By ジャック・デイビス
10月 1, 2023 at 12:07pm
広告 - ストーリーは下に続く
配信 2022年12月16日 17:09更新 2022年12月16日 17:20
[ロンドン 15日 ロイター] - ヘンリー英王子夫妻は15日に公開された米ネットフリックスのドキュメンタリーシリーズ「ハリー&メーガン」で、英王室やメディアを改めて非難した。
As he prances around the $14m, 9-bdrm mansion in Montecito w/massive gardens, white lighted-cocktail parties & mountain views from his 7-acre yard, Harry laments how all he ever wanted was this “normal life!” These are the LEAST SELF-AWARE PEOPLE ON EARTH. #HarryandMeghanNetflix
What the 'September Slope' means for property
Prince Harry and wife Meghan Markle have secretly bought a private family home in Santa Barbara — the place they have chosen to put down permanent roots and bring up their son Archie after leaving the British royal family.
Their lavish new multimillion-dollar estate reportedly boasts nine bedrooms, as well as a pool, theatre and gym.
The property, which was bought for $20.2 million ($US14.5million) in June, was previously valued at $28.7 million ($20.6million) and is located in the celebrity enclave of Montecito, California, according to The Sun.
ワシントンとロンドンを拠点とする政治的に独立した調査機関、デモクラシー・インスティテュートがイギリスの新聞Daily Expressのために独占的に行った一連の調査によると、ジョー・バイデン大統領と民主党は2022年の中間選挙を前に悲惨な政治状況に直面していることが明らかになった。民主主義研究所の創設者パトリック・バシャム氏によれば、2024年に共和党の候補者がトップに立つのを防ぐために、バイデンの後継者を誰にするかで民主党の意見が割れているという。
スプートニク 民主主義研究所の新しい世論調査によると、米国の回答者はメーガン・マークルをミシェル・オバマに次いで2位とし、カマラ・ハリス副大統領とヒラリー・クリントンより上としている。これは、メーガン・マークルが2024年に立候補すれば、本当に勝算があるということでしょうか?
スプートニク サセックス公爵夫人が2024年の大統領選挙に出馬を希望しているとの報道があります。ハリーとメーガンは、2012年にバラク・オバマの再選を支援したPRの第一人者を「イメージチェンジのために」雇ったと伝えられている。これに先立ち、マークルは元ヒラリー・クリントンの選挙補佐官を雇っている。これは、マークル自身の政治的野心を裏付けるものだと、あなたは思いますか?
スプートニク マスコミは先に、ヒラリー・クリントンとメーガン・マークルは数十年来の知り合いであり、特別な絆で結ばれていると報じた。ベンガジ疑惑やメールゲートなどでヒラリー自身のブランドが低下していることから、ヒラリーが密かにメーガンを民主党内で大統領選に推している可能性はないでしょうか。
パトリック・バシャム 二人の長年の関係にもかかわらず、クリントンがマークルを2024年の出馬のために宣伝しているとは思えません。クリントンは、今後2年間で、民主党がバイデンもハリスも2024年には選挙にならないことに気づき、民主党の救世主として自分に目を向けてくれることを期待しているのでしょう。
Meghan Markle’s 2024 US election odds have been boosted by a new Democracy Institute poll showing that the Duchess of Sussex is one of the preferred candidates. The poll's results reflect a complicated political game within the Democratic Party, involving the Bidens, the Obamas, and the Clintons, according to the Democracy Institute's director.
President Joe Biden and the Democrats are facing a dismal political situation ahead of the 2022 midterms, according to a series of surveys conducted exclusively for the British newspaper Daily Express by the Democracy Institute, a Washington- and London-based, politically independent research organisation. According to Patrick Basham, founding director of the Democracy Institute, the Dems are now divided over who should succeed Biden to prevent a GOP candidate from coming out on top in 2024.
Sputnik: A new poll by the Democracy Institute found that US respondents put Meghan Markle second behind Michelle Obama, but ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris and Hilary Clinton. Does that mean Meghan Markle really has a chance of winning if she throws her hat into the ring in 2024?
Patrick Basham: Should Joe Biden not seek renomination in 2024 as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, our polling finds that Meghan Markle would have a decent chance of securing the party’s nomination. Although Michelle Obama is the preferred female candidate among Democratic voters, she does not enjoy politics and I do not expect her to seek the presidency.
The party’s respective far-left progressive and centre-left wings, along with the respective Obama and Clinton power bases, are divided over who should succeed Biden. As a result, there is a base of support for Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as presidential nominees, but none of them have high levels of support. Therefore, Markle could present herself as the new, modern, bi-racial face of the Democratic Party, one that is untainted by previous political compromises, legislative battles, and controversial votes. While she would not be most Democrats' first choice, she could win if most Democrats viewed her as their favoured second-choice.
Sputnik: There have been reports that the Duchess of Sussex would like to run in the 2024 presidential election. Harry and Meghan have reportedly hired a PR guru who helped re-elect Barack Obama in 2012 "to transform their image". Prior to this, Markle hired former Hillary Clinton campaign aides. Does this confirm Markle's own political ambitions, in your opinion?
She is probably now at the stage, which will last at least until the midterm elections this November, during which she must divine the answers to three questions: Is there sufficient potential support for her candidacy among Democratic voters? Can she raise the enormous sums of money necessary to compete in the Democratic primaries and caucuses? Is there a potential audience of Democratic voters for a non-political, celebrity candidate with high name recognition, but little of the partisan background and loyalties normally required to garner the party’s nomination?
Sputnik: The press earlier reported that Hillary Clinton and Meghan Markle had known each other for decades and that they have a special bond. Is it possible that Hillary is covertly promoting Meghan for the Oval Office within the Democratic Party, given that her own brand has become tarnished by the Benghazi scandal, emailgate, etc.?
Patrick Basham: Despite their longstanding relationship, I do not think that Clinton is promoting Markle for a run in 2024. Clinton harbours the hope that, over the next two years, the Democratic Party will realise that neither Biden nor Harris is electable in 2024 and will turn to her as the party’s saviour.
That said, Clinton also may view herself as Markle’s long-term political mentor. As such, she may think that, should Markle come to the political fore in the next five to ten years, Clinton can wield particular influence upon Markle, a campaign novice, and extend her political legacy in that fashion.
スプートニク The Hillは最近、ビル・クリントンがホワイトハウスでジョー・バイデンと会談したことを報じました。この会談についてどう思われますか?民主党の2人の政治家はどのような問題を話し合うことができるでしょうか?
Sputnik: The Hill recently reported on Bill Clinton's meeting with Joe Biden at the White House. What do you think about this meeting? What issues could the two senior Democratic politicians discuss?
Patrick Basham: The meeting most likely served two purposes. First, in political terms, Clinton can counsel Biden about how best to govern when your party no longer holds power in Congress. Back in 1994, Clinton’s Democrats suffered a massive defeat to the Republicans and lost control of both the Senate and, most notably, the House of Representatives, too. Subsequently, Clinton was persuaded that his first two years were too radical, in policy terms, for American tastes. His move to the centre during 1995 and 1996 was essential to his re-election. The parallels with Biden’s presidency to date are obvious: a radical agenda that is unpopular with most voters and an impending electoral defeat for his party. But, will Biden be humbled, as Clinton was, by his party’s election loss and adjust course next year? And, will his party’s left wing let him moderate his approach?
Second, I expect Clinton would have sought to stiffen Biden’s resolve on the Ukraine crisis to ensure the conflict has a lengthy duration. Politically, Clinton has a history of intervening in Eastern Europe, most notably vis-à-vis Kosovo, during his own presidency in the 1990s.