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The collapse of Japan's universal health insurance

2024年09月26日 | Japanese Psychiatry hospital(日本の精神科医療)

The collapse of universal health insurance: the time will come when out-of-pocket medical expenses will be 50%

Social insurance taxes continue to increase.

First, let's look at social insurance taxes, a topic that we don't learn about in school.

Many people don't know that the company pays the same amount of social insurance premiums as those listed on the pay slip.

For example, on a pay slip, only the social insurance premiums that are deducted from the employee are shown.

However, the company must split the social insurance premiums for each employee, so

For an employee who earns 200,000 yen, the company prepares 230,000 yen.

Of the 230,000 yen that is not listed on the statement, the company pays 30,000 yen as the company's share (social insurance premiums).

And, for an employee, 30,000 yen is deducted from the 200,000 yen that is considered to be his or her salary, income tax is deducted, and the employee's take-home pay is 160,000 yen.

By the way, medical care is not maintained by social insurance taxes alone.

It is covered by 58% insurance premiums + 41% public funds + 11% out-of-pocket patient contributions.

In the first place, taxes are not a source of revenue.

The country (government) is just complaining that it "doesn't have the resources" and raising various taxes on the common people.

Until now, in the 20th century, tax money was poured only into the road and construction industries, but in the 21st century, a lot of it has also started to flow into the medical industry.

The economy was driven by building infrastructure such as roads and buildings, but now the industry of "treating illness" is driving the economy.

If you build roads and buildings, something remains.

However, medical care is mainly based on service fees, so it does not produce anything.

If the number of sick people decreases and the number of healthy people increases, the nation will become stronger.

Some people may think, "Isn't it enough if the number of healthy people increases!", but that is not the case.

This is because the medical industry was privatized, and private practice doctors became incredibly rich, formed pressure groups, and started to interfere in politics, saying, "Make hospital management more profitable."

However, the condition for the medical industry to flourish is that "if the number of unhealthy people increases, the number of customers will not increase."

This means that directing taxes to medical care means that, as a national policy,

"we are making the people unhealthier, inciting health anxiety, and making the total number of sick people 100 million."

Without sick people, hospitals and clinics would be unnecessary.

"Without sick people, the medical industry cannot function → inciting health anxiety."

In the past, the mainstream was a devilish cycle of "Without war, the weapons industry cannot function → inciting diplomatic issues."

In the case of Japan today, the story is that "medical care has simply shifted to the main industry."


Now, let's talk about social insurance taxes.

Every year, Japan spends 46 trillion yen on national medical care.

46 trillion yen is poured into the medical industry every year.

5 trillion yen is spent on education such as schools, and 6 trillion yen is spent on infrastructure development.

Isn't 46 trillion yen a big deal? (Pensions are 60 trillion yen, making a total of 100 trillion yen)

I'll say it again: are the people happy with more than 40 trillion yen spent on medical care every year out of all social security costs?

... They're not. (Japanese happiness continues to fall)

Our insurance and consumption taxes may just be disappearing into foreign car purchases for private practice doctors and luxury handbags for wives.

As these facts have come to light, some citizens are complaining that

"social insurance premiums are too high. It's essentially a tax increase."

And there is growing criticism of the elderly who go to hospitals, like senior citizen salons and senior citizen clubs.

Are the elderly really to blame?

I think the trend of "living a long life is happiness" and "not getting sick and dying healthy and happy" is wrong.

Even the working generation who criticize the elderly now, if they themselves experience the aging phenomenon of declining physical and mental functions, are laid off at work, lose their jobs, and are forced to live off their meager pensions and savings, they may lose their place in society and feel the need for a place to rely on, or they may start going to a "hospital" or an alternative facility that is kind to them even though they know it will be a money-making opportunity.


(For the elderly who sexually harass people in hospitals and facilities, hospitals may be like cabaret clubs where you have to pay 10% of the fees.)

We cannot forgive the evil of the Illuminati, who make excuses to raise taxes, focus on "medical expenses," raise social insurance taxes, and make the common people suffer.

The same is true of medical equipment manufacturers who are lining their pockets in the medical and welfare industry, medical corporation managers, and some people involved in medical schools.


Medical care is an "infrastructure" just like water, gas, electricity, police, and the military.

We must not lose the environment where we can immediately access medical care when we are feeling unwell.

Medical care is national security and defense.

However, if social insurance taxes continue to increase and the gap between the working generation and the elderly continues, I think it will not be long until the day when out-of-pocket medical expenses will be 50%.

When you visit a doctor to reduce medical expenses, measures such as "① increasing the cash payment from 30% to 50%, ② having the local government refund 20% of the increase at a later date" may be taken.

If that happens, medical care will become a government service for the rich.

Humans will have accidents and injuries as long as they are alive, so we will end up with a society where no one can live in peace.


Behind those who gain wealth and power through medical care there is an "invisible entity."

It is the "devil."

This social system, created by evil people who are intoxicated with the devil's ideas, is the root of all evil, and it is from there that the unfair and unequal medical system is born.

I think it is important to cut off the root of this evil.


Participating in demonstrations, voting, refraining from medical treatment, and boycotting insurance premiums will not solve the problem.

The evil people only change the laws and rules so that ordinary people cannot fight back, and use the power of the state, such as the police and national taxes, to oppress them.

Human power alone cannot defeat the devil, and we cannot change this world.

Society will change if each and every Japanese person prays for God's power.

I believe that changing the world through prayer will solve the problems of medical expenses and social insurance taxes.

"Prayer changes the world!"

You don't need money to pray, and you don't have to go out of your way to participate in demonstrations.

If you are interested in "how should I pray?" please watch the reference article and video below.

"God will not destroy the wicked if we just stand by and watch. The prayers of good people are needed more than anything. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=28473"

社会保険料対策 医療費窓口負担が5割になる時代が来るだろう2024年09月17日 より転載)

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