公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2021-04-01 17:12:00 | マキャヴェッリ


岸 信夫(きし のぶお、旧姓安倍1959年(昭和34年)4月1日 - )は、日本政治家自由民主党所属の衆議院議員(3期)。防衛大臣(第21代)、自由民主党山口県支部連合会会長。日華議員懇談会幹事長。

A lot of people in this country. You're one of them. So all I would tell you is that you get in there and you hook and jab you do the kinds of things that you need to do you talk to people and you encourage them and you make them feel good about who they are, what they're doing to not give up. I'm telling you, do not give up. Do not, do not go to the Lord. One of these days, and feel like you have not done everything that you can for the for the beliefs that you have. Okay, don't go to those dates and say, I wish, or I wish I'd done that, you're alive, and there are 1000s and 1000s actually millions but certainly 1000s of men and women who have sacrificed their lives who are babies, and had children, and will never see those children grow up, and he did it because they love something greater than themselves. So that's the sacrifice that we have to make. We have to go and do that for each other. So I'm just telling you is that I don't have the answers that everybody needs, but I do know that I will never give up. I will never give up, they will, they will very mean before I give up. It will.


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