Yoel ‘s phD Thesis
Republicans are demanding answers on the lack of transparency on visitor logs from President Joe Biden’s Delaware home.
“The White House has dodged questions on a report that the Secret Service claims to have no records on who has visited Biden’s home, where the president has spent more than 25% of his time since he took office. By comparison, the visitor logs to the White House have been released,” the New York Post reported. “Joe Biden allegedly was involved to some degree with many of Hunter’s influence-peddling gigs overseas, especially in countries where the elder Biden held sway as vice president from 2009 to 2017, such as China and Ukraine.”
Kentucky GOP Rep. James Comer said: “President Biden has spent a large amount of time at his Delaware residence since assuming office. Americans deserve to know who President Biden is meeting with, especially since we know that he routinely met with Hunter’s business associates during his time as vice president. The Biden Administration must provide transparency to the American people.”
South Carolina Republican Rep. Nancy Mace also demanded answers from Biden over his Delaware visits, arguing that everyone who comes “into close proximity with the President, in an official or personal capacity, is screened by the Secret Service” and that their record of coming close to the president “exists somewhere.”
“It’s bad if there is official business being conducted and they aren’t telling us with who,” Mace said. “It’s even worse the Administration is using the Secret Service to excuse its complete and total lack of transparency.”
The NY Post report continued: “The FBI also reportedly is investigating Hunter Biden for possible money laundering, illegal foreign lobby and lying about his drug use on a gun-purchase form. The investigators report to the US attorney’s office in Delaware. Attorney General Merrick Garland has resisted calls to appoint a special counsel to insulate the probe from political pressure — despite naming a special counsel last week to oversee a pair of investigations into former President Donald Trump.”
Last month, the U.S. Secret Service admitted that no records exist of who Biden has met with at his Delaware home. The agency said no records exist of those visits as a New York Post Freedom of Information Act request was denied, Fox News reported.
In a letter dated September 27, Secret Service deputy director Faron Paramore wrote, “the agency conducted an additional search of relevant program offices for potentially responsive records,” according to the paper. “This search also produced no responsive records,” the letter read. “Accordingly, your appeal is denied.” The denial is the latest in a series of developments involving Biden’s records.
In April, the Secret Service said it did not have any records of who President Joe Biden meets with when he is at his home in Delaware, where he has spent considerable time during his presidency.
He has spent around a quarter of his first year as president at his residences in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach, but not much is known about any official meetings he has had or any lobbying efforts that took place, the New York Post reported.
Biden’s Delaware trips have also cost taxpayers at least $11 million since the start of his presidency, a Fox News analysis determined.
Fox News reported:
Biden has made 57 trips to Delaware, spanning all or part of 185 days, according to data from former CBS correspondent Mark Knoller. The trips require taxpayer dollars to fund costs associated with the use of either Air Force One or Marine One, as well as security costs for the Secret Service. The president spends time in Delaware at his homes in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach.
Most of the trips involved direct travel between the White House and Delaware. Biden has made 101 flights between the White House or Joint Base Andrews and Delaware — 71 flights using Marine One and 30 using Air Force One, according to Knoller. Public documents from the Department of Defense comptroller show that the Marine One helicopters used by the president cost between $17,065 and $20,206 per hour. The helicopter trip between the White House and locations in Delaware takes roughly an hour, according to the president’s schedule.
Air Force One’s operational costs are $177,843 per hour, and the trip to Delaware takes roughly 30 minutes, according to the president’s schedule. This puts the total operational costs for the trips, including each method of transportation, at about $4 million.
“Documents obtained by the New York Post last year showed a Secret Service cost of $1.96 million on the president’s first 16 trips to Delaware. A per-trip cost from these data applied to the president’s now 57 trips leaves an approximate $7 million tab for taxpayers,” the outlet reported.
ケンタッキー州のGOP議員、James Comerはこう語っています。"バイデン大統領は就任以来、大量の時間をデラウェア州の邸宅で過ごしている。バイデン大統領が誰と会っているのか、特に副大統領時代にハンターのビジネス関係者と日常的に会っていたことが分かっているので、アメリカ人は知る権利がある。バイデン政権はアメリカ国民に透明性を提供しなければならない。"
サウスカロライナ州の共和党議員Nancy Mace氏も、バイデン氏のデラウェア訪問について回答を求め、「公式または個人的な立場で大統領と接近する人は全員、シークレットサービスの審査を受ける」「大統領と接近した記録が "どこかに存在する"」と主張している。
先月、米国シークレットサービスは、バイデンが彼のデラウェアの家で誰と会ったかについての記録が存在しないことを認めた。ニューヨーク・ポスト紙の情報公開法の要求が拒否されたため、同局はそれらの訪問の記録は存在しないと述べたとFox Newsは報じている。
バイデン氏のデラウェア州への出張は、大統領就任以来、少なくとも1100万ドルの納税者の負担になっていると、Fox Newsは分析している。
Fox Newsが伝えた。
元CBS特派員のMark Knollerのデータによると、バイデンは185日間のうち全部または一部に渡って57回デラウェア州を訪問している。この旅行では、エアフォースワンやマリーンワンの使用に関連するコストや、シークレットサービスのセキュリティコストを賄うために税金が必要となります。大統領はデラウェア州のウィルミントンやレホボトビーチにある自宅で過ごす。
ほとんどの場合、ホワイトハウスとデラウェア州を直接往復している。Knoller氏によると、Biden氏はホワイトハウスまたはアンドリュース統合基地とデラウェア州の間を101回飛行しており、そのうち71回はMarine One、30回はAir Force Oneを使用したとのことです。国防総省の会計監査人の公開文書によると、大統領が使用したマリーンワンのヘリコプターは1時間あたり17,065ドルから20,206ドルであった。大統領のスケジュールによると、ホワイトハウスとデラウェア州の場所との間のヘリコプターの旅は、およそ1時間かかるという。
"ニューヨーク・ポスト "が昨年入手した文書によると、大統領の最初の16回のデラウェア州への移動にかかったシークレット・サービスのコストは196万ドルだった。このデータから1回あたりの費用を算出し、現在57回ある大統領の出張に適用すると、納税者の負担は約700万ドルになる」と同誌は報じている。