

Chinese spoons, long and short

2009-01-07 17:34:28 | Weblog
I had all day today and that helped.

Actually, spending at least two more days during
the penetration coating stage does seem to help a lot.
It leads to better quality pieces.

It works like this. Up until now my coating pattern has been
the same. Coating in the morning and letting dry overnight,
wet sanding and drying in the following morning and

coating again on the same day.

Depending on the season, though, drying can be
unsatisfactory and that can be improved by allocating
a few more days, at least during the penetration coating.

This is because surfaces are still a little rough,
particularly after the first two penetration coatings.

An extra day may have contributed the smooth surfaces
as can be seen below.

Seen below are shorter stemmed Chinese spoons.
I will need to concave them, tommorrow.

Early part of this afternoon was spent on hand
sanding longer stemmed Chinese spoons. See below.
These are all coating ready. I know these all look
dull and greynish at the moment.

Once coated, though, they will all look as
nice as those seen above.

Below is my experiment. It is an attempt to
produce deep cavity large spoons. The handle is still
very much incomplete. It will be thinner.

Quite how something like this might be of use,
I do not know... because this is about 70% of
the normal size of this type, lenth, width,

everyting, except its cavity depth, perhaps.

It is my belief, though, that there are always
enough people interested in odd things...
This is no exception.

This prototype, I only used my disc sander after
cutting out its rough shape. In real production
I will have to use my bandsaw to loose

as much as as possible before sanding operation!

パエ-リャ 177

2009-01-07 17:34:06 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Hace frio todos los dias! Pero, no ha nevado.
Ahora entonces, vamos?

la toma de posesion del nuevo presidente

la polemica modelo Kate oss

una travesia por una de las laderas del pico

en virtud de los acuerdos de colaboracion

el procedimiento se puso en marcha

la unida carina especializada en la busca de personas

まず最初に, そしてそれから
en primer lugar..., y posteriormente...

Como puedo bajar de peso!?

Quisiera algunos consejos!

Cuando te sientas con fuerza
empieza a correr todos los dias!

Recuerda que no hay modas milagrosas que

te quiten los kilos en dos dias sentada
en casa!

Conchita, aqui vamos ingles!

It helps things to run smoothely!

in a class discussion about pocket money

That is not quite in line with what
he said earlier!

I was not too surprised!

Everything seemed to be going right for him!

What has she got that I have not got!?

You just come to terms with what you have to acept!

I will pop over!

on the face of it

We should be given it!

Can I tell you something?!

Conchita, that is the lot for now! Take care!