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2022-01-10 16:34:03 | 間違った設問に「正しい」答えという現実世界のバグ










サンディエゴ大学のLarry Alexander氏のエッセイを検閲しようとしたエモリー・ロー・ジャーナルに抗議して、エモリー大学のMichael Perry氏の業績を称える近刊の「festschrift」号からエッセイを取り下げたことを、2人の寄稿者がJust the Newsに確認した。

サンディエゴ大学のラリー・アレグザンダー氏は、自分とサンディエゴ大学のスティーブ・スミス氏、ノースウェスタン大学のアンドリュー・コッペルマン氏が編集しているJournal of Contemporary Legal Issuesにエッセイを掲載することになったとJust the Newsに語っています。

コッペルマン氏はメールで、「良いニュースは、ペリーが1つではなく2つの祝賀賞を受賞したことです」と書いています。「悪いニュースは、Emory Law Journalが恥ずべき検閲を行ったということです」しかし、将来の編集委員会は「自分たちの責任をよりよく理解している」と確信しているという。

さらに2人の寄稿者は、ジャーナルが「ラリーを掲載しないという決定に抗議する宣伝文句をエッセイの前に入れる」ことを許可しない限り、辞退することを約束したと、アレクサンダー氏の米国大学の同僚であるゲイル・ヘリオット氏が法律ブログ「Volokh Conspiracy」に書いています。

Heriot氏がJust the Newsにメールで伝えたところによると、彼らは名前を明かす許可を得ていないが、「1人は海軍兵学校、1人はイェール大学(名誉教授)の出身者」だという。





コーネル大学法学部のウィリアム・ジェイコブソン教授は、ジャーナルとアレクサンダー氏との間で交わされた電子メールのやり取りの一部を、自身のブログ「Legal Insurrection」で公開しました。


アレグザンダー氏は、第3部を削除するだけでなく、第1部と第2部にペリーの作品の「良さ」を追加しなければならないと書いています。また、アレクサンダー氏は以下のようにも書いています。アレグザンダーは、「"黒人 "と "黒人たち "という客観的な言葉......犯罪性と遺伝性についての議論」と「ありがたいことに人種差別は今日の問題ではないという引用されていない記述」も削除しなければならないとしている。


これは、彼の経験上、法律専門誌からの前例のない要求だったと、アレキサンダー氏はJust the Newsに語っています。彼は50年以上にわたって米ドルで教えており、そのうちの半分は「distinguished」ステータスでした。

ゴールドスタイン氏と記事編集責任者のショーン・レン氏は、編集プロセスの説明を求めたJust the Newsの質問には答えず、アレキサンダー氏と同様の理由で招待論文を拒否したことがあるかどうか、論文の撤回がペリー記念祭にどのような影響を与えるかについても回答しませんでした。


スミスはJust the Newsに対し、ジャーナル編集者は彼のエッセイ「Michael Perry, Dark Prophet of Progressive Collapse」を「かなり軽い編集」で済ませ、「実質的な異議」はなかったと述べました。


Legal Insurrection誌に掲載されたスミス氏のジャーナル編集部へのメールによると、アレキサンダー氏のエッセイの「一部に疑問や異論」もあるものの、「特にこのような論争の時代には、言論の自由へのコミットメントが特に重要である」としています。「逆に言えば、あなた方が行っている検閲は特に不愉快であり、残念なことです」。


彼はJust the Newsに対し、黒人の貧困を主に「家族の崩壊を生み、それが教育の質の低下と犯罪を生んだ文化的要因」とする「ラリーの世界の説明」には同意しないと述べた。






Law journal bans 'hurtful' questioning of systemic racism, prompting exodus of contributors

"Emory is a great law school, and this will create a scandal that will discredit you and your journal," one departing contributor warned.

Emory University's student-led law review is facing a revolt by contributors for demanding that one drop "insensitive language" from a "hurtful and unnecessarily divisive" critique of the concept of systemic racism.

Two contributors confirmed to Just the News they withdrew their essays from a forthcoming "festschrift" issue honoring the work of Emory's Michael Perry, in protest of Emory Law Journal's attempt to censor an essay by the University of San Diego's Larry Alexander.

Alexander told Just the News that he, USD's Steve Smith and Northwestern's Andrew Koppelman are now publishing their essays in the Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues, which he edits.

"So the good news is that Perry gets two festschrifts instead of one," Koppelman wrote in an email. "The bad news is that the Emory Law Journal has engaged in shameful censorship," but he's confident a future editorial board will have "a better comprehension of their responsibilities."

Two more contributors have promised to withdraw unless the journal lets them "include a blurb in front of their essays that protests the decision not to publish Larry," Alexander's USD colleague Gail Heriot wrote for the legal blog Volokh Conspiracy.

They haven't given her permission to divulge their names, Heriot told Just the News in an email, but "one is from the Naval Academy and one is from Yale (emeritus)."

Student-run law journals have undergone the same woke shifts as other student media. Those at Harvard and New York University were sued in 2018 on allegations of discriminating by race and sex, both in the composition of their membership and whose articles they accepted.

The Emory Law Journal invited him to contribute because he's a "long-time professional friend" of Perry's, Alexander said. He received a "standard law review communication [that] didn't mention content censorship."

Alexander chose to write a critical essay on Perry's "disparate racial impact" theory from early in his career, and the editors gave him "several suggestions that I was told I could take or ignore."

He ignored those requiring substantial revisions to the third and final section, which scrutinized the evidence and proposed remedies for "systemic racism," then learned the edits were not optional.

Cornell law professor William Jacobson published some of the email exchanges between the journal and Alexander on his blog Legal Insurrection.

The editorial board "unanimously stated they do not feel comfortable publishing this piece as written," editor-in-chief Danielle Kerker Goldstein wrote to Alexander, and it must be "greatly revised" to be published. 

He must not only remove the third section but also add more on "the merits" of Perry's work to the first two sections, she wrote. Also on the chopping block: Alexander's "objectifying term[s] 'blacks' and 'the blacks' ... the discussions on criminality and heredity" and "the uncited statement that thankfully racism is not an issue today."

Alexander flatly refused. "I cannot believe the censorious tone you are taking towards an invited symposium participant," he wrote. "You don't have to agree with what I've written, but what I've written I stand behind."

This was an unprecedented demand from a law journal in his experience, Alexander told Just the News. He's taught at USD for more than 50 years, half of that with "distinguished" status. 

Goldstein and Shawn Ren, executive articles editor, didn't respond to Just the News queries seeking an explanation of its editing process, whether it has rejected invited essays for similar reasons it gave Alexander, and how the essay withdrawals could affect the Perry festschrift. 

They didn't answer two requests to share the full email exchange, which Alexander said is "out there" in full but didn't provide it.

Smith told Just the News the journal editors did a "pretty light edit" on his essay, "Michael Perry, Dark Prophet of Progressive Collapse," and had no "substantive objections." 

The essay challenged Perry's early argument that the courts should expand human rights through a "noninterpretive" approach to the Constitution, using a "religious" and "prophetic" framework.

While he also has "questions or objections to parts" of Alexander's essay, "especially in these contentious times, a commitment to free speech is especially vital," according to Smith's email to the journal editors, published by Legal Insurrection. "[C]onversely, the kind of censorship you are practicing is especially objectionable and unfortunate."

Koppelman's essay for the journal scrutinizes the "controversial and undefended value choices" in Perry's "lifelong" human rights project: "What he offers is less a philosophical account than a set of articles of faith."

He told Just the News he doesn't agree with "Larry’s description of the world," which traces black poverty primarily to "cultural factors that have produced family disintegration, which in turn have produced poor educational achievement and crime."

But the USD professor "offers evidence for it, and it is a matter of some moral urgency to know whether he is right," Koppelman said. The journal editors didn't specify what was false or below scholarly standards, which suggests they oppose scholarly work that "describe[s] true states of affairs" if it's hurtful or unnecessarily divisive. This view is "increasingly common, and it handicaps us in addressing the genuine problems of racial inequality."

He also accused the editors of mischaracterizing Alexander's discussion on racism as "not strongly connected" to the Perry analysis.

Koppelman made similar points in his email to the journal editors, which he shared. The three contributors are ready to find another publisher, he warned. "But I hate to do that," he said. "Emory is a great law school, and this will create a scandal that will discredit you and your journal."

Perry, the subject of the special issue, didn't answer queries about how he would rate the law journal's editing process, and whether the festschrift should be published in light of the withdrawals and the revision demands to Alexander.

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