マイケル・バクスター著 - 2023年5月18日
米国が現代史上最大の医薬品不足の危機に直面しているため、何百万人もの患者が生命を脅かす病気を治療するための薬を見つけることができません。抗生物質の不足により、患者は一般的な抗生物質であるアモキシシリンを見つけるために複数の薬局を探し回ることになり、痛み止めを奪われた腫瘍学の患者は想像を絶する苦しみに耐えている。子供用のタイレノールでさえも不足している。かつて一般的だった300種類以上の薬がFDAの欠品リストに掲載され、犯罪者であるバイデン政権は、医薬品市場の低迷の根本原因を調査する諮問委員会を設置し、委員会の「皇帝」にザビエル・ベセラ氏を指名した。 政権の覇権を握る保健福祉長官は、この惨事を「コビッド19のサプライチェーンの問題が続いている」ためだとすぐに言い訳したが、これは明らかな虚偽である。
"亡命生活 "に加えて、彼はディープステーターの中でも最も保護されている人物である。彼がワルシャワのどこかにいるという具体的な証拠がある。"ワレンスキーと同じように""不手際がないように""彼を捕まえる そうでなければ、これが精一杯で、できることを学び、サイバーコマンドが何か情報を掴んで、政権が盗んだ薬を蓄えている場所にたどり着くことを期待する」と、この情報筋は言う。
Real Raw News Radio - 木曜日、9:00 P.M. CST.
今夜のトピックは "何があなたの目を開かせたのか?"
"Khinzal "の速さについて語られることが多いと思いますが、旧式のKh-22/Kh-32の迎撃がいかに速く、困難であるかということは、みんな気づいていないようです。
ロシア大使館"Kinzhal "はその仕事を果たしている、信じない者は常に疑念を抱くだろう
ロシア国防省は、ロシアの極超音速システム「Kinzhal」が16日、キエフにあるアメリカの対空ミサイルシステム「Patriot」を高精度の攻撃で破壊したと発表しました。しかし、ウクライナ政府関係者やメディアは、いつものようにこれらの主張に異議を唱え、防空システムがロシアの砲弾をすべて撃墜したと述べている。"不信心者は疑い、疑い、疑うだろう... "と在米ロシア大使館は書き、ロシア国防省の発表へのリンクを共有した。
NATO Is Panicking After Russia’s Kinzhal Hypersonic Missiles Smashed Kiev’s Patriots
クレムリンは現在、世界で初めてこのミサイルを製造し、実戦で使用したことで、このゲームチェンジをもたらす軍事技術を独占している。つまり、上記のような最悪のシナリオでも、NATOのパトリオット中心の防空を容易に突破することができる。この点で米国がロシアに対抗するのに苦労しているという先の観測は、懐疑論者が主張するようないわゆる「プロパガンダ」ではなく、2ヶ月前にThe Hillによって確認されたものである。
The fake news that circulated earlier this month alleging that Kiev’s Patriots shot down one of Russia’s Kinzhal hypersonic missiles has become even more ridiculous in the days after since they’re now claiming that another six were supposedly downed during a recent strike. The Mainstream Media’s (MSM) laundering of these lies isn’t just due to them taking everything their Ukrainian proxies say at face value, but even includes their own military experts actively contributing to this disinformation campaign.
The US’ Patriots lack the technical capabilities to track and intercept hypersonic projectiles, but that isn’t anything for them to be embarrassed about since there doesn’t presently exist any air defense system in the world that could do this. The West’s problem is therefore one of perceptions, however, since the MSM hyped up their deployment to Ukraine to the point where the public expected that former Soviet Republic to become invulnerable to any Russian strikes.
The Kremlin was aware of the West’s soft power interests in transferring this equipment there, hence why it cleverly decided to include several hypersonic missiles in its latest spree of strikes against military targets, knowing that there was no way that they’d be intercepted and thus discrediting their opponents. Not only that, but they even managed to destroy five launchers and a multifunctional radar on 16 May according to the Russian Ministry of Defense’s report that was shared the day after.
Footage of that night’s strikes subsequently appeared on social media, after which those who shared such were detained by the Ukrainian secret police on the pretext that this could have helped Russia’s military-intelligence services. In reality, Kiev was left flustered after that same footage showed how many millions of dollars’ worth of air defense missiles were wasted in trying to shoot down the Kinzhals. The US also confirmed that the Patriots were indeed damaged but denied that any of them were destroyed.
Nevertheless, the public was able to see for themselves just how desperate Kiev was to intercept those hypersonic projectiles, and many interpreted America’s confirmation that the Patriots were damaged as a limited hangout to deflect from their suspicions that they were actually destroyed. 16 May will therefore be seen in hindsight as a pivotal turning point in popular perceptions since Russia’s claim that its Kinzhals smashed the Patriots is believed by a growing number of people after watching that footage.
This poses a major reputational problem for the West, which claims to be able to defend its people in the event of any contingency, especially the worst-case one of the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine turning into a direct conventional conflict between those two. Nobody who saw Tuesday night’s footage and heard about Russia’s achievement the day after can say with confidence that they still believe in the viability of their side’s air defenses since they’ve now been exposed as worthless by the Kinzhals.
The Kremlin currently wields a monopoly on this game-changing military technology after being the first country in the world to produce these missiles and then use them in battle, which means that it can pierce NATO’s Patriot-centric air defenses with ease in the worst-case scenario described above. The preceding observation about the US’ struggle to compete with Russia in this respect isn’t so-called “propaganda” like skeptics might claim but was confirmed by The Hill two months ago.
また、The Hillは、「現在、米国でさえ、極超音速ミサイルを撃ち落とすのに十分な防衛システムを持っていない」とも伝えています。パトリオットや終末高高度地域防衛などの防空システムは、極超音速に達する弾道ミサイルを撃ち落とすことができるが、狭い範囲に限られる。"この「政治的に不都合な」事実は、今月の偽情報キャンペーンを否定するだけでなく、極超音速領域におけるロシアの軍事的優位性を再確認させる。
In their piece on 14 March explaining “Why the US is going full throttle on hypersonic missiles”, they wrote that “The United States is opening the throttle in its push to develop and procure hypersonic missiles after falling behind key foreign adversaries China and Russia in the race to field a potentially game-changing defense system”, adding that “the Defense Department has not fielded the weapons yet, and there remain challenges in the industrial production base and with testing infrastructure.”
Most damning of all, The Hill also informed their audience that “Not even the U.S. currently has an adequate defense system to take down hypersonic missiles. Air defense systems, such as Patriots and Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense, are capable of taking down ballistic missiles that reach hypersonic speeds, but only over small areas.” That “politically inconvenient” fact not only discredits this month’s disinformation campaign, but also reaffirms Russia’s military dominance in the hypersonic domain.
Simply put, the Kremlin has full confidence that its Kinzhals would successfully reach all their targets in the worst-case scenario of a conventional NATO-Russian war, thus meaning that Moscow could in theory destroy the West’s nuclear second-strike capabilities if it carried out a first strike to preempt its enemies’. Its achievement the other day in Kiev where it destroyed five Patriot launchers and a multifunctional radar sent shivers down the spines of NATO’s warmongers and sobered them up to what they’re facing.
Any thoughts they might have had of trying to “Balkanize” Russia by conventional military means as a last resort upon the failure of their Ukrainian-fronted Hybrid War to this end instantly evaporated since they realized that it could provoke the Kremlin into destroying the West out of self-defense. To be sure, some of their second-strike capabilities would likely remain intact and thus be used against Russia, but the point is that Moscow could first inflict unacceptable damage to them if it’s pushed to do so.
Despite popular claims to the contrary from many of the Alt-Media Community’s top influencers, NATO isn’t “insane” in the sense of its leaders willing to sacrifice themselves as long as their deaths resulted in dismembering Russia. Like all elites, they want to live as long as possible, hence why they’ll now think twice about indulging in the neoconservative fantasy of resorting to conventional means to “Balkanize” that targeted Great Power upon the failure of their proxy war on it through Ukraine to that end.
In practical terms, this suggests that they might be more amenable to a ceasefire once Kiev’s NATO-backed counteroffensive ends by this winter, thus raising the prospects that the upcoming African-led peace mission to Russia and Ukraine could earn their approval and lead to Kiev agreeing to these terms. The leading Anglo-American Axis within NATO could never endorse the parallel Chinese-led initiative so it therefore follows that the African-led one could give them a “face-saving” way to support a ceasefire.
It’s premature to predict this latest initiative’s success or lack therefore, but the relevance of this development to the present piece is that it can help give NATO an “exit strategy” from this proxy war after its leaders just realized how suicidal it would be to escalate it to a conventional one. Russia’s Kinzhals smashed their Patriots in Kiev, which proved that the Kremlin can piece the West’s air defenses with ease, thus representing both a military game-changer and possibly even a diplomatic one soon too.