

Wooden cutlery, chopstics containers

2008-08-23 17:27:57 | Weblog
What was today like?

I was comfortable, not too warm, in fact, it was
cold? I had to wear long sleeves, both up and

Output for today? Here you are!

Here are some more on way to completion.

And, I am not exactly
sure what I am supposed to be doing with respect to these...

These are all shorter containers, for eating pretty.
I have about 10 of these, and that might be enough...

By the way, what follows shows the grand scheme I have
been chasing with the chopstic containers.

8mm is the trench width, 11mm starting material width, and
1.5mm wall thickness, and at the coating ready stage
the wall thickness may be down to 1mm, and that is

exactly the reason why I call them "skins"...

Part of my time today was spent on bringing the
chopstics to completion, as shown bellow.

Of course, you have seen something similar, but,
with this there is no demarcation, indicating
that all of the postcoating work is now complete.

I tell you a little bit about postcoating work.

Here, A is my nail bed in schematic, with a blue bar
sitting over it, with a few contacts with the nails,
because nail height is not constant.

It also does mean that always my pollyurethane
coating is deposited at the nail heads, during the
drying stage...

B's red bars are the nails, and the black dots are
the depositions.

C is telling you the kind of shapes they can form.

1, 2, 3, and 5 are the easiest to remove with a sharp edge.
4 is the more difficult, and the 2 is not as a result of
contact, but an superfluous liquid solidifying.

I call these rather extensive obstacles "pools",
sometimes 'swamps", but they are not that difficult to tackle.

Once you have removed larger obstacles, you then slide across
the whole length of your chopstic with a sharp edge, at a
glancing angle, as depicted in D.

Why, because you cannot see them with your eyes. In what follows,
A is telling you that the texture of it makes it hard to
find them, them being the black dots...

In B the larger blobs in red are easy to find ones.

As in C, you also need to be watching out for defects
on the ends, both thickest and thinnest. So, can you imagine
how time consuming the whole business of all surface

inspection is?!

That is how quite a proportion of my time is spent...

パエ-リャ 74

2008-08-23 17:02:57 | Weblog
Una persona murió y 25 resultaron heridas cuando un tren portugués con 47 personas a bordo, muchos de ellos turistas, descarriló el viernes y cayó por un barranco, dijeron las autoridades.

Una portavoz del servicio de defensa civil dijo que 10 personas resultaron gravemente heridas en el accidente en la región del valle de Duero, una zona de laderas empinadas con viñedos, famosa por su vino de Oporto.

"Hubo un descarrilamiento de un tren con unas 50 personas y el tren se cayó por un barranco", dijo la portavoz.

Un alcalde local dijo que la mayoría de los pasajeros eran turistas.

Dos helicópteros de rescate volaron a la zona y unos 100 trabajadores de emergencias estaban ayudando en las tareas de rescate.

Conchita, como estas? Hoy no hace mucho calor, con una poca
de lluvia...lluvia ligera como se encuentra en Londres.

Ahora vamos?

a pesar de haber pasado 5 anyos

Me comunico a traves del internet!

el recuerdo que se me viene a la memoria

Ellas aun siguen reuniondose!!

Conchita, here I remember another expression.
Mi suenyo es seguir trabajando! So,
"reuniondo" is just right!

, algunas ya casadas y con hijos!

No me digas!


Ella ha tardado dos horas en preparar el pastel!

Que dinamico!, Que dinamica!

Conchita, es bastante para hoy, no?
Desde aqui en ingles!

A lot of people say it cannot be done1

What comics do you take?


I do not know wht has taken over me!

a piste

You can try it out at home!

There is a telephone call for Mr DK!

That is as far asyou can go!

I struck a match, and the end broke off and

lodged in the hem of her skirt!

Oh, you should have seen it!

I was trying hard to hold back the tears, the laughter!

He smothered the fire with a blanket!

Smother your salad with olive oil!

It was nothing, after all, was it!?

Conchita, enough for the day?
Take care!