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This shows obtained a subpoena from Eric Orleans DOJ

2022-09-14 03:46:00 | 偽ホワイトハウス POTUS





そうでしょう?だからカマラ・ハリスも含めて誰一人刑務所に入ってないんだ。しかし今現在、我々が入手した召喚状によると メリック・ガーランドは DOJがこのトピックに関する以下の人々からの全てのコミュニケーションを議論しており、彼らの名前を読む前にはっきりさせておきますが、調査が実際に何について行われているのかは明らかではありません。これが一番怖いところです。これは何なのか?何のために?どのような理由で、あなたは彼らが言うことはありません人々と私のプライベートな通信を要求している?しかし、バイデンホワイトハウスの政敵のこの大統領ブレーキスイープに含まれていることはありません元ホワイトハウス顧問バーニーカーは、ニューヨーク市の元警察長官であった。アメリカの歴史の中で、誰かの弁護士の個人的な通信をつかむことは、それらが特権的であるから大丈夫だったことはない?今はもう違う。マット・モーガン ジャスティン・クラークがチェスブロ・マイク・ローマン RNC関係者 ジョシュア・フィンリー トランプ弁護士 ジョン・イーストマン ジェナ・エリス ジョージア州 ジェニファー・ジェームズ隊員 ルディ・ジュリアーニ 無料版のDeepL翻訳(www.DeepL.com/Translator)で翻訳しました。


It shocks the conscience of everyone who sees it. But the number of people who see it is very small because it is not covered by any media. And it's not just happened to me Kramer. This shows obtained a subpoena from Eric Orleans DOJ issued in the past week, and what it demands is both unlawful and without precedent in American history. The subpoena claims to be investigating, quote, any claim that the Vice President and or President of the Senate had the authority to reject or choose not to count presidential electors.

Now, keep in mind that any claim you make as an American citizen about electors, any claim you make about American politics period is protected explicitly under the First Amendment. That's our core freedom. It's why we live here. It's why we're proud to be Americans. It's why so many American servicemen died protecting our country. Those are the freedoms that they fought to preserve.
That's why nobody prosecuted leading Democrats in 2016 when they sought to reject electors for Donald Trump.
Right? It's why none of those people including Kamala Harris is now in jail. But right now, according to the subpoena that we have obtained Merrick Garland is DOJ is debating all communication from the following people on this topic and let's be clear before we read their names, that it is not clear what the investigation is actually about. And that's the most terrifying part. What is this? On? What grounds are you demanding my private communications with people they never say? But included in this president braking sweep of political opponents of the Biden White House wouldn't be former White House adviser Bernie Kerr was the former police commissioner of New York City. borscht Epstein, who is the current attorney for Donald Trump. At no time in American history has it been okay to grab the personal communications of someone's lawyer because those are privileged? Not anymore. Matt Morgan Justin Clark has Chesbro Mike Roman RNC official Joshua Finley Trump attorneys John Eastman Jenna Ellis, Georgia Jennifer James troopers, Rudy Giuliani.
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