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Tomorrow President Trump welcomes Japanese PM Abe for talks

2018-06-07 21:37:22 | カウンター・グレートリセット

PM Abe and I are also working to improve the trading relationship between the U.S. and Japan, something we have to do. The U.S. seeks a bilateral deal with Japan that is based on the principle of fairness and reciprocity. We’re working hard to reduce our trade imbalance...

The Trump administration reached a deal to ease sanctions on Chinese tech giant ZTE, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said.
ZTE will be forced to pay a $1 billion fine, make changes to its executive team, and allow a US compliance team to oversee activities.
The ZTE deal comes after weeks of tense negotiations between the Trump administration and the Chinese government.
Both Republicans and Democrats criticized Trump's willingness to make a deal on ZTE.
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