

Pan placer, toast placers, spoons

2009-01-16 17:46:01 | Weblog
Conchita, my trip with my wife to Okinawa is
now set for Sunday. Logging will be halted for
a few days.

You know my pieces have been taking turns.
These are some of those I need to work on
during the course of this evening.

I think they are lovely.

A lot of my time today was spent on going out
with the girl A to her new shop, inspection and
all that. So, I had little time for anything else.

Regular spoons were worked on, though.

Here above, you are looking at those convexed.
Actually, there are more completed today.

These constitute my perrenial problems. What
am I expected to do with these? These are
redundant pieces from the sides of the currently

fabricated regular spoons. One thing is clear.
I must add values to whatever they are to become,

That must mean adding side bars, I think. Unlike others,
which are wider, these are narrow pieces and the only
thing I can think of is single pronged piercers.

Do not ask me what good or use they might have, because
I just do not know...

On this last image, yes, I did spend some time.
The idea was that this might serve as a toast placer.
My gut feeling now is that it is not on.

I think it is the gaps between the cubes, making it
not quite attractive for the placer. This is perhaps
only good for pot placers. Pity...

I have a mail now, saying that my new milling
machine will arrive here on 28th. Can you see
grooves at the right corner of the cubes?

My current milling machine is not powerful enough
and I had to run the bit three time for any one of
these grooves. With the new machine, this will be

reduced to a single run/groove.

パエ-リャ 186

2009-01-16 17:44:24 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Voy a ir a Okinawa, el día después de mañana.
Todavia es muy frío. Mi nueva máquina va a
llegar aquí en 10 días. Pues entonces, vamos!

Se lo llevaron al cine!

Eso me lleva a pensar que DOUNOKOUNO!

Ella me lleva dos a-nyos!

Me llevo siempre las culpas!

Me llevo un dia hacer este guiso!

Ella lo nego!

Las aerolineas estan recordndo cada vez
mas rutas!

con dos horas de antelacion

Se ha producido un error al ejecutar la accion

Intentalo de nuevo mas tarde!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles?

That makes my hair raise!

You sometimes have to skate over thin ice!

I can't refuse you!

Oh!, my voice is gone!

That is a serious charge you are making!

I hope I do not upset you by saing DOUNOKOUNO!

during the course of that

It has been rained off!

by any stretch of imagination

bearing in mind that DOUNOKOUNO

They were best friends!

We are frightfully short of ideas!

Conchita, let us call it a day, shall we?
Take care!