

Toast holders, wooden cutlery, chopstics

2008-08-27 16:47:39 | Weblog
Was it not supposed to be rainy today?

Anyway, it was good for drying the pieces before
coating, as you will see bellow.

I have a small problem here... Those containers, seen
vertical in this picture are one day behind those seen
horizontal. So, tommorrow, only those vertical containers

will be subjected to the third penetration coating and the
rest of the pieces will have a rest, inlcuding those seen

These operational irregularities are inherent in my
coating system, because nail beds are limited in
number, and I am not going to strike a few thousand

nails, not any more. The main bed alone has more than 5000 nails!
It took me a few days of monotonous job of striking
nail after nail... It was a nightmare, it really was!

Anyway, to continue..., yes, the parts for my wife's
brush hanger were completed today, soon after the
coating, as you see bellow.

When they are put together the whole thing should be
looking like what is shown bellow. Members are not
yet permanently fixed together.

So much for the hanger business...

Now, take a look at the following.

These are discs, on way to becoming something...
And, they have been a pain in the neck for such
a long time, doing nothing in my room.

For that matter, I have more of those with smaller
diamters, and made from spruce... They also are
a pain in the neck.

I probably am in the process of sorting out the mess
in my room..., which is full of completed pieces, unprocessed,
raw materials of all kinds.

I think I will move most of these to my next shed, when it
is completed some time next year in our mountain cottage.
They will be useful there, too.

Anyway, the discs, or discs to be, you see them bellow.

See how neat and tidy they are now. Actually, I have found
3 more of those since, which I will work on tommorrow. My original
idea was to turn them into disc shaped toast holders, as shown here

in the middle. My wife is making some noise, though,
about the final shape of these. I will see...

In any event, I turned these this afternoon. Turning,
I have not done it for such a long time...

It is a messy business, with all those bits and pieces
flying about all over the place in my workshop...

パエ-リャ 78

2008-08-27 16:47:24 | Weblog
Conchia, como estas?

Aqui, hoy hace mucho calor... Como te va alla?
Ayer, mi hija volvio al norte...

Ahora vamos!

como se va a la ciudad?

desde hace mucho tiempo

Al fondo se ve otro edificio!

las pituras murales que tratan de la vida cotidiana

Si, es por esta razon!

Se dice que tardaron cerca de dos siglos y medio en
acabarla! (la Catedral...)

Es el simbolo de Tokio desde hace mucho tiempo!

No la veo desde hace tres anyos!

Que maravillosa!, Que maravilloso!

los estilos architectonicos como renacimiento
y barroco

Conchita, creo que basta con esto para hoy...
Desde aqui en ingles.

I have this recurring dream of DK!

Oh, that is just a wishful thinking, is it not!?

Far from that!, and abou the only thing I can
think of is DK...

I do not say that with any great conviction...

Leave nothing to chances!

Shall we leave it?

Second place, all by himself!

The way things are going, dounokouno...

This is getting on nearly 30 years!

Let us get it out of the way first!

Conchita, these, I think, are enough for the day.
Take care y unos mansajes para mi, no?