心のハンドル操作方法 幸せに生きるための教習所


Eating Disorders and Anorexia Have Spiritual Causes

2024年12月26日 | Japanese Psychiatry hospital(日本の精神科医療)

Eating disorders are illnesses in which a person suddenly becomes unable to eat, becomes thin like a skeleton, and becomes bedridden.

Eating disorders are said to be caused by a bias in body image, but it is not entirely clear where this bias comes from.

・Looking up to models and idols because they are thin

・Feeling disgust for not being thin when seeing overweight comedians being teased as "fat" and "pig"

・Wanting to look good in clothes

・Attachment disorder

There are many different causes.

However, there is one thing they all have in common.

People with eating disorders see a skull-like figure and think "thin and beautiful" and have a misaligned sense of aesthetic values. (Photo of a person with eating disorders and anorexia)

Like a skeleton.

People with eating disorders are said to become malnourished and bedridden, but still think "I want to lose weight and exercise."

And in the end, they die of malnutrition.

It is said that Kukai, a historical figure, died after being poisoned by mercury and becoming a mummified body, so he may have had an eating disorder.

What causes eating disorders? What is the trigger for a person to stop eating? When considering this, it is often said that it is "stress."

However, it is not just stress that makes a person stop eating.

Stress can easily cause the brain to become possessed by evil spirits.

(Kokoromi Clinic Daimon Hamamatsucho, "Letting go of checking your body shape and recovering from eating disorders")

Because the brain is destroyed, the person sees themselves in the mirror as being fat.

People who do not believe in the existence of demons may not understand this, but demons try to kill the human body and soul and take them to hell.

And in order to do this, various cultural arts have been spread, spreading values ​​that will drag people down to hell.

They design clothes that look good on underweight models, and underweight models wear them to set trends.

It has allowed homosexuals to succeed as fashion designers, and deceived the common people.

It is likely that the way people think and their values ​​are induced by "demonic culture and trends" is also a factor.

"I was told I was cute when I lost weight"

"I became more confident in myself after losing weight"

It is also a problem that people are only concerned with "physical changes rather than mental growth".

After puberty, the body does not grow, so now it is up to people to control their own body shape.

To some extent, it is determined by physical constitution, but it can also be said that "body shape is a reflection of thoughts".

People who are weak in their desires end up overeating and becoming fat, making it difficult to live.

In Japan, when you turn on the TV, there are only gourmet shows and programs about eating a lot, so it can be said that it is a society where it is difficult to suppress your appetite.

When people are stressed, their desires and negative emotions grow.

The devil works on people to make them turn to gourmet food to inflate their desires, to make them overeat, and to make them feel inferior and empty, which amplify their anger and sadness.

As a result, they become dominated by negative emotions, their behavior becomes abnormal, and they develop mental illnesses.

Mental illnesses cannot be cured unless you change your way of thinking.

Psychiatrists consider treatment to rewrite the memories and trauma in the brain.

However, even if negative emotions and distorted perceptions are diluted through counseling and psychiatric drugs, the trauma will not disappear, so the trauma will reignite at any moment and they will be dominated by negative emotions.

Trauma = memory will not disappear.

Therefore, instead of trying to control trauma, you have no choice but to continue to grow and live each day positively and fulfillingly, to the point where you no longer feel trauma.

``RAPT Paid Article 509 (October 31, 2020) When you are able to break through your limits, it means that you have acquired the power, authority, and ability of God. That is why the Lord makes us come up against our limits and trains us until we can break through them. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=53858"


RAPT, the author of the paid article above, has lived his life with faith in God, and as a result, he has endured 25 years of persecution, including brutal bullying and slander.

Even so, he has not given up on suicide in despair, but has lived a brighter and more positive life than anyone else and has been able to solve the mechanisms of this world and the afterlife. He strongly testifies that the reason he was able to do so was not because he was helped by some human being, but because he "has always loved God."

Although God is invisible to the eye, He works directly on our brains and bodies in the form of the Holy Spirit, awakening "feelings of joy and gratitude."

In fact, He teaches us how to solve problems through inspiration, and even if the problem is not solved immediately, He blows away gloomy feelings and negative thoughts.

"By praying to God and receiving the Holy Spirit, I was able to blow away any tiredness and live each day filled with joy and peace!! (Testimony of Saki, one of the twelve disciples)
Life February 20, 2024 https://rapt-plusalpha.com/96046/"

By living with faith in God, you can live naturally as a human being without relying on binge eating and vomiting.

The world is overflowing with demonic information, music, and subculture.

By constantly coming into contact with demonic things, demonic thoughts enter into you and you tend to believe that demonic values ​​are normal.

Mental illness is not about whether you believe in the devil or not, but about "people who unconsciously act according to demonic values."

Sometimes, if that behavior goes too far, it can become a criminal act or even lead to suicide.

In order to prevent this, we must always continue to protect our own thoughts and values.

Even if you are admitted to a psychiatric hospital or consult a counselor, eating disorders will not be cured.

Psychiatrists cannot understand the invisible world, and no human can change a person's thoughts.

I hope that those who suffer from anorexia and eating disorders can overcome them with the power of God.

"RAPT Paid Article 815 (February 24, 2024) God and Satan are closer than we can imagine. And if we think of God, we will be closer to God, and if we think of Satan, we will be closer to Satan. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=59404"

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