・レッスン: 2019年6月9日(日)16:30~17:00
・差出人: Jazz さん
Thank you, Mr. Seiki. I appreciate your preparedness. I'm glad with how well you expressed yourself. There's always room for improvement. Your pronunciation was comprehensible. Keep it up. Have a good day!
Good afternoon Seki san! Happy Sunday and happy to see you again in my class. In class, we did a free conversation class. You participated well and you were able to share a lot about your own ways of improving your English skills. You shared some photos in the class. You answered all the questions correctly with help. I think you have real potential. You need to focus on your vocabulary in order to keep your sentence better. You still need to work on your intonation and fluency. GREAT JOB! See you next time and enjoy your weekend.
traditional breakfast in the Philippines.
Hello Mr. Seiki! Thank you for your beautiful song! All the pictures that you sent were very interesting! You made good sentences too. But you need to work on your pronunciation especially words with /r/ and /l/ sounds. Nevertheless, you did well in today's class. I hope to see you next time and take care Mr. Seiki! Bye! ;-)
生木さん、今日は。 あなたの美しい歌をありがとう! あなたが送ったすべての写真はとても面白かったです! あなたも良い文章を作った。 しかし、発音、特に/ r /や/ l /が付いている単語は発音する必要があります。 それにもかかわらず、あなたは今日の授業でうまくやった。 次回お会いし、生木さん、お世話になりますように! さようなら! ;-)
・レッスン: 2019年6月9日(日)12:30~13:00
・差出人: Rio さん
Good afternoon, Mr. Smiley!
It's a bright Sunday to you sir. It's good to see you today. I appreciate your efforts to present your journal which has been the basis of our discussion; it was written in details, and was supported with images, well done! Please continue learning, and practicing your sentences. Stay happy in learning! :)
・レッスン: 2019年6月9日(日)11:00~11:30
・差出人: Edward さん
Hello, again Seiki-san. Thank you for booking with us today. It was a pleasure having you. In class, you shared your experiences these few past days. We talked about your friend Hisao Mogami. You showed me his drawings and they were great. You performed pleasingly well in speaking and also managed to answer my questions pretty easily. I am glad that you really exert effort to learn and improve your English skills. As always, all your answers were appreciated so I hope you wouldn't hesitate to speak your ideas. Have a good day Seiki-san!
Good morning Mr. Smiley! You can understand instructions and directions. You should avoid reading with tail tone and practice reading more English words. Thanks for being a polite and respectful student. You have a serious attitude towards your studies. You are giving your best and I can see your eagerness to study and learn English. Have a nice day ahead of you. Thank you for today... :)
Good evening Mr. Seiki! I'm very happy to have you in my class again. You did a great performance today and I had fun talking with you. You always share a lot of things in class, which I really admire about you. You showed willingness to learn. You are also open to correction. Keep it up! You just need to keep practicing to improve your overall skills. I really look forward to studying with you again soon. See you. Have an amazing weekend!