bush. The 91-year-old statesman had a physician at his side and a nasal cannula in his nostrils. He struggled to speak, and between gasping breaths said that he, too, had been told by the defendant to avoid New York and D.C. the week of September 10.

“I had a public speaking engagement scheduled in New York and Washington for that week,” Baker sputtered. “It was either two or three days before 9/11—I can’t remember what day—double-yew phoned me, telling me to stay home that week because something big was about to happen. I wanted more information, but he beat around the bush, no pun intended, and got silent. Told me, though, that both he and his father needed me to keep it a secret. I’ve known them all my life, but I knew better than to cross them. Lots of empty space in West Texas, if you catch my meaning.”

“Why are you coming forward now?” Rear Adm. Crandall asked.

“I don’t have much time left, and if there’s even a slim chance I don’t end up in hell, I’ll take it,” Baker replied.

Rear Adm. Crandall asserted that witness testimony, in combination with the Rumsfeld tapes, proved conclusively that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld were the architects of 9/11.

Although he had more “proof” to offer into evidence, the panel said it had heard enough to not only find Bush guilty but also recommend he hang for crimes against America. The 3-officers found him guilty of treason and held him to account for every life lost on 9/11.

Rear Adm. Crandall affirmed the verdict, and he set George W. Bush’s date of execution for Tuesday, January 4.

(Note: Gavin Newsom’s tribunal was delayed and is now slated to begin December 27)

RRN is an independent publisher that relies on reader support. We fight for truth and freedom of the press in an oppressed society. We use GiveSendGo, a Christian-based fundraising company, through which to collect donations. Every dollar helps.



軍は、ブッシュをクロフォードの牧場で、チェイニーをワイオミング州ジャクソンの家族の敷地で、同時に逮捕することを望んでいたが、「アメリカ史上最も強力な副大統領」と呼ばれるチェイニーは、米海兵隊が「ノーノック令状」を持って彼の家に到着した時には逃亡していたと、彼はReal Raw Newsに語った。








George W. Bush Military Tribunal: Day 4, Part I




ブッシュ 「ブッシュ:「数人とはどのくらい多いのか?


ブッシュ "なんだよ、ディック、数千人と言ったじゃないか。それは2人のことで、6人や7人のことではない。クソッ"


ブッシュ 「ニューヨークで7,000人が亡くなったことを国に伝えることはできない。私は再選されないだろう。"


ブッシュ "数百人と言いたいところだが"


ブッシュ "もし3000と言ったら、あと4000人をどうやって計算するんだ。4000人のクソ家族がメディアや聞き手に向かって、自分たちの仲間が死んだのに報道されなかったと叫ぶことになります。


ブッシュ:" それはかなり大きな骨でなければならないだろう、ディック、私はそれが私の分け前に欠けて欲しくない。"









This is from Wednesday. There was no court on Tuesday for reasons not provided to me.

At the start of Wednesday’s proceedings Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall produced a second audio cassette that held yet another Oval Office conversation Donald Rumsfeld had secretly recorded. He told the 3-officer panel that the tape, featuring the voices of Rumsfeld, Bush, and Cheney, was made approximately five days after the Towers crumbled to dust. On it, the defendant asked Cheney for an approximate fatality count.

Cheney: “Looks like it’s a few more than we anticipated.”

Bush: “How many more is a few?”

Cheney: “So, we don’t know exactly, but it wouldn’t be unreasonable to say somewhere between 6,500-7,000 in New York.”

Bush: “What the fuck, Dick, you said it would be a few thousand. That’s like two, not six or seven. Fuck.”

Cheney: “We didn’t expect that many people would be in the towers on an early Tuesday morning, George, and it’s not like I could phone the planes and say ‘hey, we need you to cancel for today.’”

Bush: “I can’t tell the fucking country that 7,000 people died in New York. I’ll never get reelected.”

Cheney: “We’ll soften the blow by saying it’s, like, 2,000-3000. The nation can handle that.”

Bush: “I wish we could say a few hundred.”

Rumsfeld: “That’s pushing suspension of disbelief pretty far.”

Bush: “If we say 3000, how are we going to account for another 4000 people. That’ll be 4000 fucking families screaming to the media an anyone who’ll fucking listen that their people died and weren’t reported.”

Cheney: “We’ll have to throw some people a bone.”

Bush:” That’ll have to be one pretty big fucking bone, Dick, and I don’t want it chipping into my share.”

Cheney: “Trust me. I’ll take care of it.”

Rumsfeld: “It’ll be good for the economy. Thousands of new millionaires overnight.”

Rear Adm. Crandall stopped the tape. He asserted to the panel that the tyrannical trio not only planned 9/11 but also conspired to conceal an unbearable death toll for fear of losing political prestige. Cheney’s Saudi and Israeli contacts, he said, stood to profit massively from the arrangement, and blaming the tragedy on first Osama Bin Laden and then Khalid Sheikh Mohammad was a pretense for using the military of that era to both bomb the shit out of Afghanistan and seize 200,000 hectares of valuable opium fields.

Bush’s lawyer, David Aufhauser got to his feet. “What is this? You sound like you’re endorsing the Taliban, admiral.”

“No one’s endorsing the Taliban, Mr. Aufhauser. And they’re not on trial here today, but your client, George W. Bush, is. The commission would appreciate it if you can refrain from more outbursts,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

“Never in my legal career have I seen such malicious prosecution,” Aufhauser muttered. “I won’t be silent. To stay quiet is a disservice to my client. This trial must be adjourned and moved to a different venue not run by the U.S. military.”

His impassioned soliloquy prompted Rear Adm. Crandall to have him removed from the courtroom. The tribunal, he declared, would resume after a lunch recess.

( I will try to publish the rest of Day 4 later today. I apologize for the slow delivery. Unfortunately, sourced at GITMO are sometimes tardy in sending information to me. Thank you for your patience.)

George W. Bush Military Tribunal: Day 3

ダース・E・クランドール少将は、2001年6月にディック・チェイニーがジョージ・W・ブッシュに渡した手書きのメモを読み上げ、月曜日の議事を開始した。 筆跡分析の専門家は、文章と署名がチェイニーのものであることを確認したと話した。

「火曜日に話した通り、関係者に連絡を取りました。値段さえ合えば、彼らは乗り気だ。彼らは大金を要求している。「長期的な利益に比べれば些細なものです 前金で半分、後金で半分 近々、ニューヨークかワシントンでランチをしよう」とクランドール少将は読み上げた。



彼はそのメモを見て、"チキン・スクラッチ "と呼んだ。

「あなたの依頼人は証拠隠滅に長けていない」とクランドール少将は言った。「これは彼のクロフォードの牧場で押収された他の証拠と一緒に発見されました。この委員会はチェイニーが9/11の全ての計画を行ったことを認めています。ブッシュにはそれを実行する頭脳がないのは確かだ。チェイニーを捕まえるまで、そして捕まえるつもりだが、我々はすべてを知ることはできない。しかしブッシュには最終的な権限があり、彼はその権限を乱用してこの国と世界に戦争を仕掛けたのです。どの証拠が有効か決めるのは パネルです、あなたではありません、アウフハウザーさん あなたはテープを全部聞く機会がありました。パネルにはその特権があります。





ブッシュ: 「もし海外の友人がこれを台無しにしたらどうするんだ、ディック?どんな計画でも、100万件の失敗があり得るんだ。これがうまくいかなかったら、尻に敷かれるのはごめんだ。



ブッシュ "ちゃんとやれよ、ディック、ちゃんとやれよ"



物腰が柔らかく、引っ込み思案なドナルド・エヴァンスは、ジョージ・W・ブッシュの腐敗した政権では目立たない存在だった。テキサス生まれのエネルギー王は、ブッシュのことを "ダブル・ユー "と呼んでいたが、ブッシュが好意を寄せる多くの閣僚の一人となり、選挙で選ばれた議員として43歳に忠誠を誓った人々に恩返しをする仕草をした。第34代商務長官を務めていたとき、エバンスは陰に隠れ、会議に呼び出されない限り、めったにオフィスを出なかった。当初はほとんど目立たなかったが、月曜日の午後、ブッシュの軍事裁判で検察側の証人として登場するまでは、全く無名の存在であった。



予想通り、ブッシュの弁護士David Aufhauserは、面談の機会を与えられていない証人を呼び出すのは「極めて異例」であると異議を唱えた。




と、Evansは言う。「被告であるGeorge W. Bushは、あなたにそう言ったのですか?そして、電話の声が彼のものであったことは確かか?" とクランドール少将は尋ねた。









「エバンスさん、私は2つだけ質問します。まず、Crandall少将、JAG、あるいはOMCは、今日の証言の見返りとして、あなたに何か約束をしたのでしょうか?" とアウフハウザーは言った。


"あなたと被告との通話が" "行われたとする証拠はありますか?録音テープとか メモ?9/11委員会に送った手紙のコピーは?" アウフハウザーは彼に迫った。





Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall opened Monday’s proceedings by reading a handwritten note Dick Cheney had given to George W. Bush in June 2001.  Penmanship analysis experts, he told the panel, had verified the text and signature as Cheney’s.

“Per our Tuesday talk, have reached out to contacts. They’re on board if the price is right. They want a lot of money. It’s trivial compared to what we stand to make in the long run. Half up front, half when done. We should meet for lunch soon in New York or Washington,” Rear Adm. Crandall read.

On cue, Bush’s attorney David Aufhauser challenged the letter’s authenticity, demanding to know how JAG had magically come into possession of a scrap of paper that was over 20 years old and arguing that the message was so nebulous that no sane or intelligent person could infer criminal intent.

Aufhauser perspired, wiping sweat from his brow, and seemed visibly unnerved. His day hadn’t started on a good note. Ahead of court, he admitted to Rear Adm. Crandall that his digital forensic expert had authenticated the microcassette introduced into evidence on Friday and conceded that the voices on the tape “likely” were Rumsfeld, Bush, and Cheney’s.

He looked at the note and called it “chicken scratch.”

“Your client isn’t adept at destroying evidence,” Rear Adm. Crandall said. “This was found among other evidence seized at his Crawford ranch. Look, this commission freely admits that Cheney did all the planning for 9/11. Bush sure doesn’t have the brains to do it. Until we catch Cheney, and we will catch him, we won’t know everything. But Bush had final authority, and he abused his authority to wage war on this country and the world. The panel, not you, Mr. Aufhauser, will decide which evidence is valid. You’ve had a chance to hear the entire tape; the panel deserves that privilege.”

He resumed the tape:

Cheney: “The less you know right now, the better. Plausible deniability. You just have to trust I know what I’m doing, George.”

Rumsfeld: “Has to be multi-pronged here. I don’t want to be the one to explain why $2.3t is missing, or where it went.”

Cheney: “None of us will have to explain anything.”

Bush: “What if your overseas friends fuck this up, Dick? In any plan a million fucking things can go wrong. We don’t want to get bitten on the ass if this goes south.”

Cheney: “Trust me, I’ll have planned for every contingency. If there’s a mishap, we can use a little friendly fire to finish the job, and cover that up. It’d be no different from what Clinton did in ’96.”

Although Cheney didn’t expand on what happened in 1996, Real Raw News believes he was referring to the downing of Flight TWA 800 in July of that year.

Bush: “Get it right, Dick, get it right.”

Rear Adm. Crandall stopped the tape and put the tribunal on recess until after lunch.

(I will publish the 2nd half of Monday’s tribunal this evening.)

Soft-spoken and reclusive, Donald Evans was an unassuming figure in George W. Bush’s corrupt administration. A longtime friend of “double-yew,” as he referred to Bush, the Texas-born energy mogul became one of many cabinet members upon whom Bush bestowed favoritism, a gesture of reciprocity toward those who had sworn fealty to 43 throughout his years as an elected official. While serving as the 34th Secretary of Commerce Evans kept to the shadows, seldom leaving his office unless summoned to meetings. Barely visible to begin with, he faded into total obscurity until surfacing as a witness for the prosecution Monday afternoon at Bush’s military tribunal.

He appeared on ZOOM to testify against his former boss.

Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall addressed the witness. “Mr. Evans, this commission thanks you for being here. Could you please tell this panel what you said to me when you were first interviewed?”

As expected, Bush’s lawyer David Aufhauser voiced an objection, saying it was “highly unorthodox” to call a witness that he had not been given an opportunity to interview.

Bush for the first time raised his voice. “Of all the people, Donald, I never thought you—” he croaked.

But Rear Adm. Crandall interrupted them, saying he’d clear the chamber and finish the tribunal with Bush and Aufhauser in absentia unless all present agreed to maintain order. The commission, he said, would hear Evans’ testimony.

“I was in my office, as usual, Monday morning—that was September 10, 2001. At about 10 or 11 that morning, I can’t recall the exact time, Bush called my office phone. He said he had something to tell me. His voice, it sounded shaky—I don’t know how else to describe it. Nervous maybe. See, at the time I had family and friends working in the towers. Out of nowhere, he tells me I should tell them to not go in that day. In fact, he told me they should avoid the city,” Evans said.

“The defendant, George W. Bush, told you this? And you’re certain it was his voice on the phone?” Rear Adm. Crandall asked.

“I’ve known the man for 50 years. I’m sure I know his voice,” Evans replied.

“And did he share with you why your friends or family should avoid the towers, and Manhattan, that Tuesday, September 11?” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

“He only said something might happen, and that if it did, I was never to speak of it or the warning he gave me. He said it in a non-threatening but intimidating way, and you’d have to really know him to grasp what I mean,” Evans said.

“Did you take his advice? Did you warn them?” Rear Adm. Crandall asked.

“I did not, because I didn’t want to believe he could be serious. If I had, they’d still be alive today,” Evans said.

“And you were so fearful of Bush’s wrath that you never once in 20 years mentioned his warning to anyone?” Rear Adm. Crandall asked.

“That’s untrue. I sent a letter to the Chairman of the 9/11 Commission, Thomas Keane. He chose, I guess, to omit it from the final report,” Evans said.

After a pause, Rear Adm. Crandall asked whether the defense wished to cross-examine the witness.

“I have only two questions for you, Mr. Evans. First, did Rear Adm. Crandall, JAG, or the OMC make you any promises in return for your testimony today?” Aufhauser said.

“No, sir.”

“Do you have any proof this alleged call between you and the defendant ever took place? An audio tape, perhaps. Notes? A copy of the letter you sent to the 9/11 Commission?” Aufhauser pressed him.

“No, sir.”

Seemingly satisfied at the responses, Aufhauser had no added questions, and Rear Adm. Crandall said the next witness would appear before the tribunal Tuesday morning.

RRN is an independent publisher that relies on reader support. We fight for truth and freedom of the press in an oppressed society. We use GiveSendGo, a Christian-based fundraising company, through which to collect donations. Every dollar helps.
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