
昨日、英会話レッスンを受講しました。「NBAのRussell Westbrook」の話題で盛り上がりました。彼がMVPを取れるといいですね。レッスン内容の「My favorite movie is…(Pronunciation)」で“stress”を楽しく学ぶことができました。
Hello, Mr. Seiki. Early this morning it's cloudy but now the sun is shining so brightly. In today's lesson, we practiced proper stress. You were able to put proper stress on the word. Don't forget the English expressions that you have learned and try to use them when you are talking to your grandchildren and friends. Practice talking them in English. Have a wonderful day today. Stay safe, healthy, and happy.
I'm studying English conversation by a child newspaper.This child newspaper is delivered once a week.
3 recent articles are introduced.
All children in Japan will learn English from the grade of elementary school from 2020, instead of the fifthgrade at the moment. The government believes it is better to start earlier.
コビトカバの赤ちゃんお目見え☆ コビトカバの赤ちゃんが1月下旬、石川県動物園でデビューしました。小型のカバで、世界でもあまり見られません。赤ちゃんはオスで、昨年12月にうまれました。
A baby pygmy hippo debuted in late January at a zoo in Ishikawa Prefecture. The small type of hippopotamus is not often found in the world. The baby boy was born last December.
Seven Earth-sized planets were discovered recently around star 39 light-years away. Some of the planets may have water and perhaps life, scientists said.
Hello, Mr. Seiki. Early this morning it's cloudy but now the sun is shining so brightly. In today's lesson, we practiced proper stress. You were able to put proper stress on the word. Don't forget the English expressions that you have learned and try to use them when you are talking to your grandchildren and friends. Practice talking them in English. Have a wonderful day today. Stay safe, healthy, and happy.
I'm studying English conversation by a child newspaper.This child newspaper is delivered once a week.
3 recent articles are introduced.
All children in Japan will learn English from the grade of elementary school from 2020, instead of the fifthgrade at the moment. The government believes it is better to start earlier.
コビトカバの赤ちゃんお目見え☆ コビトカバの赤ちゃんが1月下旬、石川県動物園でデビューしました。小型のカバで、世界でもあまり見られません。赤ちゃんはオスで、昨年12月にうまれました。
A baby pygmy hippo debuted in late January at a zoo in Ishikawa Prefecture. The small type of hippopotamus is not often found in the world. The baby boy was born last December.
Seven Earth-sized planets were discovered recently around star 39 light-years away. Some of the planets may have water and perhaps life, scientists said.