Team Purpose – What’s the value of drawing these people together? What problem are they facing and what would be an acceptable outcome? (世界の人と繋がり参加する意義は?問題は?許容できる結果は?)
Team Goals and Milestones – Define how the team will know that they have been successful. Define major activities and time frames.(ゴールとプロセス、何を持って成功と言えるか?そのための課題と行動)
Duration and Time Commitment – The amount of time the team will be working together needs to be documented (for example is this a 12 months time frame?).(チームが活動するタイムスケジュールを見える化する)
Scope (in scope / out of scope) – Thinking though the scope helps to define the beginning and end of the spectrum. The scope, while setting parameters, also helps the team leader(s) easily identify tasks that are outside of the scope, minimizing scope creep.(俯瞰的にみて、チームの外からと中からと)
Members – Team leader and members should be listed individually. This provides recognition and enhances commitment. (チームの名前と役割を明示しておく)
Define Roles – Who will do what, define responsibilities (5W1H 特に誰が何をしておくか)
Norms – what behaviors are permissible. How will the team deal with breaking of norms?
Desired End Result – This provides an opportunity to begin with the end in mind.