Bubble painting (Grade 2)

2013年02月04日 16時30分00秒 | Grade 2

The japanese page is this page.


We blew bubbles out of coloured, soapy water with a straw.

Then pushed these bubbles onto paper.

The bubbles make shapes and colours onto the paper, and this activity uses this technique.

We connected 3 straws to try and avoid getting water in our mouths.

 It looks a little bit like blowing glass.

We need to get lots of bubbles.

You need to quickly get the paper in position quickly before the bubbles disappear.  

 This student found a good way to get the bubbles.

 It seems a good idea to do it this way.

Some people looked and felt how the bubbles moved and tried to make the bubbles bigger or smaller.

It can also be good to see the patterns from bubbles which have burst.

There are lots of different patterns made; small bubbles, big bubbles, bubbles which have burst…

 The bubbles in a cup liked nice, like an ice-cream or juice.

The patterns looked like this.

We could add to this design with a felt-tip pen. What sort of image could we make?

I can see cherry trees, or tropical fish swimming in a reef!


What do you see?

It is harder if there are lots of colours.

You need to try and look at the different shapes.

Maybe it would be a good idea to turn the paper and see if we can see something!


Can I now see a bird?!


What can you see?

I can’t see a bird any more…

Can I see the face of a dog…?

Purple eyes with a long nose…

 A mouth…

With an ear on the left…


What if I do this!


There is a child! 

 Where the dog’s ear was a minute ago is now a hand!

 It looks like it might be riding a roller-coaster with some spray coming off!


What can you see???

Painting a bumpy surface. (Grade 5) part 3

2013年02月04日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 5

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class A.

We made our uneven surface from materials brought to class, and then covered it with liquid clay.

Today we will add colour.

 We didn’t want to try and make the surface smooth to paint, instead enjoy how it is different to painting onto paper. 

 You needed to think about how to paint this in reverse.

You can see different shades of colour on the liquid clay.

It creates a very effective image.

Some people have changed the shape of their ‘canvas’ using scissors.

The feel of the piece has changed from when it was all white.

We can think of new colours and textures for the piece.

Some people stand when doing their work.

There was also work to write a description of the work.

The art room had a variety of unique works.