

パエ-リャ 71

2008-08-19 22:15:30 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estoy bien, pero cansado.

Que cansado estoy! Es que hoy empece a correr,
a correr, a correr, pero perdi el tren!

Y, como vas a la facultad?, andando, o por el coche?

Aqui hoy hace much calor..., como siempre...

Ahora vamos!


Rusia demora su compromiso de retirada de Georgia,
que debería haber empezado ayer

toda la tarde estudiando...

Deja de ponerte medallas!

Cual es el plato mas rapido en servir?

Ha habido menos de 10 participantes en la

calamares en su tinta

Como me suelen los pies!

Te queda muy bien!

Te felicito!

Parece que ha llovido anoche...

Tienes fiebre? Estoy temido...

Conchita, es bastante, no? Ahora vamos en

Strike where it hurts most!

You wil be through to the semifinal!

Volcanic ashes are blotting out the sky!

I am going to do it in stages!

やって見てください, (待ちますから)。。。
I will leave you at it...

How did you do in the exam?

Suits you, though...

She is chattering on with nobody listening!

everybody asking everybody else!

It was soaky wet!

On your mark!

Are you ready?, go!

the way things are at the moment, ...

Conchita, is this enough for now? I think so...
Take care!

Wooden cutlery, MY CHPSTICS, movers

2008-08-19 16:46:14 | Weblog
Summer is warm, most of the time, sometimes
hot, like today. I was sweating it out all day!

Coating is continuing, in a semi closed environment,
a very natural source of energy drainage...

Anyway, I am not complaining too much. After all,
50 years ago, we did not have airconditioners...

What follows was a simple job, adding some other
tubes for identifying chopstics, about one third
of them on the left are the new additions.

I have another set, but very often it is easier to use
one set, to take into the coating shed... and that is why
I have increased the number of the tubes.

Anyway, apart from this small work, all of today was
spent on the containers, all seven of them, but I could
not complete them all for coating. Take a look at the following.

These were holed and opening cuts made, but there remain
another three, as shown below.

The fundamental reason is the operational time limits
imposed on me due to ohmic heating. In the case of
trench making it is half an hour. You then have to

cool down your system for the same duration.
That is why it takes time. And, that is why you want to
spend your time on something else.

What follows is what I did. More containers to be...

Another 30 odd containers will have to be fabricated!
It is a long way to go! In the meantime, my mind was
flying off to our mountain cottage.

Take a look at the following illustration.

My problem is this. My parents bought the lot, nearly
40 years ago. So, the lot is large, compared with
other mountain cottages that are springing up in the

region. That is the problem... From the car park down below
it takes more than, easily, 100 steps up and up, to reach our house.
In the heat of high summer, it is a gtruelling task

to move things from the car park to our house. I am thinking,
now, in terms of a cart, as shown in the illustration.
I have not come up with the power mechanisms, but, the idea
is there.

I will construct a narrow concrete slab of passage, from the car
partk to the house, and in the centre of it will be a raised
guiding rail, a single rail which will act as a guidance.

Slightly meandering, but there is no significant barrier
to the passage of the cart. Where does the energy come from?

I do not know, at this stage of thinking... I might nick a motor
from an unused, or broken something, and construct the
gear system...

I have not really thought about the details, but, the idea is
squarely there.

パエ-リャ 70

2008-08-19 16:46:00 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui hay mucho calor todos los dias! Me muero de calor!
No estas cansada?

Ahora, todavia extranyo el jugo de papaya, la fruta
que en tu pais alcanza un tamanyo casi tan grande
como el de una pelota de futbol,

y los helados de lucuma con leche! La lucuma fue
una fruta que no hay en mi pais...
Fue un poco mas grande que una pelota de besibol,

de cascara marron y con un fruto suave y cremoso!
No te recuerdas? que estabamos en la esquina a
conversar con los muchachos?

Los fines de semana nos quedabamos hasta la 1 o las 2 de la
madrugada, contando chistes o historias de fantasmas!

Ahora, vamos!

Que ambiente mas exotico aqui!

Nunca he visto algo parecido!

..., pero, eso es cierto!

Que cursi!

De veras quieres estar aqui?

Si, ya se lo he dicho a Conchita!

la monta-nya cubierta de nieve

la shierra nevada

la puesta de Sol

Me he olvidado de comprarlo!

Conchita, bastante para ahora, no?
Entonces, vamos en ingles!

He was shot at!

He was shot and injured!

He was stoned at!

It is not a foregone conclusion, is it!?

Words are drowned by the noise!

I have got a nagging thought that this may be DK...

What do you make of that!?

I just do not know what I am doing wrong!

What have I done wrong?!

She gets it from my side of family!

Conchita, OK for now?
Take care!