政府が抱える「借金」が「GDP」に比べてどれくらい大きいかを表した図、ワースト1位は日本 - GIGAZINE
As of the end of June 2023, China's external financial assets were USD 9,367 billion, external liabilities were USD 6,591.3 billion, and external net assets were USD 2,775.8 billion.
Of the liabilities,
USD 3,384 billion in direct investment outstanding (51% of the total)
USD 1,751.1 billion in marketable securities (27% of total)
Derivative transactions outstanding: 23.2 billion USD (0.4% of total)
Other investments USD 1,432.9 billion (22% of total)
If we view the failure of direct investment as 70%, the company is just barely not insolvent, but at a dangerous level.
あこれも、忘れるな。10 年でホームレスが三分の一以下になっている。