Soon after Edward Snowden went public with his information that exposed the NSA’s secret spying program, Snowden spoke some words that still ring with curiosity in the ears of many:
“All I can say right now is the US Government is not going to be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me. Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped.Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped. While those are some exciting words for most free thinkers, they are not so exciting for a certain few in Brussels, Washington D.C., London, New York, Vatican City, Frankfurt and other areas.
If we look closer at his words and the timing of them, which was after, and not before he went public with his information, it appears that something is still in play…there is more truth left to be revealed…there are people still working to reveal even more truth. There is an end-game in sight.
While it might be difficult for some to believe that the shadow government/cabal will have their darkness and corruption exposed, the truth is that we are already seeing some of those things come to light, and with so much more to come. Indeed, there are “good guys” within “The System” working to take down this banking and political elite.
The first piece of evidence we have on this is what Craig Murray, a former UK ambassador recently said when he told the world that the CIA is lying about Russia being the source of the Wikileaks revelations. Zerohedge reported on what Murray said:
“I know who leaked them. I’ve met the person who leaked them, and they are certainly not Russian and it’s an insider. It’s a leak, not a hack; the two are different things.”
In other words, a “good guy” working within The System leaked the information. Someone on the inside is working to expose the shadow government.
The next piece of evidence, though not so covert, is the bill that Tulsi Gabbard proposed in early December of 2016. The “Stop Arming Terrorists Act” proposed by Gabbard aims at stopping the U.S. government from funding and arming ISIL, al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups. Tulsi stated about her proposal: “If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail. Why does our gov get a free pass on this?”
So yet again, we have an insider who is publicly calling out and seeking to end a portion of the madness that the shadow government has created: Funding and arming the same terrorist groups the governments claim to be fighting against. Though Gabbard’s action on this was public, it was nonetheless a clear move against the shadow government. Of course, her action entirely vindicated what Zerohedge reported all the way back in May of 2015: That the U.S. created and has been funding ISIL. This move also shows us that something big is still in play. The shadow government hasn’t yet been fully exposed, but there are forces out there in the process of attempting to do so.
Another event we must recall is back in November of 2015 when Vladimir Putin exposed to the world the fact that Russian Intelligence gathered information that 40 countries were/are funding ISIL. Though it was later revealed that Turkey was one of those nations, what is most important to evaluate from this disclosure is that this situation is also still in play. Are we really to believe that Putin and Russia will indefinitely sit on their information of the other 39 countries that fund ISIL? Could it be that Russia is simply waiting for “right timing” to reveal such information? If such information does come out, and we have every reason to believe it will, then it will be a revelation that will impact every aspect of our world. The fallout from it will be enormous. Perhaps this is one of the biggest reasons the Elite and their media outlets try to demonize Putin as an “evil dictator.” It appears as though Putin has “the goods” on the global elite…and they know it. Time is almost up.
According to Wikileaks’ latest big announcement, time indeed may almost be up. Yesterday Wikileaks announced that 2017 would be a very big year:
“If you thought 2016 was a big Wikileaks year 2017 will blow you away. Help @Wikileaks prepare for the showdown.”
This latest announcement falls in line nicely with the belief that there is something still in play. That an end-game is in sight.
After all, a showdown is nothing less than a culmination point. It is the end of something that has been in play.
If there are massive revelations coming in 2017, then what could they be? In an interview with Katie Couric of Yahoo News in December of 2016, Couric asked Edward Snowden: Are there still bombshells (revelations) in this cache of documents that have still not seen the light of day? Snowden responded:
I was very careful when I came forward to make sure I never revealed a single secret. This I believe quite strongly is the role of free press in our society. This is why the first amendment is first. They’re charged with making these decisions about what we should know, when and how. They should contest the government’s monopoly on controlling information, particularly the classified spaces. So I’m not going to say if there’s something else coming, or when, but I will say this: In 2013, before this started, the idea that the government was collecting records of every phone call in the United States was a conspiracy theory. It’s not anymore.”
Did Snowden just elegantly and indirectly say that more conspiracy “theories” will be revealed as conspiracy “facts” in the times ahead? Possibly.
While it remains to be seen how this possible end-game plays out in the weeks ahead, it is interesting to ask what, if anything, Snowden and Wikileaks know about the global collateral accounts; a story which is regarded as the shadow government’s biggest financial cover-up and would certainly be important to the entire political, financial and social sphere of our world. If an end-game existed, revealing information about these global collateral accounts would certainly become important at some point. Back in August of 2016, former CIA spy Robert Steele became one of the first major figures to publicly speak about these accounts.
Will there be more revelations coming? Is there some sort of positive alliance actually working to expose the lies of the shadow government? Will more “theories” be revealed as “facts?” Will Snowden himself reveal more information? Will 2017 be the kind of year that Wikileaks said it would be? Let us know your thoughts about what you think might be exposed. We all watch with great anticipation.
by Lance Schuttler【転載終了】
影の政府/カバールが暗闇と腐敗を露呈させると信じる者はいないかもしれませんが、真実は私たちがすでにそれらのいくつかを見ていることです。確かに、この銀行と政治的エリートを奪うために働く "The System"の中には "良い人"がいます。
私たちがこれについて持っている最初の証拠は、CIAがロシアがWikileaksの啓示の源であることについてCIAが横たわっていると世界に語った時に、英国の元大使であったCraig Murrayが最近言ったことです。 Murrayが言ったことをZerohedgeが報告した:
「誰がそれらを漏らしたのか知っている。私はそれらを漏らした人に会った、そして確かにロシア人ではなく、それは内部者である。それは漏れであり、ハックではありません。 2つの異なるものです。
言い換えれば、The Systemの中で働く「良い男」が情報を漏らした。内部の誰かが影の政府を公開しようとしています。
"あなたが2016年がWikileaksの大きな年だったと思ったら、2017年はあなたを吹き飛ばすでしょう。 @ウィキリークスが対決を準備するのを手伝ってください。
2017年に大規模な暴動が起こった場合、彼らは何をすることができますか? 2016年12月のYahoo NewsのKatie Couricとのインタビューで、CouricはEdward Snowdenに尋ねました。まだ日の光を見ていないこのキャッシュには爆弾(啓示)が残っていますか?スノーデンは答えました: