With the games and all that I did not make much
progress today...
Also, the sheer heat is interfering with my work...
It really does! Anyhow, take a look at the next image.

These are ready for coating, and I have 4 more of these, as
shown bellow.

These had been pre-prepared for further action,
prior to my departure to our mountain cottage, and
I found them by chance on return...
It was pretty obvious to me that these were meant
for my 175mm chopstics, and after completing toay's
I set them on top of one of the four, as seen bellow...

I must have been going mad, when I made the decision on
the length of the containers. The container cannnot accommodate
my 175 mm chopstics! One of the ways out is to make even
shorter chopstics, only for these odd containers...
But then, they will be miles away from eating pretty
for office girls. They will be more like for kids!
Silly, is it not? After all those sweats in the heat!

I use a few instruments for measuring thicknesses and all
those. They are very helpful, when you are talking about
My plan for tommorrow is this...
Complete the remainig 4 containers and start making
8 sets of 160mm chopstics, and ...
I know from today's and even from past experience that that will
be the most I will be able to cope with.
The largest stambling block is the ohmic heating with my
milling machine. I can make trenches in 2 sets of those
containers in 30 minutes.
But then, you will have to set aside another 30 minutes
for heat dissipation. OK, during that time I can do other things,
like I had to today.
It is a slow process... and in this heat...and games
proceeding like hell...and on top of that even mosquitos
seeking my company all the time...do I want some beers?...
No, no, no, can't finish the whole lot of that can in the fridge...
Mr Heat, will you please go away soonest, leaving me alone in my workshop
as before...
day dreaing, am I?...

progress today...
Also, the sheer heat is interfering with my work...
It really does! Anyhow, take a look at the next image.

These are ready for coating, and I have 4 more of these, as
shown bellow.

These had been pre-prepared for further action,
prior to my departure to our mountain cottage, and
I found them by chance on return...
It was pretty obvious to me that these were meant
for my 175mm chopstics, and after completing toay's
I set them on top of one of the four, as seen bellow...

I must have been going mad, when I made the decision on
the length of the containers. The container cannnot accommodate
my 175 mm chopstics! One of the ways out is to make even
shorter chopstics, only for these odd containers...
But then, they will be miles away from eating pretty
for office girls. They will be more like for kids!
Silly, is it not? After all those sweats in the heat!

I use a few instruments for measuring thicknesses and all
those. They are very helpful, when you are talking about
My plan for tommorrow is this...
Complete the remainig 4 containers and start making
8 sets of 160mm chopstics, and ...
I know from today's and even from past experience that that will
be the most I will be able to cope with.
The largest stambling block is the ohmic heating with my
milling machine. I can make trenches in 2 sets of those
containers in 30 minutes.
But then, you will have to set aside another 30 minutes
for heat dissipation. OK, during that time I can do other things,
like I had to today.
It is a slow process... and in this heat...and games
proceeding like hell...and on top of that even mosquitos
seeking my company all the time...do I want some beers?...
No, no, no, can't finish the whole lot of that can in the fridge...
Mr Heat, will you please go away soonest, leaving me alone in my workshop
as before...
day dreaing, am I?...