公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ


“We’re under attack.” マール・ア・ラゴは一過性のものだったようである

2022-08-17 02:43:05 | カウンター・グレートリセット



FBIがマー・ア・ラゴのゲートに武器を取り出して集合するやいなや、トランプ大統領のフロリダ司令部を守る4人のうちの1人である米海軍特殊部隊から、米海軍グアンタナモ湾基地に電話が入り、簡潔なメッセージが伝えられました。"我々は攻撃を受けている "と



「いいえ、そうではありません。これは訓練ではありません。繰り返しますが、これは訓練ではありません。これは「現実の世界」です。マール・ア・ラゴが攻撃されているのです」 ジェモット大佐は言った。「司令官は基地におらず、連絡がとれない。

"バトルステーション "と、バーガー将軍が告げた。「これは憲法に対する攻撃かもしれない」。

四百五十人の兵士と海兵隊員は突然、まだ暗い空に鳴り響くけたたましいサイレンの音で目を覚ました。海兵隊警備隊(MCSF)の半数は、海岸沿いの機銃掃射台と高射砲に陣取っていた。残りの半数は合同収容グループの支援を受け、米海軍の法務官(Judge Advocate General)部隊が軍事裁判を待つディープステートの囚人を収容するキャンプデルタを含むジトモ内部の保護に動いた。

JAGの上級士官であるダース・E・クランドール副将軍は、クラクションで目を覚まし、ジェンモット大佐に状況報告の電話を入れた。ジェモット大佐は、マー・ア・ラゴが包囲されたこと、バーガー将軍がディープステートがキャンプデルタに収容されている仲間を救出するためにGITMOを攻撃することを懸念していることを告げました。彼は、現在何人の囚人が収容されているのか確認を求めた。提督は「12人、うち3人はHVT(High Value Targets)の頭文字をとったもの」と反応した。デルタ基地は警備が3倍強化され、各部屋を4人の重装備の海兵隊員が守っていた。








No sooner had the FBI amassed with weapons drawn at Mar-a-Lago’s gates than a U.S. Navy SEAL, one of four assigned to protect President Trump’s Florida command center, telephoned U.S. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, with a succinct message: “We’re under attack.”

The SEAL had followed orders. He had no way of knowing that the attack on Mar-a-Lago was an isolated incident. For all he knew, the Deep State could’ve been simultaneously assaulting White Hat institutions across the country; or Mar-a-Lago might have been a diversion.

Four hundred miles from Mar-a-Lago, on the southeastern shore of Cuba, GITMO’s patriotic deputy commander, U.S. Army Col. Matthew Jemmott, internalized the scenario a moment, then began rousing the station’s quick response security team and making phone calls, the first of which went to Marine Corps General David H. Berger at Camp Pendleton, who, oddly enough, hadn’t yet learned of the incursion. When Col. Jemmott informed him, Gen. Berger asked whether GITMO was performing a drill.

“No, sir. This is not a drill. I repeat: this is not a drill. This is ‘real world.’ Mar-a-Lago is under attack,” Col. Jemmott said. “Commanding officer is not on base and cannot be reached.”

“Battle stations,” Gen. Berger told him. “This could be an attack on the Constitution.”

Forty-five hundred soldiers and Marines suddenly awoke to the sound of clangorous sirens wailing in the still dark sky. Half of Marine Corps Security Force Company (MCSF Co) manned battle emplacements—machine gun nests and anti-aircraft artillery—along the shore. The other half, supported by the Joint Detention Group, moved to protect GITMO’s interior, which includes Camp Delta, where the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’ Corps hold Deep State prisoners awaiting military tribunals.

JAG’s senior officer Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall was awoken by the klaxons and phoned Col. Jemmott for a situation report. Col. Jemmott informed him that Mar-a-Lago had come under siege, and that Gen. Berger was concerned that the Deep State might attack GITMO to rescue fellow Deep Staters incarcerated at Camp Delta. He asked for confirmation on how many prisoners were currently locked up. The admiral responded, “Twelve, including 3 HVTs,” an acronym for High Value Targets. Security at Camp Delta had been tripled, each cell guarded by four heavily armed Marines.

As an aside, Real Raw News believes two of the three HVTs are Avril Haines, whose tribunal had been scheduled for August 10, and Paul Pelosi, whom Delta Force apprehended on August 6. We have received no info on either the third HVT or the other nine detainees.

In GITMO’s Command & Control center, Col. Jemmott and staff discussed how the Deep State might land troops on the island; by air or by sea, or both. However, the ATC at GITMO’s Leeward Point Airfield saw no sign of an aerial invasion, but acknowledged that aircraft flying sans Mode C, meaning without an active transponder, or flying below 500’ above ground level, could impede rapid detection. Marine spotters on the shore scanned the horizon for incoming fast attack boats, while other soldiers uncrated “stinger” shoulder-fired missiles and inserted their large cylindrical batteries into the well.

In the command center a name came up: Brigadier General Curtis Taylor, commanding officer of California’s Fort Irwin and a former White Hat, had recently denounced the Constitution as an obsolete document and sworn allegiance to Joseph Biden, proclaiming his troops were “at the ready” to defend the administration from domestic threats.

Col. Jemmott expressed concern that the traitor Gen. Taylor might have coerced the men under his command into believing White Hats were the real threat to the nation. Taylor, if backed by the federal government, had enough manpower and firepower to wage a small war, Col. Jemmott noted.

For five hours GITMO stood at high alert, ready for battle, until Gen. Berger called with news that no other bases whose commanders adhered to the Constitution of the United States had come under siege. Mar-a-Lago seemed to be a one-off, he said.

A “standdown” order was issued, and life at GITMO returned to normal.

Both Col. Jemmott and Vice Adm. Crandall agreed to postpone military tribunals pending “security improvements.”


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