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365kimono なきゃつくる料理

Revliew of Mochi cooking class

2016-12-21 07:40:42 | 通訳 Japanese Guide
Review of my last week's Mochi cooking class (English follows)




お雑煮だけは昆布ダシとりからきちんと。食材ひとつずつ丁寧に下ごしらえ。沸騰させすぎない調理法やら、お正月仕様に野菜の型抜きが、料理に使うことに驚かれる。Cool!一体どこで買えるの?と(笑) 型抜きクッキーと同じなのにね。ゆずはレモンとはちがう甘味があること、香菜(シャンツアイ)に似てそうな三つ葉はこれまた違う爽やかな風味を持つこと、かまぼこは板から外すことなど。

また年明けとんど焼き参加時、餅持参対策も説明。 外国人ならば、どうぞどうぞとおすそ分けにあやかりやすいとは思うが(笑) 自宅から何を準備していくか、焼けた餅の最高にyummy(美味しい)ディッピングソースは、砂糖と醤油を混ぜただけ!消化をたすける大根おろしトッピングというのも、案外大好評でした。

そして最後に、お正月を迎える時期のお餅の話のでてくる日本の昔話、「かさじぞう」の絵本を英語と日本語で読みきかせ。日本語も勉強中の彼らにちょうどよかったのではないかな^^ アンケート掲載許可いただいてる分より下記にあります。英語環境に触れたい日本人も参加されました(^^)d  

It was so fun and interesting for me to do this Mochi cooking class mainly for expats living in Hiroshima. This can be so common among us Japanese, but I found that is not among non-Japanese, so its worth explaining.  

Maybe there are many chances for foreigners/expats to be invited to some expensive formal matters, such as tea ceremony, which are well explained in English everywhere. However, as for very common and ordinal daily life matters are rare target to be introduced nor explained.  

And as a picture book read aloud demonstrator myself, read a famous Japanese folk tale of Kasajizo (: The March of Zizo), which is regarding Mochi and celebrating new year both in English and Japanese, just as I always do(^^)  

Let me share with you feedback from my last week's Mochi cooking class participants, and if you are interested in joining like these cooking classes, just feel free to send me direct message. thank you(^^)

Q1: Was this event meeting your expectation? 5. Very satisfactory, 4. Satisfactory, 3. As I expected, 2. Below expectation, some improvements needed, 1. Never come again
Q2: How did you feel about price setting? 5. I’d pay much more, - 4- 3. Quite reasonable, -2- 1. Never come again
Q3: Would you like to come again?
Q4: Who would you recommend to join this event?
Q5: What did you like about this event?
Q6: What did you felt as the improvement areas?
Q7: Any comments?

Q1:5、Q2:4、Q3:Yes、Q5: Delicious food, English explanations, enthusiastic presentation, storybook reading, kid-friendly、Q6: For the cooking part, it would be great to have a more detailed list of ingrediens in English and Japanese, to find in the store. Q7: Thank you so much! we had a lot of fun

Q1: 4. Q2: 3.  Q4: Family with kids, Q5: I liked the friendly atmosphere, natural and easy to understand bilingual explanations. Q7: Not only cooking but also I wished my kid to be in English speaking atmosphere. I'd like to come again, thank you.

Q1: 5, Q2: 3. Q3: Yes, Q5: Japanese culture and food in one, Q6: All great , Q7: I loved the fun story

💛Q1: 5, Q2: 3, Q3: yes, Q4: members of HIWC, Q5: small group, easy to talk and ask questions., Q6: larger work area and "hand on"., Q7: I really enjoyed the presentation. Thanks for including me in this event!

💛Q1.-4、Q2-3, Q3-yes, Q4-all my friends, Q5-learning Japanese traditional cooking
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