「アフガニスタンの統治機構を構築し維持するための米国の努力は、ベトナム戦争における同じ努力と結果に匹敵する、完全で壮大で運命的な失敗であり、同じ理由である」と、米陸軍士官学校の国家安全保障の准教授クリス・メイスンはSIGARへの声明の中で述べている。(関連記事 米国はアフガニスタンを監視する必要がある、バイデン政権が説明責任を果たす努力を妨害した後、専門家はそう言っている)
マーク・ミリー将軍 "白人の怒りを理解したい、白人の私が理解したい。"
そこで自分を殴ってください。マーク・ミリー将軍 統合参謀本部議長だ この男......信じられない......まだ仕事があるなんて!特にアフガニスタンの後、特にトランプ大統領と一緒にいることを謝罪した後、私たちはショーの早い段階でそれを再生したことを覚えておいてください。さて、数日前のワシントン・タイムスの記事を見てください。マーク・ミリー将軍を軍法会議にかけるべき理由、ベネディクト・アーノルド以来の下士官による反逆的破壊行為の最もひどい例、クリス・ファレルによるものです。クリスはJudicial Watchのメンバーです。元米国陸軍の諜報部員でもある。平和で、ニューズマックスへようこそ。
"音楽 "って感じだな この男は悪党だと思うが......実際に裁判にかけるとなると......十分な証拠があると思うかい?そう言うならそうしろ その証拠に、1年前の2021年9月、ウッドワード出版社アパレルと呼ばれる、私はそれにもかかわらず、ウッドワード通常嫌悪感を見つけるが、文書は彼の共産主義中国のカウンターパートとの接触をリリースしました。そして、彼はミリーが行うことを認めているフライスからの転写、引用を持っています。
32条公聴会が開かれるべきです。基準を満たせば 軍法会議にかけるべきでしょう
ここで何かを感じ取っているのだと思います。 ところで、私は彼が有罪であると信じている反抗を指摘しておきますが、彼は本当にすべてのトランプ大統領に面と向かって言ったことはないと思います。
最悪なのは、その謝罪?ドナルド・トランプがその場で彼をクビにすればよかったのに。ちょっと聞きたいんだけどさ。助けてください。ドナルド・トランプが大統領として戻ってきたとしよう ミレーはある意味、とっくに引退しているか、クビになっているか、そんなところだろう。懲罰的措置のために現役に呼び戻すことができるメカニズムがあるのでしょうか?私は以前、そのようなことが起こると聞いたことがありますそのメカニズムがあるのでしょうか?それとも私が間違っているのでしょうか。
クリス・ファレル、ジュディシャス・ウォッチ調査研究部長、 元米国陸軍対情報局員、どうもありがとうございました。すぐに戻るわ 無料版のDeepL翻訳(www.DeepL.com/Translator)で翻訳しました。
I want to understand white rage, and I'm white, and I want to understand it.
Knock yourself out there. Mark Milley, General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This guy this guy can't believe it can't believe he still has a job, especially after Afghanistan, especially after apologizing for being with President Trump and remember that we played it earlier in the show. Well take a look at this in the Washington Times just a couple of days ago why General Mark Milley should be court martialed, the most egregious examples of treasonous subversion by a commissioned officer since Benedict Arnold by Chris Farrell. Chris is from Judicial Watch. He's also a former US Army counter intelligence officer, sir great peace and welcome to Newsmax how are you?
Good. Thanks very much.
So it's music to my ears. I think this guy is the pitch but actually court marshaling him you think there's enough evidence out there to do that? Make the case if you would. The evidence is there and it's indisputable a year ago September 2021, called Woodward publishing publishers apparel and although I find Woodward usually loathsome nonetheless, the documents released contacts with his Communist Chinese counterpart. And he has transcripts, quotations from milling that Millie admits to doing.
And Millie cooperated with reporters because he gave them the back and forth transcript with his Chinese counterpart, where he tells the Chinese general Hey, I'll give you a heads up if we're gonna attack you.
It's outrageous just at face value, and the fact that he's admitted it a year ago and nothing's been done to him.
The wild Judicial Watch has gone to court to obtain those same transcripts of that call and the Pentagon stonewalling us there were they forced us in a position to go and sue to get these transcripts of this call, while he simultaneously is cooperating with Woodward, leaking information out and assisting these guys in writing a book that you know attempts to make him look like he's some kind of hero. That's compounded by another book coming out at the end of this month, where there's even worse actions under the sport, more reckless behavior, where he's insubordinate to the president uses grossly foul language to defy him and then threatens his staff and says, Well, if you want to court martial me, go ahead. The stuff he's done is so far off the scale.
An article 32 Hearing should be impaneled. If the threshold is met. You should be court martial.
I think you're onto something here. By the way, I'll point out that the insubordination which I do believe he's guilty of I think he never really told all President Trump to his face. He was always kind of trying to trip him up behind the scenes and he wrote that nasty letter, but didn't have the nerve to send it right
I agree. He's very cowardly in that regard, because he'd smile to the President and make assurances to him, but then run around and connive and double deal and backstabbing. You know, in this latest book, they produce a draft letter of resignation that nearly never signed and never submitted. This is you can if this is how to fish through cannot use the author's or draft letter that condemns Trump is full of all kinds of rituals, but in fact, nearly never had the spine and the guts to actually sign it and submit it. But he puts it in the book to try to make himself look like a hero. This is really loathsome, cowardly behavior.
The worst I that apology? I wish Donald Trump had fired him on the spot for that. Let me ask you something, though. Help. Let's say Donald Trump comes back as president Milley will in one way or the other be long gone, I'll have retired or fired or whatever. Is there a mechanism and I only have a few seconds where he could be recalled to active duty for punitive measures I've heard of that happening before there is a mechanism for that to happen. Or I could be wrong.
In essence, general officers never really retire. they retire for pay purposes when they go off and play golf. But General Officers are always subject to recall. So that could be
Chris Farrell, Director of investigations and research for Judicial Watch and a former US Army counter intelligence officer serve many, many thanks to be continued Okay, where it could be with you back. We'll be right back.