

東京オリンピックは開催中止 Tokyo2020 Olympics canceled

2020年03月14日 | 雑感

WHO's goofy secretary General Tedros has announced a pandemic of Wuhan pneumonia.
In the future, infections will spread in Europe and the Middle East. As you aimed.
In the future, those who are called Neo-Chinese or Affirmatives in Japan will be wiped out, including politics, businesses and universities.
Japan chose Britain and the United States, not China.
And Emperor Reiwa visits the UK.
Although there is an Olympic postponement, in 2021, swimming and athletics world tournaments are so crowded that schedule adjustments are impossible.
The 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the same as the 1940 Tokyo Olympics, which was a phantom the year before World War II, will be canceled the night before the war.


2020年02月09日 | 雑感


The Japanese government's open-minded entry of Chinese has greatly increased the public health risks of Japanese people.
Already, the transmission from Chinese to Japanese is widespread. It seems to be just a cold, but in metropolitan areas such as Tokyo and Osaka, the number of potentially infected people is spreading due to close contact with public transportation.
It is not the CCP that controls the information, but the Japanese government.
Leaving Carlos Ghosn's escape from Japan and returning a person from Wuhan to home, he has been left unattended. This reveals the lack of governance and control of the Japanese government.
Pro-China parties such as the Liberal Democratic Party will be destroyed without IR issues. Conversely, anti-Chinese forces, like the US Congress, will rise and argue for a shift in Chinese policy.

China's major metropolitan areas have been closed off, increasing the possibility that the PLA's military jurisdiction will become an independent warlord. It reveals the deterioration of the governing capacity of the CCP.
But Wuhan Pneumonia is a wonderful biological weapon. It will crush the Chinese Communist Party, which has failed to rise peacefully.


2020年02月01日 | 雑感





End of the Chinese Communist Party's rule of China-China's blockade due to spread of biological weapons and Wuhan pneumonia

The PLA and armed police in Wuhan are injecting preventive drugs for Wuhan pneumonia (2019-nCoV). When developing biochemical weapons, it is common to prepare not only attacks but also defenses and deploy them in combat. Wuhan pneumonia is said to have been completed in 2018. And the PLA is burying dead bodies by digging huge holes to fill those who died from Wuhan pneumonia. As expected, the CCP cannot remove organs from humans infected with biological weapons and use them for transplantation. However, those who die of "unknown pneumonia" are sent for organ transplantation.
Wuhan pneumonia has already infected more than 10,000 people in China and will continue to increase. In Wuhan, the existing hospital is malfunctioning, so we are constructing the Raijin Mountain Isolation Facility and the Kagami Mountain Hospital. During the SARS outbreak in 2003, Xiaotangshan Hospital was constructed on the outskirts of Beijing with 7,000 workers, which was completed in a week. In Wuhan and other Hubei provinces, medical staff, including more than 4,130 doctors from all over China, are operating to provide local medical support. The number of medical staff to support is likely to reach 6,000.
What matters is the mortality rate of Wuhan pneumonia. The Spanish flu fatality rate from 2018 to 2019 is 2.5%. Wuhan pneumonia is estimated to exceed 3.0% mortality. This 3.0% fatality rate is by no means neglected. And more than 5 million people from Wuhan have evacuated inside and outside the country, of which 10,000 are in Tokyo. The Japanese government accepts unlimited Chinese, which is a major problem. Wuhan pneumonia is widespread in metropolitan areas such as Tokyo, with more than 2,000 deaths. This happens when Japan and the Tokyo Olympic / Paralympic Games as a state guest of Xi Jinping also not be held.

A pandemic of biological weapons originating in China will block China from all over the world. The movement of people and goods is restricted. This will give the Chinese economy more economic damage than the US-China trade war. The blockade of China signifies the end of Chinese control by the CCP. If you can read ahead, you will be cooperating with and supporting Chinese democracy. Like Mitsui during the Shin Revolution.

Wuhan pneumonia is an RNA virus that is mutated because it has no self-repairing function like DNA virus. Some highly lethal Wuhan pneumonia has occurred. Extremely dangerous.
The PLA has deployed to Beijing and Shanghai and is preparing for a city blockade as Wuhan pneumonia spreads. The infection is already spreading to metropolitan areas in China. It gets out of control sooner or later.
All medical supplies such as masks and protective clothing provided by the Japanese government to China are transported to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Not supplied to Wuhan.
The United States is fully aware of the seriousness of this Wuhan pneumonia, and has increased production of masks and protective clothing since last year.
The US military bases overseas are also anticipating the spread of infection, disinfecting the bases and preparing to deploy a chemical protection unit.
From February, US business people and family members will leave China. There are facilities in the United States to isolate returnees from China.
Pro-Chinese diplomats and their families, including Russia, Iran and North Korea, have returned home by the end of last year, and have not returned to China after the New Year.


2020年01月25日 | 雑感
武漢肺炎(2019、a novel coronavirus:2019-nCo)の患者数の公式発表には問題ある。
Novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV:early estimation of epidemiological parameters and epidemic predictions」によれば、感染者数を164,602から 351,396と推測している。

There is a problem with the official announcement of the number of patients with Wuhan pneumonia (2019, a novel coronavirus: 2019-nCo).
First, you need to see a hospital to get a “confirmation decision” that you are infected with a coronavirus. However, the number of patients is so great that it is difficult to consult. If a visit to the hospital reveals a coronavirus infection, the hospital will report it to the Wuhan Health and Health Commission. The committee then reviews for infection. And only the patients approved by the committee will be judged as "confirmed." ... If you do not have "confirmed", you will not be able to enter the hospital. Is not counted. It counts in the category "Unknown pneumonia". There is no fever at the stage of the examination, and even after receiving the prescription and returning home, if the condition worsens and dies, it will result in “unknown pneumonia”. In other words, the number of patients announced by the Chinese government, together with the economic growth rate of 6%, is a political and hopeful figure and does not represent the actual situation.
According to "Novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV: early estimation of epidemiological parameters and epidemic predictions", the number of infected people is estimated to be 351,396 from 164,602.


2020年01月02日 | 雑感
NATOのJens Stoltenberg事務総長は、中国の軍事的な伸張はすべてのNATO加盟国の安全保障に影響を与えるとの公式見解を示した。(2019年12月3日)NATO軍の最高司令官であるTod Wolter 大将は、ロシア軍は、直近3ヶ月の間はNATO艦艇や米海軍艦艇、偵察哨戒機など航空機に対する挑発・嫌がらせを行っていないとしている。10月下旬にノルウェー軍は、ロシア海軍潜水艦10隻が、北方艦隊の拠点コラ半島から大挙して北大西洋方面に進出していると発表した。まさにレッド・オクトーバーの世界だ。The Barents Observerによれば潜航しつつ北大西洋に進出しているのは8隻だと報道しているが、何れにせよこれは演習である。NATOの対潜監視網からは逃れられない。

このロシアを米国は、ウクライナ問題に端を発した経済制裁により中国寄りにしてしまった。早期警戒衛星の情報提供や技術供与はその明らかな兆候である。ロシアもしたたかに金のあるように見える中国には、核心的な技術は渡さずにうまく付き合っている。そして、中国人民解放軍海軍(People's Liberation Army Navy)の活動はグローバル化しており、ロシア海軍もこれに連携している。2019年11月25日〜同月30日の間、中国人民解放軍海軍はロシア海軍と南アフリカ海軍と3カ国による合同演習をケープタウンを拠点として実施した。(新華社通信 2019年11月27日)中国のアフリカ侵出は有名だが、はるばる南アフリカまで出張っての演習は、外征海軍であるとの意を示したいのであろう。しかし、海軍の育成には時間が掛かる。とても米海軍の熟練度には達していない。未熟で経験不足だ。また、中国人民解放軍海軍とロシア海軍は、イラン海軍&革命防衛隊と年も押し詰まった12月27日から31日の4日間、共同海軍演習を実施した。年明け2020年1月には、中国人民解放軍海軍は、パキスタン海軍との合同訓練を実施する。(新華社通信 2019年11月29日)


さて、NATOは、海洋監視能力の向上を目指してEU MOC(European Maritime Operations Center)構想を進めている。2019年11月20日から21日 に開催されたOcean 2020@イタリアでプロトタイプを公開テストした。イタリア海軍艦艇を中心とする5隻と無人機9機が参加。因みにOcean 2020は、EU加盟15ヶ国から42の企業団体が参画している。

ミャンマーのラカイン州問題 ~さまよえるロヒンギャ族~

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has officially stated that China's military extension will affect the security of all NATO members. (December 3, 2019) General Tod Wolter, Commander-in-Chief of the NATO Army, said the Russian Army has been provoking and harassing aircraft such as NATO ships, U.S. Navy ships, and reconnaissance patrol aircraft for the last three months. It is not. In late October, the Norwegian Army announced that 10 Russian Navy submarines had begun to fly north into the North Atlantic in large numbers from the Kola Peninsula, home of the Northern Fleet. The world of Red Oktober. The Barents Observer reports that eight vessels are sailing into the North Atlantic while diving, but this is an exercise anyway. You cannot escape NATO's anti-submarine surveillance network.

The United States has brought Russia closer to China due to economic sanctions triggered by the Ukraine issue. Providing information and technology for early warning satellites is a clear sign. Russia seems to have a lot of money, but it has been dealing well without giving core technology. And the activities of the People's Liberation Army Navy (People's Liberation Army Navy) are globalizing, and the Russian Navy is working with it. Between November 25 and 30, 2019, the PLA Navy conducted a joint exercise with the Russian Navy and the South African Navy based in Cape Town. (Xinhua News Agency Nov. 27, 2019) Although China's invasion of Africa is famous, the exercises on a business trip to South Africa all the way would indicate that it is an expeditionary navy. However, fostering the navy takes time. It has not reached the level of US Navy skill. Immature and inexperienced. In addition, the Chinese PLA Navy and the Russian Navy conducted joint naval exercises with the Iranian Navy and the Revolutionary Guard for four days from December 27 to 31. At the beginning of January 2020, the PLA Navy will conduct joint training with the Pakistan Navy. (Xinhua News Agency November 29, 2019)

India is alert to the movement of the PLA Navy on the Gulf and Indian Ocean. In particular, the PLA Navy ships frequently appear in the Andaman Sea, and the Indian military is strengthening the defense of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. In January 2019, the Indian Navy opened a new Kohasa base in northern Andaman. This aims to improve the capabilities of the Andaman Nicobar Army. Since then, it has been working on a joint depot for the three Andaman Nicobar forces, renovating Naval Base Campbell and expanding the runway. India's state intentions are clear. India has been paying attention to the Shin-Meiwa UP2 flying boat, a testimony to the heavy view of the isolated environment far away from mainland India. However, disturbing movements around India, such as Pakistan and Bangladesh approaching China, are remarkable. Currently, China is building a naval base and submarine base in Bangladesh. It's not surprising that you buy a submarine from China. Myanmar's relations with China are subtle. Despite the Rohingya problem, China's economic assistance is at stake. There India leases submarines to Myanmar and educates naval officers. This is the same composition that more than 3,500 Chinese PLA cadets are studying at a Russian military academy.
I personally focus on India's military expansion. I am brave at India's emergence as a powerful opposition to China.

NATO is now working on an EU Maritime Operations Center (MOC) initiative to improve ocean monitoring capabilities. The prototype was publicly tested at Ocean 2020 II Italy, which was held from November 20 to 21, 2019. Five vessels, mainly Italian naval vessels, and nine drones participated. Ocean 2020 has 42 business associations from 15 EU member states.


2020年01月01日 | 雑感

2020年1月1日、バルト三国の防空指揮管制システムを統合したBALTNET(Baltic Air Surveillance Network and Control System)が稼働を開始した。BALTNETは、リトアニアのカウナス(Kaunas)カルムラバ(Karmėlav)に所在する。カウナスといえばユダヤ人に命のビザを発給したことで有名な杉浦千畝を思い出す。カルムラバはカウナス国際空港の近傍の小さな町である。BALTNETは、カウナスの統合統制通報システム(Combined Control and Reporting Centre)とラトビア、エストニア、そしてポーランドの防空監視センターと軍事レーダー基地を接続し、更にNATOのNATINAMDS(NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System)と繋がっている。また、BALTNETの防空監視データは、ドイツのウデム(Uedem)にあるNATO統合航空作戦センター(NATO Combined Air Operations Centre)に提供されNATO空軍が持ち回りで担当しているバルト諸国の防空監視・スクランブル等の対応に利用される。(リトアニア国防省 2019年12月19日)BALTNETにより、リトアニア、ラトビア、エストニアの防空監視能力と空戦能力は格段に向上する。


 カルムラバ(Karmėla)にBALTNET Combined Control and Reporting Centre
 Lielvārde Air Base(リエルヴァーデ空軍基地)に航空作戦センターと基地レーダー基地(AN/TPS-77)
 Ämari空軍基地にRegional Airspace Surveillance Co-ordination Centre(RASCC)
 Levalõpmeのレーダー基地(Ground Master 403、移動式、Sバンド、450km)
 Otepääのレーダース基地(Ground Master 403)

* 1994年〜1995年 バルト3国に統合航空監視システムを整備することが決定
* 1997年4月3日   リトアニアに地域空域監視調整センター(RASCC)の設置が決定
* 1997年      BALTNETステアリンググループとテクニカルサブグループが設立し、米国が、BALTNET統合監視センターを設立するための資金提供を決定
* 1998年4月16日  バルト3国は、BALTNETの設立に関する政府間協定に署名

BALTNETは、ロシアのバルト3国に対する軍事的圧力を軽減するために大いに貢献するだろう。特にクリミア問題以降、米国はバルト3国や東欧諸国に軍事的支援を強化しており、直近ではFY2020 国防歳出権限法においても、バルト3国向けとして1億7,500万ドルを計上している。また、バルト3国も自国防衛の能力強化のために自助努力をしている。2019年11月27日、リトアニアとウクライナが、サイバー 戦分野で相互協力する趣意書に署名している。これはロシアの不正規戦を駆使するハイブリッド戦に対応する意味合いがある。特にウクライナが経験したハイブリッド戦の経験はリトアニアを始めとするバルト3国においては貴重なものだろう。因みにバルト3国は、WWⅡソビエト侵攻の経験から、破壊活動、暗殺、狙撃などゲリラ戦を行う民兵組織が組織されている。また、リトアニアは、地上兵力の近代化に余念がない。昨年11月21日に、米国とJLTV(Joint Light Tactical Vehicle)と呼ばれる戦闘装甲車両200両の調達に関するLoA(Letter of Offer and Acceptance)に調印。JLTVは12.7mm M2 QCB機関銃を装備し総額は1億4,500万ユーロ。JLTVの配備先は、機械化歩兵旅団Iron Wolf(Mechanised Infantry Brigade Iron Wol)と 自動車歩兵旅団Griffin(Motorised Infantry Brigade Griffi)の歩兵旅団である。
リトアニア以外では、ラトビアとエストニア、そしてフィンランドの3国がArmoured Fighting Vehicle(AFV)の共同開発に付いて拘束力のないnon-binding letter of intent(LoI)に署名している。
フィンランドは、米宇宙軍(USSPACECOM : US Space Command)と宇宙状況認識(SSA : Space Situational Awareness)に関する連携協力合意に達している。MoUが締結されSSAの情報共有を促進する。日本は航空自衛隊がSSAに対応するべく準備をしている。


尚、既にフィンランドは、EUと欧州宇宙機関ESA(European Space Agency)のSSAに参画している。

そして、ロシアの軍事的脅威に直面するウクライナは、2020年の国防予算を対前年比で16%増の90億ドルとなっている。国家予算が440億ドル規模なので10.9%が国防&治安警察の予算となる。現在、イギリス軍がウクライナ軍向けにOperation Orbitalと名付けられた訓練ミッションは、期間を3年間延長する(2023年3月)ことが決まっている。イギリス海軍も陸軍国であるウクライナ海軍向けに訓練を施している。ご想像の通りSAS22連隊もはいっており、ロシアのハイブリッド戦など不正規戦を監視・関与しているし、米国とイスラエルが、ウクライナのS400防空システムの詳細を調査している。

On January 1, 2020, the Baltic Air Surveillance Network and Control System (BALTNET), which integrates the air defense command and control systems of the Baltic States, began operation. BALTNET is located in Kaunas, Karmėlav, Lithuania. Speaking of Kaunas, I remember Chiune Sugiura, famous for having issued a visa for life to Jews. Kalmurava is a small town near Kaunas International Airport. BALTNET connects Kaunas's Combined Control and Reporting Center with Latvia, Estonia and Poland's air defense monitoring centers and military radar bases, as well as NATO's NATINAMDS (NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defense System). ing. BALTNET air defense surveillance data will be provided to the NATO Combined Air Operations Center in Uedem, Germany, where the NATO Air Force will be in charge of round-trip air defense surveillance and scrambles in the Baltic States. Used for correspondence. (Department of Defense, Lithuania December 19, 2019) BALTNET will significantly improve air defense monitoring and air combat capabilities in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

Below are the assets that make up BALTNET ↓

● Lithuanian Air Force:
BBALTNET Combined Control and Reporting Center in Karmėla
ŠAntaveršis first radar station (AN / TPS-77, mobile, L-band, 470km)
Third radar station in Degučiai (AN / TPS-77)
4 Ceikiškės 4th radar base (AN / TPS-77)
● Latvian Air Force:
Air Operations Center and Base Radar Base (AN / TPS-77) at ielLielvārde Air Base
UdAudriņi's second radar station (AN / TPS-77)
Čalas Third Radar Station (AN / TPS-77)
● Estonian Air Force:
Regional Airspace Surveillance Co-ordination Center (RASCC) at Ämari Air Force Base
レ ー ダ ー Levalõpme radar station (Ground Master 403, mobile, S-band, 450km)
Radar base at Otepää (Ground Master 403)
Kellavere radar station (AN / TPS-77)

BALTNET is based on years of effort, cooperation and support.
* 1994-1995 決定 Decided to establish an integrated aviation monitoring system in the three Baltic countries
* April 3, 1997 Establishment of Regional Airspace Monitoring and Coordination Center (RASCC) in Lithuania
* 1997 Established by BALTNET Steering Group and Technical Subgroup, and the United States decides to fund BALTNET Integrated Monitoring Center
* April 16, 1998-The Baltic States sign an intergovernmental agreement on the establishment of BALTNET

BALTNET will greatly contribute to reducing military pressure on Russia's three Baltic states. In particular, since the Crimea issue, the United States has strengthened its military support to the three Baltic states and Eastern European countries, and recently recorded $ 175 million for the three Baltic states under the FY2020 Defense Expenditure Authority Law. The three Baltic states are also making efforts to strengthen their defense capabilities. On November 27, 2019, Lithuania and Ukraine signed a letter of intent to cooperate in the field of cyber warfare. This has implications for a hybrid battle that makes full use of Russian irregular warfare. In particular, the experience of Ukraine's hybrid game will be valuable in Lithuania and other three Baltic states. By the way, the Baltic States have a militia organization that conducts guerrilla warfare activities such as sabotage, assassination, and snipers based on the experience of the invasion of the WWII Soviet Union. Lithuania is also busy with modernizing its ground forces. On November 21, last year, the United States signed a LoA (Letter of Offer and Acceptance) for the procurement of 200 combat armored vehicles called JLTVs (Joint Light Tactical Vehicles). JLTV is equipped with a 12.7mm M2 QCB machine gun for a total of 145 million euros. JLTV is deployed at the mechanized infantry brigade Iron Wolf (Mechanized Infantry Brigade Iron Wol) and the infantry brigade of the Motorized Infantry Brigade Griffi.
Outside of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland have signed a non-binding non-binding letter of intent (LoI) for the joint development of the Armored Fighting Vehicle (AFV).
Finland has reached a cooperative agreement with the US Space Command (USSPACECOM) on Space Situational Awareness (SSA). MoU is concluded to promote SSA information sharing. Japan is preparing the JASDF to respond to SSA.

※ Past blog: Space surveillance team in the Air Staff Section

Finland has already participated in the SSA of the EU and the European Space Agency (ESA).

Ukraine, facing Russia's military threat, has raised its defense budget in 2020 to $ 9 billion, up 16% year-on-year. Since the national budget is $ 44 billion, 10.9% will be allocated to defense and security police. Currently, a training mission named Operation Orbital for the Ukrainian Army by the British Army has been extended for three years (March 2023). The Royal Navy is also training for the Ukrainian Navy, an army nation. As you can imagine, the SAS22 regiment is also in place, monitoring and engaging in irregular warfare, including Russian hybrid warfare, and the United States and Israel are investigating details of Ukraine's S400 air defense system.


2019年12月27日 | 雑感
議題は、(1)党綱領の一部改定 (2)大会決議と中央委員会報告 (3)新中央委員会の選出 (4)その他―です。」とある。

緒方貞子の『満州事変 政策の形成過程』を読了

2019年11月24日 | 雑感

緒方さんが『満州事変』を書いた当時の1960年代はまだ、事変関係者が生存していた。原書房版の「あとがき」にも、文庫本の「まえがき」にも書かれているが、関東軍参謀の片倉衷(かたくら ただし)も生きており、緒方さんは、片倉から「満州事変機密政略日誌」の一部を隔週に借り受け、その際に片倉と質疑応答をしており、これは貴重な情報だっただろう。片倉は長寿で平成3年に93歳で没している。

さて、緒方さんが亡くなってから丸善など大手書店には、『満州事変 政策の形成過程』の文庫本が平積みにされている。軍事関係の古本を扱う神保町の文華堂では4,500円するが、今でも十分に読む価値のある書籍だと思います。


2019年11月09日 | 雑感

このキャッサバの生産量は、この30年の間に倍増している。理由の一つは、キャッサバは、他の穀物なら育たない環境でもそれなりの収量があり、仮に肥沃な土地であれば、驚異的な収量を得ることができる商品作物である。国連食糧農業機関FAO によれば、1978~2008 年までの30年間で総生産量を1.23億トンから2.33億トンに増加している。これは、大豆(206%)、サトウキビ(125%)、トウモロコシ(109%)に次ぐもので、コメ(78%)や小麦(55%)を軽く凌駕している状況だ。



2019年11月04日 | 雑感


既に貿易戦争状態となっているが、米国は技術・金融・情報などの対中管理を厳密化しており、既に、中国の科学者にはビザを発給しなくなっている。10月21日から25日にかけて開催されたINTERNATIONAL ASTRONAUTICAL CONGRESS(IAC)の70周年記念にあたる記念的な会議にも中国関係者にはビザが発給されていない。これは、新疆ウイグル自治区でイスラム教徒の少数民族弾圧に関わったとしてビザの発給制限に踏み切っているからだ。10月7日には、中国企業20社余りを対象に、少数民族に対する政府を支援したとして禁輸措置を発動している。



また、マルコ・ルビオ上院議員らは、公務員の年金運用において中国株への投資を中止する法案を11月6日を目処に提出する。連邦職員の退職金が中国株に投資されることは米国経済や国家安全保障を脅かす中国共産党を利することになり容認できないと述べている。因みに連邦退職貯蓄投資理事会(FRTIB:Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board's)の11月時点での中国株のウェートは7.5%と言うことだ。また、報道の通り、公開会社会計監督委員会(PCAOB:Public Company Accounting Oversight Board)が財務情報へのアクセスを制限されている国の株式や金融商品への投資を阻止するとしており、財務情報へのアクセスを制限されている中国株式や金融商品への投資は大いに制限・阻止される。



I personally consider Vice President Pence's speech to China at the Hudson Institute in October to be the second Haru Note. Today, China is divided into the CCP and its army, the PLA, and the Chinese government, on top of which the President reigns. This is the same as Japan before the war. The Emperor was divided into the Imperial Army and Navy and the Imperial Government (legislative, judicial, and executive), and was the Emperor.
Before the war, Japan expanded its continental policy, eventually leading to a war with Britain and the United States, and lost. Halnaut is the same as a substantial US and British war declaration.
The second Halnote is the Pence speech last October. The Chinese Communist Party will follow the same path as the Japanese Empire. The United States and the British end the Chinese Communist Party's rule of China.

Although the country is already in a state of trade war, the United States has tightened its control over technology, finance, and information in China, and has already issued no visa to Chinese scientists. No visas have been issued to Chinese officials at the INTERNATIONAL ASTRONAUTICAL CONGRESS (IAC) 's 70th anniversary commemorative meeting held from October 21 to 25. That's because the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has started restricting visas for alleged involvement in the suppression of Muslim ethnic minorities. On October 7, an embargo was imposed on more than 20 Chinese companies for supporting the government on ethnic minorities.
However, visa issuance restrictions have been in place since then, and a meeting in Washington on quantum ICT in February was held at a conference without a visa issued to Professor Ban Jianwei (China University of Science and Technology), the father of China's quantum. Not able to participate. In addition, similar measures are being taken at advanced technology conferences such as artificial intelligence.

The financial war has already begun:

At the Bilderberg meeting held from May to June, discussions on China's human rights, religion repression, and ethnic minority issues showed that even the pro-Chinese Kissinger was in favor of overthrowing the CCP. Strengthen China's tightening not only in trade but also in a wide range of areas. If China does not accept the second Haru Note, it will seize the foreign assets of the CCP and the wealthy. This has not been overstated, but it has also been quietly tightened in the financial arena. Chinese nationals in the United States and other countries are no exception, and families such as the Crown Party will face difficulties sooner or later.

Senators Marco Rubio will also submit a bill on November 6 to stop investing in Chinese stocks in government employees' pension management. Investing in Chinese stocks of federal retirement benefits would be unacceptable, benefiting the CCP, which threatens the US economy and national security. Incidentally, the weight of Chinese stocks in the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB) in November was 7.5% as of November. Also, as reported, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) has stated that it will prevent investment in stocks and financial products in countries where access to financial information is restricted. Investing in Chinese stocks and financial products that have restricted access to China will be greatly restricted or blocked.

China has refused to allow the PCAOB to audit Chinese companies listed on the U.S. Stock Exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, despite changes in US policy on China. Many large Chinese companies, such as Alibaba and Baidu, are raising dollars in the United States while avoiding PCAOB audits, but will no longer be able to do so. The impact has become apparent with the resignation of Alibaba Group's founder, Chairman Jack Ma, on September 10.

In any case, the Chinese Communist Party must conduct its business and investment in the post-disruption regime of the continent after failing to govern. Japan has been reported to greet Xi Jinping at the state guest, Japan is always from the world of trends, are offset in the lap, in particular managers guys sweet outlook and ideas that belong to the Keidanren, is amazed honest . Right now, retiring from China is a cultivation, and sticking to immediate interests will be a matter of survival for the company.

マクフェイトの「The New Rules of war」を読了

2019年11月02日 | 雑感
ショーン・マクフェイトの「The New Rules of war : Victory in the Age of Durable Disorder」が興味深い。読後の印象は、米軍版「ハイブリッド戦略」の薦めである。

『The New Rules of War』では、航空母艦や軟なF35戦闘機などの高価な兵器は削減せよとしている。賛成だ。現代戦においては、政治戦略、プロパガンダ、サイバー攻撃、国際的な法律規範などを武器として新たな土俵での軍事活動、諜報活動を行えと言っている。例えば、中国の南シナ海進出を抑止したいのなら、中国に裏口であるウイグル自治区への多面的な工作を行うことが有益で、少数民族の反乱活動を支援すれば中国共産党の関心は重点を移すだろう・・・。




現代貨幣理論(Modern Monetary Theory:MMT)を読了

2019年10月14日 | 雑感








さて、MMTは以下の3つの理論を根拠にしていると書く。第一はドイツの経済学者、ゲオルク・フリードリッヒ・クナップによって 20 世紀初頭に唱えられた貨幣理論。第二は 20 世紀のなかごろのアメリカの経済学者アパ・ラーナーの内国債理論。第三がケインズ経済理論である。




東京建物のBrillia ART AWARD 2018 「東の女神」堀口泰代

2019年10月05日 | 雑感
毎朝、東京駅前の「博多丼たく」でソバを食べるため、東京建物@八重洲の前を通るのだ。この東京建物の一角に「Brillia ART AWARD」で選出された作品が展示されている。今まで色々な作品を観てきたが、一番良かったのが堀口泰代の「東の女神」である。



2019年10月05日 | 雑感


2019年09月30日 | 雑感



       「「光明の入口」に勇気づけられ、田川健三の「新約聖書 訳と註」の訳業に感動する〜

ボン教に就いて書かれているのは、『神秘!チベット密教入門』で「第3章 謎のセクト・ボン教の秘められた教義を明かす!」(89ページ〜116ページ)である。高藤聡一郎は仙道家として、また恐妻家として有名である。私は二冊とも手元にあるが、今でも入手可能なのだろうか? 

