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2022-12-29 01:57:18 | 選挙不正

アリゾナ州の2022年の選挙をめぐるKari Lake氏の訴訟の棄却により、争いの絶えない武勇伝に終止符が打たれた。投票機の問題や、投票用紙の保管体制についての疑問はあったものの、この訴訟の裁判官は、レイク陣営が何らかの救済を行うために必要な法的基準を満たさなかったと述べている。






トンプソン氏は、火曜日の判決で、「それぞれの側が、大きな信念を持って自分の立場を堅く信じていることは間違いない」と述べたとThe Hill紙は報じている。レイクは明確で説得力のある証拠を提出しなかったが、制裁を科すべき基準には達しなかったという。


With the dismissal of Kari Lake’s lawsuit over Arizona’s 2022 election, a contentious saga was brought to an end. Despite issues with voting machines and questions about the chain of custody of ballots, the judge in the case said the Lake campaign did not meet the legal threshold needed to provide any remedy.

Ultimately, as I wrote initially when the lawsuit was filed, it was always likely to be too difficult to prove intent (required under the law) and that voters were actually disenfranchised. Supposition, as much as it makes for good internet chatter, wasn’t going to do it here, and without direct evidence that ballots were improperly discarded or tampered with (i.e. votes changed somehow), the end result was inevitable.

Regardless, Hobbs, being the insufferable Karen that she is, couldn’t just walk away victorious. She instead requested the judge sanction Lake as punishment for even challenging the election. On that front, Lake has finally scored a win, albeit one that probably won’t be much consolation.

According to Just The News, Judge Peter Thompson, who was handling the case, declined Hobbs’ move for retaliation.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson on Tuesday rejected Democratic Gov.-elect Katie Hobbs’ request to sanction her former opponent, Republican nominee Kari Lake, for a lawsuit challenging Arizona’s election results.

Hobbs, in her official capacity as both secretary of state and governor-elect, along with Maricopa County, filed the request to force Lake and her legal team to pay the attorneys’ fees for all parties in the election lawsuit, which the county and Hobbs said was groundless and in bad faith.

“There is no doubt that each side believes firmly in its position with great conviction,” Thompson said in his ruling Tuesday, The Hill reported. He said Lake did not provide clear and convincing evidence but did not reach the standard for sanctions to be imposed.

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