ひろひろの生活日記(LIFE Of HIROHIRO)

パソコン講習とソフト開発をしています。自作小説も掲載しています。ネット情報発信基地(上野博隆)Hirotaka Ueno

0008「悪世の中の比丘(びく)は、0008`Aku yononaka no biku (biku) wa, 

2020年09月17日 19時32分41秒 | 法華経の一説〔解)

0008「悪世の中の比丘(びく)は、0008`Aku yononaka no biku (biku) wa, 

「悪世の中の比丘(びく)は、邪智(じゃち)にして心諂曲(てんごく)に、未だ得ざるを為(こ)れ得たりと謂 (おも) い、 我慢 (がまん) の心 充満 (じゅうまん) せん」

(Reading romaji)
`Aku yononaka no biku (biku) wa, jachi (ja chi) ni shite kokoro tengoku (ten goku) ni, imada ezaru o tame (ko)re e tari to ī (omo) i, gaman (gaman) no kokoro jūman (jū ma n) sen'

(Literal translation)

The monks in the bad world

He has a wicked wisdom, and his heart is flattering.

He thinks he got this, even though he hasn't got it yet.

My pride is full of heart.



1) "Evil world" has three meanings.


(1) A person is murky (jokuaku: murky and bad).
・Killing (including suicide). There are constant killings and conflicts (such as the conflict between China and the United States).
・There is no choice but to devote the person's heart to the rules of "Namu_Myo_ho_Renge_kyo".


(2) A disaster or pandemic is occurring.
・Disasters and plagues never end. The reason why these happen is that we do not respect God or Buddha. This means that life is not respected. Nature is also life.



(3) It is bad politics.
Sontaku politics, sontaku administration, concession politics for elections. Money-spreading politics. Don't look at the root cause. Only tentative policies. If something happens, the policy will be blown away immediately. It is the country that pays. But it's a tax. The time when you have to think about different profits. It can be used for various purposes such as infrastructure development, social security, industrial support, education and training. We should stop centralization and aim for a small government.
・It is important to make a profit by providing people, goods, money, information and services.

2) "Bikku" is a person in power (politician) in modern times.


(1) What is the true form of a person with status and power?
・ He uses correct knowledge without using evil wisdom.
・ He treats other people in a straightforward manner.
・ He learns what he does not know, without knowing it.
・ "Unrelenting life: He does not spare his body and life."

(2) What is enlightenment?
・ It is a fixed heart that abandons life.

(3) Why does my pride occur?
・ Fall into desire. (Fall into bad knowledge. Protect your desires.)
Bad knowledge is Money greed, Power greed, Crown greed, Jewelry greed, Profitist, Is principle.

End of commentary.


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(Yuya's adventure)0026_misunderstanding of demons⑦ (Medium ①)

2020年09月17日 13時21分04秒 | Yuya's adventure.(Original novel)

(Yuya's adventure)0026_misunderstanding of demons⑦ (Medium ①)

Their pain continued.
However, it will gradually ease.

The three were gathered in a park on the outskirts of the city.
"Everyone, finally go.
I told my friend to go for a week. "
Mendia said happily.
"Are you okay? Your parents forgave you?" Yuya asked with anxiety.
"I left the message on the table," Mendia replied flatly.
"I absolutely have to help.
I still feel like there is a child with pain. "
"I see," Yuya was convinced.
Edge also said a word.
"If you don't come back after a week
Come look for me "
I told my parents. "
Mendia "Now ready"
Yuya "Departure!"
The three hold hands and become light and take off.
The destination is medium (gate of darkness).

to be continued. Next time (Misunderstanding of the demons ⑧ (Medium②))



つづく。 次回(魔族の誤解⑧(ミディアム②))

#Yuya #adventur #YuyaAdoventur #OriginalNovel #Misunderstanding_of_demons⑦ #Medium #English

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