A story starts to move (Grade 6)

2013年02月08日 16時30分00秒 | Grade 6

The japanese page is this page.


 Students from class C.


We will now try to make a piece of work which can move, and in moving will try to tell a story. It could be like the ‘paku-paku’ from Grade 4, or something new you can think of.


Some people tried to devise a complex mechanism, while others used something simple.

 Using trial and error we came up with different models.

When someone made a mechanism which worked as they wanted you could see them smile to themselves. The people around would look and be impressed.

Here are 3 pieces of work.

Ms. TS’s work ‘The flowers say hello’


Ms. HA’s work ‘Rabbits make mochi’


Ms. YM’s work. ‘Digging for potatoes’.




Harmony of water and paint (Grade 3) part 3

2013年02月08日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class A.


We made a title and description of the work we had made.

We recorded this title on the ipad.

People next to each other helped with the ipad.

You can check that the whole image is being recorded by the ipad.

The nice thing about this system is you can comfortably record your title at your seat.


After this we did an exchange activity.

The description of the work was not always the same, and able to develop. It was quite exciting!

Here are 2 pieces of work.

Ms. FK’s work. ‘Colour of rain’

 Ms. TN’s work. ‘all sorts of colours are playing.’