Sketch of the Day

This is Takeshi Kinoshita's weblog.


2013-04-20 | Classes
この授業は千葉大学大学院園芸学研究科と同工学研究科の博士前期課程履修生を対象とした講義科目です。工学研究科のEdilson S. Ueda 准教授と私、木下剛(園芸学研究科)が共同で担当します。私の担当部分の内容は以下のとおりです。奮ってご参加ください。Ueda 先生の担当回を含む全体のシラバスはこちらをご覧ください。

教室:千葉大学西千葉キャンパス 工学部2号棟2階201教室

1. 6/21 空間計画とエコデザイン~イントロダクション

2. 6/28 生態系サービスと空間計画

3. 7/5 環境共生とランドスケープ計画

4. 7/12 循環型社会の構築とランドスケープデザイン
 ・事例: 運河再生(イギリス)、鶴見川水マスタープラン、各国のグリーン/ブルー・インフラストラクチャー政策、港北ニュータウン植生計画、多摩平団地建替事業、クリマアトラス(ドイツ)ほか

5. 7/19 環境再生とランドスケープアーバニズム

6 7/26 生物多様性とエコロジカルネットワーク

7. 8/2 ランドスケープによる持続可能性な地域のデザイン



Ecological Design II (2013 Spring Semester) has begun!

2013-04-20 | Classes
The "Theory of Ecological Design II" has begun on 12th April, 2013. which is doctoral course class taught by Edilson S. Ueda (Associate professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University) and me, Takeshi Kinoshita (Associate professor, Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University). The content that I am in charge of is as follows. Please check out here too.

Units : 2
Semester: Spring
Day of the week: Friday
Period: 3rd(12:50-14:20)
Teacher: Takeshi KINOSHITA,
Classroom: Conference Room 2, 5th Floor, Engineering Research Building, Nishi-Chiba Campus, Chiba University

Outline: This class deals with and discusses on the theory of landscape planning, design and management for sustainable development of environment, society and economy, or reduction of environmental impacts and enhancement of biodiversity, through case studying on domestic and foreign policies or projects at various different spatial scale.

Aims : To understand the framework of landscape planning and design for reduction of environmental impacts, enhancement of biodiversity and sustainable development.

1. 4/19 Guidance
2. 4/26 Landscape design and ecology, part 1
3. 5/10 Landscape design and ecology, part 2
4. 5/17 Landscape design and ecology, part 3
5. 5/24 Landscape design and biodiversity, part 1
6. 5/31 Landscape design and biodiversity, part 2
7. 6/07 Green Infrastructure, part 1
8. 6/14 Green Infrastructure, part 2

Report: I will let you know later on.