By Michael Baxter - 2022年10月18日
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P-8 Poseidon Pilots Cry Foul: “We Weren’t there when Nord Stream Blew”
The P-8 Poseidon pilots arrested in connection with the Nord Stream explosion have cried foul, telling JAG investigators on Friday that their plane, which took off from Air Station Keflavik, Iceland, was hundreds of miles from the undersea natural gas conduits when the explosions took place.
Public flight tracking data support their contention. Data taken from FlightRadar24 and FlightAware, both publicly accessible websites, showed the P-8 over the North Sea at 0003GMT when seismologists in Sweden detected what they first thought to be a quake. The P-8 then flew a racetrack loop over Poland before changing course for the Baltic pipeline area. The P-8 approached to within 15m of the blast site and circled it, then flew toward the Kamchatka Peninsula.
The P-8, pilots told JAG investigators, could not be at two locations at the same time, and thus, neither could they.
“The pilots’ story is they were ordered to break off from their normal patrol route to investigate the explosion, to search for submarines in the vicinity. The PIC said they’d been ordered to deploy sonar buoys and search for the acoustic signature of an Akula-class Russian sub. Finding nothing, they left. On the surface the story might seem logical, but if you dig down it don’t make sense. Why would Russia compromise their own pipeline? How would they know which submarine to search for? And there’s more,” our source said
The “more” he mentioned refers to missing flight data between 0339 GMT and 0620 GMT. Contemporary aircraft like the P-8 use a technology called ADS-B to broadcast in real-time their GPS location, altitude, ground speed and other data to ground stations and other aircraft, once per second. Air traffic controllers and properly equipped aircraft can immediately receive this information. Public tracking apps such as FlightAware and FlightRadar24 also pick up these data. The gap in coverage suggests two possibilities: mechanical malfunction, or the pilots disabled the ADS-B.
“The pilots deny any wrongdoing and say the ADS-B functioned properly the entire flight,” our source said. “But there’s more to this incident and that’s why they’re still in custody. There’s evidence I can’t yet disclose.”
Asked whether the relief pilots or crew supplied information that contradicts the pilots’ statements, he added, “We haven’t finished interviewing yet, but soon.”
P-8 Poseidon Crew Arrested in Connection with Nord Stream Explosion
By Michael Baxter - October 7, 2022
By Michael Baxter - 2022年10月7日
ノルドストリームは、ロシアとヨーロッパの間のバルト海の下を通る2本の天然ガスパイプラインである。 ノルドストリーム計画は、パイプラインが欧州におけるロシアの影響力を強めるという懸念から、一部の中東欧諸国や米国が反対してきた。2022年9月26日、NS1とNS2のパイプラインは、国際海域での水中爆発に起因するほぼゼロまでの大きな圧力低下を複数回経験し、稼働不能となった。
反乱軍の潜水艦の関与について尋ねると、情報筋は回避的にこう答えた。「今は何も言うことはない。このパズルは少しずつ解けてきている "と。
編集:正確を期すため、記事中の一文を編集しました。当初、「...爆発が起こった場所で、起こった時間に」と書きましたが、「...爆発が起こった場所で、起こった時間に」としました。P-8がいつその地域を飛び越えたかについて矛盾があるため、最後のフレーズを"...around the time they took place "に変更しました。現在、追加情報の入手に努めています。 無料版のDeepL翻訳(www.DeepL.com/Translator)で翻訳しました。
The pilots and crew of a US Navy P-8 Poseidon anti-submarine aircraft that overflew now damaged sections of the Nord Stream pipeline were arrested by the constitutionalist faction of the U.S. military Thursday evening; White Hat sources told Real Raw News.
Nord Stream is a pair of natural gas pipelines that run under the Baltic Sea between Russia and Europe. The Nord Stream projects have been opposed by some Central and Eastern European countries, as well as the United States, due to concerns that the pipelines would increase Russia’s influence in Europe. On 26 September 2022, the NS1 and the NS2 pipelines experienced multiple large pressure drops to almost zero, attributed to underwater explosions in international waters, rendering them inoperable.
Radar tracks and publicly available flight tracking software identified the presence of a single P-8—and no other aircraft—above where the explosions took place, around the time they took place.
Fast forward. This week RRN printed two articles on USAF Colonel Blaine L. Baker, whom JAG investigators arrested Wednesday on unrelated charges. But a comprehensive investigation into Baker’s past revealed, coincidentally, that he, though an Air Force officer, had on several occasions communicated electronically with Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro, a known Deep State commodity and betrayer of the US Constitution.
The communiques between Baker and Del Toro were mostly benign, sources told RRN; however, three discussed specifically their hatred of Vladimir Putin and his “stranglehold” on Western Europe. In one email Baker wrote, “…Disruption of Nord Stream would free Europe of Putin’s icy grip,” and asked Del Toro whether he thought the administration would sanction the use of military hardware to accomplish that goal. Del Toro responded with a list of Air Force and Naval assets in the theater that could do the trick. Maritime aircraft and submarines were mentioned in Del Toro’s response.
The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps says the correspondence is probable cause to believe Baker had a hand in damaging Nord Stream. This accusation, expectedly, directly contradicts what the criminal Biden regime and the MSM have relayed to the public—that Vladimir Putin ordered Nord Stream’s destruction. But that makes no sense, for if true, Putin crippled his own revenue stream, essentially shooting himself in the foot. If Putin wanted to deny Europe natural gas, he could’ve simply close the valves on his end.
On Wednesday evening, JAG investigators at Guantanamo Bay pressed Baker for answers, but he refused to talk, saying any actions he “may or may not” have taken were done in the name of safeguarding democracy.
“A person’s silence alone should never be misconstrued as guilt, but Baker’s silence and ambiguous brief statement, combined with the emails, gave us more than sufficient reason to pursue this. We had actionable intelligence, substantive proof. We needed the crew of the P-8 to fit the pieces together,” our source said.
A day later, White Hats across all branches of the US Armed Forces, including members of the Special Operations community, launched a clandestine operation to apprehend the 9 men who flew the fateful mission. They included the pilot and co-pilot, the relief pilots, and the five crewmen who monitored the P-8’s extensive sensor suite.
Our sources would not say how they were taken into custody, but he did say the operation went off without a hitch and that all nine are in custody and either being interrogated or awaiting interrogation at “secure locations.”
When asked about the involvement of a rebel submarine, our source answered evasively: “Nothing to say on that right now. This puzzle is getting solved a piece at a time.”
Edit: We have edited a sentence in the article to reflect accuracy. Initially, we wrote, “…where the explosions took place, at the time they took place. We have changed the final phrase to “…around the time they took place,” as there are discrepancies on when exactly the P-8 overflew the area. We are efforting to obtain additional information.