

Pelni timetable 2016 - Bukit Siguntang (Maumere linked)

2016-08-29 11:07:42 | Weblog

There is only one chart with Bukit Siguntang, as follows.

It does only north-south, between Kupang and Nunukan. It is unique in that it does not dock at Surabaya or Jakarta, at all.

Quite how useful this boat is, I am unsure, but it may serve as a reserve ship for going further south from Maumere.

Now, we have seen three boats linked to Maumere. It is disappointing that none of these boats actually goes to Ambon. That is to say that it is not possible to reach Ambon direct from the south, from the Banda sea chain of islands.

Makassar is a hub, of course, but it is not the hub for Ambon, because you can easily reach Ambon from Surabaya in a few days. Almost the same nautical distance from Makassar to Ambon, anyway.

However, if you fly Makassar, then ferry Ambon then it may be something to consider further...

Case closed.

Pelni timetable 2016 - Umsini (Maumere linked)

2016-08-29 10:33:26 | Weblog

This boat does not go to Ambon either, but it does show some strange behaviour as shown in the next chart.

It starts out from Maumere, east, then down south as far as Kupang. It then goes back along the same way as it came, crossing over to Makassar, Surabaya and Jakarta and even further west.

In time line order these are the following two charts.

This boat, if you are based in Maumere, may be useful in going around the tip of the Banda chain of islands. Probably, local ferries will not operate in these waters, I think.

My current understanding of local ferry operation from Bali east is as far as Maumere itself, but not beyond.

Case closed.

Pelni timetable 2016 - Lambelu (Maumere linked)

2016-08-29 09:34:12 | Weblog

Starting port of Lambelu is Bau bau, as shown with a marker on the next chart.

The outermost port of call along the Banda chain of islands, as you will see shortly, is Lewoleba, just a little east of Maumere. The boat then goes back and forth along the more or less same routes. 

These charts are shown in time line order as follows. Next chart shows what she does in the north.

This boat is only interesting because it goes to Nunukan/Tarakan area. Tarakan is a small island in northern Kalimantan. Palu above is just a digression.

My passport was confiscated for technical reasons when I flew in there from Tawau in January 2016.

You can take a local ferry from Tarakan/Nunukan to Tawau in Malaysia, then bus to Sandakan, then ferry to Zamboanga on Mindanao.

Since this boat operates largely in the western half of Indonesia no more charts are provided. Suffice to say that it goes back and forth between Kalimantan/Surawesi and Maumere, never reaching Ambon.

Case closed.