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Children's House visiting 修道院訪問へHIWCのメンバーとして行ってきました

2017-07-07 17:36:18 | 子育て raising kids & me!

Orphanage/Children's Home visiting.

It was my very first time to visit an orphanage/Children's Home. The children we met are age 0 to 3. It is not allowed to take photos, so I wish to make a report only by words.

There were lots of children from age 0 to 3 in the yard. And it was amazing to find lots of teachers to take care of these infants. Some infants are too scared to be paid attention by strangers. Some are completely welcoming with big smiles on their faces. We enjoyed balloons and water bubble making and played in the sand circle in the yard, singing Tanabata songs as we see the decorations and wishes on bamboo trees.

I went to a corner where the smallest infants are. One of them started to talk something to me by using leaves and cups. We enjoyed the conversation for awhile and after that I took the infant baby in my arms who seems to like me to the reading section. The baby seems to be an year old, was so relaxing in my arms and almost fell asleep many times. They are just the age which needs mom or some certain caring person all day long.

I am not a kind of person to talk about love all day long. What I have been doing is to encourage parents that read aloud books will give your kids the strongest self esteem in the future. But what I found today was something more essential. You are great to be in this world and you are deserved to be loved, cared, and held to be in the arms.

It seems that one teacher needs to take care 2- 3 infants. It seems to be quite well balanced for an orphanage. But for an adult, that is a lot. I was talking with Angela Housley ion our way home and I agreed that it is important to show our appearance even once in a while visiting. We wish the teachers to feel they are well recognized in the society, for doing hard work despite of less resting. We wish to feel these teachers relax even just for a little while.

It is true that I needed a courage to actually visit an orphanage/Children's Home which is not at all common among Japanese culture. Now I know what is all about and the contribution I can do, I will keep visiting.

After the visiting I enjoyed lunch at my favorite Indian restaurant Roopali with
great visiting "Senpai"

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