By catching neutrinos emanating from the Sun’s core, physicists have filled in the last missing detail of how nuclear fusion powers the star.
The detection confirms decades-old theoretical predictions that some of the Sun’s energy is made by a chain of reactions involving carbon and nitrogen nuclei. This process fuses four protons to form a helium nucleus, which releases two neutrinos — the lightest known elementary particles of matter — as well as other subatomic particles and copious amounts of energy. This carbon–nitrogen (CN) reaction is not the Sun’s only fusion pathway: it produces less than 1% of the Sun’s energy. But it is thought to be the dominant energy source in larger stars. The results mark the first direct detection of neutrinos from this process.
“It’s intellectually beautiful to actually confirm one of the fundamental predictions of stellar structure theory,” says Marc Pinsonneault, an astrophysicist at Ohio State University in Columbus.
The findings, which have not yet been peer reviewed, were reported on 23 June by the Borexino underground experiment in central Italy, at the virtual Neutrino 2020 conference.
The facility was the first to directly detect neutrinos from three distinct steps of a separate reaction, called the proton-proton chain, which accounts for most of the Sun’s fusion1–3. “With this outcome, Borexino has completely unravelled the two processes powering the Sun,” said Borexino co-spokesperson Gioacchino Ranucci, a physicist at the University of Milan, Italy, who presented the results.
The findings are a final milestone for Borexino, which is still taking data but might now shut down within a year. “We ended with a bang,” says the experiment’s other co-spokesperson Marco Pallavicini, a physicist at the University of Genoa, Italy.
Balloon detector
The Borexino solar-neutrino experiment occupies a hall under more than one kilometre of rock in the Gran Sasso National Laboratories near L’Aquilla, Italy, where it has been in operation since 2007. The detector consists of a giant nylon balloon filled with 278 tonnes of liquid hydrocarbons, that is immersed in water. The vast majority of neutrinos from the Sun zip through Earth — and Borexino — in a straight line, but a tiny number bounce off electrons in the hydrocarbons, producing flashes of light that are picked up by photon sensors lining the water tank.
Neutrinos from the Sun’s CN reaction chain are relatively rare, because it is responsible for only a small fraction of solar fusion. Moreover, the CN neutrinos are easy to confuse with those produced by the radioactive decay of bismuth-210, an isotope that leaks from the balloon’s nylon into the hydrocarbon mixture.
この実験施設は,太陽の核融合の大部分を占める陽子-陽子連鎖と呼ばれる別個の反応の3つの異なるステップから直接ニュートリノを検出した初めての施設でした1-3。 "この結果を発表したイタリア・ミラノ大学の物理学者、ジオアッキーノ・ラヌッチ氏は、「この結果により、ボレクシーノは太陽を動かす2つのプロセスを完全に解明しました」と述べました。
調査結果は、まだデータを取っているが、今は1年以内に閉鎖されるかもしれないボレクシーノのための最終的なマイルストーンです。 "この実験のもう一人の共同スポークスマンであるイタリア・ジェノバ大学の物理学者、マルコ・パラヴィチーニ氏は、次のように述べています。
ボレキシノ太陽ニュートリノ実験は、イタリアのラクイラ近郊にあるグランサッソ国立研究所の1km以上の岩の下にあるホールを占めており、2007年から稼働しています。 検出器は,278トンの液体炭化水素で満たされた巨大なナイロン風船で構成されており,それを水に浸しています。 太陽からのニュートリノの大部分は直線的に地球とボレキシノを通過しますが,ごく少数のニュートリノは炭化水素中の電子を跳ね返して光の閃光を発生させ,それは水槽の上に並んでいる光子センサーによって拾われます。
太陽のCN反応連鎖からのニュートリノは,太陽核融合のごく一部を担っているだけなので,比較的珍しいものです。 さらに、このCNニュートリノは、気球のナイロンから炭化水素混合物中に漏れ出すビスマス210という同位体の放射性崩壊によって生成されるものと混同しやすいのです。